Chapter eleven

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Once the concert was over I met the boys at the back of the arena and I got the tour bus with them to the hotel. I sat on my own as I was very tired and wanted to lie my legs across the two seats.

"You better not be this tired for tonight's party" Jake smirked.

"Nah I'm sure once I get some alcohol I'll be fine" I smiled.


We arrived back at the hotel and the boys went straight to their rooms to get ready for tonight and I went to mine to also get ready.

I had two outfits to choose from:
Either a red play suit or a black and flowery dress but I decided to go with the dress.

I already had tan on so I just redid my makeup and straightened my hair then went downstairs to the bar.

5/8 were already there which was reece, Jake, james, Tom and barclay. Once I sat down charlie, casey and chris came and also sat.

Jake came along with drinks for all of us. The bar wasn't strict about age for drink as long as an over 18 bought it so we were all good.

After about an hour of hardcore drinking shots and vodka, me, chris and charlie got up and started dancing on the dance floor. Better songs came on so then the rest of the boys joined us including mikey and charlie from only the young.

The drink was really starting to kick in so I was starting to get a little tipsy and walking funny but I was entertaining the boys so that's good.

Haunted by Beyoncé came on so I started dancing and Jake then grabbed my waist and started grinding on me from behind. Reece was talking to Parisa but he seen all the boys crowd round me and Jake and then he looked up and he's face turned into a frown so he then walked closer and was watching.

Once the song was over Jake got closer to me and kissed me. Once the kiss finished I automatically looked at reece and he shook his head and walked over to Parisa and grabbed her face and kissed her.

I was so angry I can't believe he just did that.

James was standing there talking to tom so I decided I would use him next. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him so he set his drink down and then hugged me back. He slapped my ass while hugging me so I took this chance and kissed him. It lasted for ages and it was getting so heated.

We pulled apart but we still wanted to keep going so james sat in a booth and I sat on top of him and we continued kissing.

"Do you wanna take this to the bedroom?" James asked breathless and smirking.

I nodded so we walked up holding hands. We got to the door but we had no key so james said, "hold on I'll go get it off tom" so I sat myself down on the floor outside the room waiting.

A tall figure was walking up the stairs so I thought it was james and got up but it wasn't. It was reece.

He stood at the top of the stairs when he saw me and he just stared.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Yes. Yes you can." He replied while sitting down on the floor in front of me.

"Why are you trying to make me jealous?" Reece asked me

"I'm not."

"Yes you are don't even lie lexi!"

"Reece just because I kiss some boys doesn't mean I'm making you jealous!" I said starting to raise my voice.

"Why else would you kiss two of my band members!? There were plenty of other boys down there"

"Maybe I like band members better than normal boys!" I said which Is actually true.

"Lexi stop being twisted and just admit you were using me!"

"I wasn't" I simply replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Why are you sitting outside my hotel room anyway?" Reece questioned me.

"Erm because I'm waiting for james..."

"Oh so you're planning on having sex with him in the same room as in sleeping in!? No thanks love. And I'll think you'll find I have the key so bye. " Reece sassed me as he got up, put the key in and then went in and closed the door.

I sighed and decided I'd had enough for one night. So I walked down the hallway to my room and jumped on the bed and fell asleep straight away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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