10. BAR FIGHHHTTT (sadly just a rap battle)

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Imagine forgetting you have a book on wattpad– I'M SORRY


"Sorry but, I'll need this guy for a minute." The man said. He looked oddly familiar to you.

"... Ugh, whatever." Kim tsk'ed and let Keith go, making him fall on his ass. He got up and dusted himself off. He then looked at the man and smiled, he held his hand out for him to shake but the older male slapped it away, glaring at him.

"So, THIS is the boy you were seeing for a month now Cherry, huh?" The old man shot a disappointed look at the said girl before looking back at the cyan boy.

"I mean, please! This smurf lookin' dumbass can't even defend himself from a girl OR make a good comeback! How will he protect you?" He mocked the poor boy in front of him. The ravenette next to Keith wheezed and smacked her fist on the table.

"Fucking smurf lookin' dumbass! Oh my god! Cherry your father's HILARIOUS! I like him!" She laughed again and patted the redhead's back. The girl grumbled in her seat and glanced at her father.

"I'm 18! I know when someone isn't right for me! You don't have to always judge EVERYONE I date just because you don't want me to have a boyfriend!" She yelled and got up from her seat.

"Guys, guys. Let's resolve this is a civilized way." You said and got in-between the males.

"BAR FIGHT???" Kim screamed excitedly bouncing up and down.

"Nooo! No. I said civilized which means...

...it's time for a rap battle!" You announced. You were very much thrilled and visibly excited to see what will happen.

"Hah! I'm a retired professional singer! This will be easier than I thought!" He cackled loudly and got up on the stage

"Keithy baby you don't have to do this..." Cherry started before she was cut off by her boyfriend.

"Don't worry, I can do this! I'll prove that I'm not wimp!" He said confidently, before Kim grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Now don't worry Keith! It's not like you'll humiliate yourself in front of everyone in this bar including your girlfriend and her father that already despises you, causing you to be the laughing-stock for the rest of the year and for her father to force Cherry to break up with you. May I also not forget the fact someone just might be recording such an event to later post it on YouTube titled "Cyan haired idiot completely crushed my DD!". But hey! It's not like it'll REALLY happen, right? Anywhoozie, Good luck!" She 'reassured' him and pushed him onto the stage. His face was now pale, completely washed away from his previous shining confidence thanks to a certain person. Cherry got onto the speakers as a judge and shot her lover a comforting smile, making him relax slightly and some skin color and confidence to come back. She announced to everyone inside the bar about your little 'event'

and the battle started.

Daddy Dearest /VS/ Boyfriend
At least that's what they chose for their stage names.

It sounded oddly familiar to you. Oh so familiar yet you couldn't recall anything. You kept thinking about it until the song started playing. The oh so nostalgic notes hit you like a bus.

-lost memory🔓-

"Woah! You look so cool!" You squeaked loudly and pointed your finger at the male. The little Asian next to you nodded vigorously, giggling under her breath.

"[Y/N], what did I tell you about pointing fingers at people?" Your babysitter scolded.

"Oh no it's totally fine. Thanks for the compliment, champ." He chuckled at your excitement. It reminded him of a certain little girl that's waiting for him to come home.

"It must be so awesome to be you! Are you popular? Why is your skin purple? Are you... AN ALIEN???" You rambled question after question before a laugh broke you out of your trance. The man kneeled down to meet your height and started answering your questions. "Yes I am quite popular, champ. In fact, I'm a well known singer in this country and I go by Daddy Dearest, but you both can call me Warren since that's my name. The reason my skin is purple is for you to figure out and no,*chuckle* I'm not an alien."

"WOAAHH! That's so cool!! Can you sing something for us??" You asked him. You mustered up the best puppy dog eyes you could, making it very hard for him to say no.

"Sure, why not? Maybe you'll be able to overthrow me one day." He gave in and started singing. The song went very well with his voice, which to you, sounded very beepy. Nevertheless, you enjoyed it a lot and grabbed Kim's hands, dancing together.

After the song ended both of you stopped dancing. You jumped and praised the man, making him laugh and pat your head. After a few minutes came a lady, her hair messy yet stylish, flowing lightly in the wind and her red dress tight in all the right places.

She walked up to you and asked. "Well who are you little cuties? You never told me you had mini fans, Warren."

"I'm [Y/N]! And this is Kim! She's my best friend!" You introduced yourself and the ravenette to the lady. The friend next to you waved her hand to the lady with a small smile. She laughed at her silent hello and ruffled her hair.

"Mmmph!" She huffed out and tried to fix her now messy hair. You giggled at your friend and helped her, brushing her hair out with your tiny fingers. After you two were done taming Kim's hair, the woman introduced herself.

"So, my stage name's Mommy Must Murder, but you little cuties can call me Mrs Heather. I'm a rockstar! Pretty awesome ain't it?" Your eyes sparkled with joy as you jumped up and down. You asked the adults in front of you about their experiences on stage, behind the stage, with fans, etc. and the married couple happily answered every one of your questions, whether it was dumb or not.

-end of memory-

By the time you noticed you zoned out, the song ended with Keith winning the battle. You groaned disappointedly, realizing you lost the opportunity to see the whole battle play out. Cherry joyfully announced Keith the winner and Keith was still processing the win. They left the stage and Kim pulled you to the three backstage. The father was visibly angry as the daughter was complimenting her boyfriend.

The older male noticed you and his mood changed from a mad one to a slightly calmer one. He walked up to you and offered a handshake, you of course shaked his hand, not meaning to be rude. "Earlier I recognized your voice. You're that rapper, Thunderwave, was it?" He said, his voice professional and serious.

"Yep, that's me! I'm surprised someone like you would know someone like me." You confirmed his question and let out a nervous laugh.

"There is nothing shocking about it. Your skills are very impressive and you hold quite the potential, will you be interested in working in my studio? I'll make you the best rapper there is out there!" The man offered.

"Wait better than m&m guy?" Kim chimed in.

"Wasn't it Eminem?" Pico asked.

"Shut up ginger boy!" The ravenette snapped.

"Maybe... Well then, do you take my offer?" He asked one last time.

"[Y/N]. [Y/N]! Accept the offer! This is what you wanted your whole life! It's literally handed to you on a fucking platter ACCEPT IT!" Your friend yelled out and shook you by the shoulders. When she stopped you sent her a gummy smile and glanced at the ex singer, who's about to become your manager.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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