Chapter nine

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I walked into the reception and went to the desk to get my room key. They gave me it and it was number 7 my lucky number oh yes. I walked up the stairs looking at the numbers on the doors. I found 7 so I put the key in the door when I heard a really strong irish accent echoing down the hallway. It had to be chris I'm near sure. I left my bags in the room then came out and put the key in my pocket.

I walked down the hallway to where the irish voice was coming from. As I got closer I heard a northern accent that had to reece I'm positive! I reached the end of the hallway and looked left and there was reece, chris, barclay and charlie standing doing something. Chris was standing doing these things with his hands while the other 3 were shouting stuff at chris.

Reece saw me past chris and stopped what he was doing and came running towards me.

"Lexi!! Omg how did you know we were here?" Reece asked while hugging me.

I was fangirling deep down because he remembered my name and just hugged me. But I didn't want to show it so I stayed as calm as possible.

"I didn't I just booked a hotel to stay in and I was on the train and chet johnson sat with me and told me you guys are staying here too and my room is just down there and I heard chris' accent so I came to see if it was you lot" I explained.

" and it is us " barclay smirked.

" what were you lot doing anyway??" I asked them.

"Ooh we were playing serades. Chris is so bad at it" charlie said.

"I am not! You are just bad at guessing it!" Chris said. His accent was adorable I love it.

"What number is your room then?" Reece asked me.

"7" I replied.

"Oh that's my lucky number!" Barclay exclaimed.

"Mine too!" I said to him.

He smiled excitedly and said, " our rooms are 8+9 "

Holy shit they are right next door to me!

"Do you wanna meet and hang out with the rest of us? We still have like 5 or 6 hours to kill" reece asked me.

"Yeah sure!"

He smiled ( which is the cutest thing in the world ) and led the way to their rooms. He entered room 9 and I followed him.

Casey, tom, Jake and james were all sitting on the two double beds with hardcore rave music in speakers.

I stood there awkwardly and reece went over and turned the music down so it was just faint in the background.

"This is lexi, she's two doors down from here and she's the person who won vip for tonight too!" Reece told them all excitedly.

Casey smiled and waved and so did TOm and Jake but james just sat there on his phone. Oh okay mate.

"I remember you from Manchester!" Tom said to me.

" I remember you too" I said sarcastically. Why am I so sarcastic all the time hahah.

I sat on the bed beside Jake and I feel like I was becoming less nervous around them all. All the boys were now in the room and sitting either on the floor, on the bed or on a chair. We all looked so unsociable right now as we were all on our phones. I tweeted a picture of them all glued to their phones and I tagged them on the band account it got so many favourite and retweets already from everyone saying "omg are you with them already!!" But I couldn't be even bothered to explain to them all how I'm with them so I just ignored them all.

"Lexi! That picture you lil shit" charlie said laughing.

"Why what did she do?" Chris asked.

"I retweeted it on the band acc it's a picture of all of us sitting on our phones looking unsociable af." Charlie told them all.

"Oh yeah lexi don't tell any people wha hotel we're staying in because the security are really strict." Tom told me.

"Yeah sure I won't" I smiled back.

We were all talking about fans and the big ones that they remember all the time whenever the door knocked. Barclay got up and opened it as he was closest to the door. "BROTHAAAA" he exclaimed hugged someone who must of been Connor.

Oh shit not Connor.

Oh no can this get anymore awkward. Please tell me he forgets me and what happened with us.

He walked in at waved at all the boys smiling then his smile faded when he spotted me, "lexi" he nodded while sitting down on a chair.

Oh great he remembers me.

"You know her?" Reece questioned Connor.

" Oh yes. " He replied staring at me.

"How?" Barclay asked looking confused.

I looked down at my phone trying to zone out of the conversation but it wasn't working.

"Well I met her at the arena in Manchester and let's just say we had a few ups and downs" Connor told everyone while slightly giggling.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"You okay lex?" Reece said and put his arm around my shoulder.

"I guess so" I said.

Reece stood up and grabbed my hand, "come with me "

I was quite confused but took his hand anyways and he led me out of the hotel room.

"You didn't seem okay so let's talk about it" reece said while we both walked down the hallway. He literally was the sweetest human being ever. "Is it about Connor that's when I seen your face drop completely"

"Well yes." I said looking down at my feet.

"Did he hurt you?" Reece asked looking at me while we were still walking around the hotel.

"No not at all! It's just I don't really know a few things happened that night"

"Like what?"

"Well I was walking back to my seat and I was on my phone not looking were I was going so I bumped into him and he feel backwards onto the ground and he had coke in his hands so it ended up all over him." I said scrunching my eyebrows together. "I was so embarrassed"

"It's not that bad it was only an accident. But was he wearing black or white top?" Reece questioned smirking.


"Well that's even better there was no harm done!"

"I know but I just felt really bad. Especially because I knew it was Barclays brother. And the worst part was he was sitting 2 rows behind me so I couldn't even get away from him."

"Oh well it's done now I'm sure he probably doesn't even remember it so there's no need to be all awkward around him, just pretend it didn't happen."

"I know but that's not the only thing that happened" I said said looking to the ground again.

Reece stopped me and pulled hair from my eyes and put it behind my ear. He was till taller than me a bit even though I had heels on but he bent his head down a bit and started to kiss me. Our lips were moving in sync and then the kiss got a little more heated using tongues.

He pulled away smiling at me.

"I'm sorry I had to, you just seem so worried and stressed out about everything and there's no need to be babe" he said while taking my hand in his.

We started to walk back to the hotel room. "So anyway what else happened with Connor?" He asked.

I was going to tell him but after that kiss I don't think I can. I don't want him to turn against me or feel awkward around me because of Connor.

"Oh nothing it's just silly I don't even care anymore"

"Well that good. Smile" he said poking my cheek.

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