𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖈𝖚𝖕

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The two best friends walked around the field hoping to get to their seats as possible, Ariana freaking out due to the mass amount of people

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The two best friends walked around the field hoping to get to their seats as possible, Ariana freaking out due to the mass amount of people.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron exclaimed which Draco overheard.

"Well put it this way, if it rains. You'll be the first to know."

Ariana wasn't friends with the golden trio, in fact she tried to stay away. Partly to do with the guilt and that the trio are always followed by trouble.

"Father, Ariana and I are in the Ministers box as Cornelius Fudge invited us himself."

"Don't boast Draco." Lucius coldly said and ushered the two teens to find their seats.

The match had started but despite being in a private box the noise still affected Ariana. Draco saw his best friend trying to enjoy the finale match but knew it was hard. Getting out her cassette tape, he placed the headphones on her and had a faint smile.

Viktor Krum appeared on a giant screen with the crowd chanting in celebration to him including Draco with Ariana clapping in excitement

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Viktor Krum appeared on a giant screen with the crowd chanting in celebration to him including Draco with Ariana clapping in excitement. Ireland had won which Draco was disappointed in but Ariana didn't care, she was happy to be there with him.

Walking back to their tent hand in hand, the death eater mark blasted into the sky. Figures in pointed hoods were walking around the field, causing chaos as the crowd started to disappear in fear. Ariana on the other hand was frozen, unsure of what to do. Would the death eaters recognise her? Hurt her?

"Hey, hey look at me Ariana!" Draco moved her head forcefully with his hands, trying to grab her attention. Ariana was breathing heavily. Unsure on what to do. Something hit her. Stan. To some he may only be a cat but to Ariana he was a companion. As if he read her mind they ran to their tent and grabbed the feline.

"Is it my dad?" Ariana quietly whispered, unsure whether to feel happy or scared.

"I don't know Ari, let's just go to your home. We'll see Snape as no doubt he's heard what happened."

Finding a portkey the small unit stumbled onto the creaky floorboards of her uncle's home. Severus had heard about the attack and hoped she would be at his home, safe and sound.

"Sevvy?" Ariana said, her voice cracking with tears flowing down her face.

Severus apparated his home in a hurry to find his beloved niece and is godson. "Ariana? Ariana? Draco?"

"Snape?" Draco questioned, trying to calm down Ariana. Severus rushed to Ariana, his cloak flying causing some candles to burn out. Ariana ran to her uncle while Draco held Stan.

"Oh Ana, it's okay sweetie." Snape placed his chin on her head, nodding to Draco to thank him.

Ariana went up to bed and fell asleep almost instantly, Stan curling up in a ball next to her. Draco placed a kiss on her head as Snape placed a blanket on her.

It was a rare occasion when Snape asked Draco if he wanted a cup of tea, that was one of those days.

"Draco, what happened?" He proceeded to tell his Godfather as Snape left to take Draco back home.

While dreaming, she found herself in a forest and saw her father.

"Daddy? Dad? Are you real or am I dreaming?"

"Of course you're dreaming, you're asleep, but it doesn't mean it's not real."

"You're not making any sense!"

"Don't worry, how about you tell me about what's going on? How is school?"

"It's good, I guess. Slytherin is my house, of course, and I have a cat. My favourite subject is Care of Magical Creatures, sorry it's not DADA."

"As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters."

If you saw the two, you wouldn't know that she was with the most dangerous wizard but in fact you would just see him as a normal father.

"While Sev was teaching, I would go with Hagrid, to help all the creatures and they always liked me." Voldermort listened to her rambling about every creature she's met from Buckbeak to a unicorn.

"Wait, what's happening?"

"Sweetheart, you're waking up."

"But I don't want to go yet, I still have so much to tell you."

"Don't fret, you'll see me again, and we can hug in person."

Ariana woke up, with a smile spread across her face. To her, her father was not an evil person but a kind and loving dad. Stan was curled up in a ball next to Ariana as she heard Snape knock on her door and reminded her to get up. Begrudgingly walking down the stairs, she poured herself some juice and was given two slices of toast by her uncle.

"Are you ready to go back to school?" Snape tried to make conversation, seeing how Ariana looked exhausted already.

"No, I'd rather stay home and work with you."

"What about Draco? Or Hagrid? Or all of the animals and creatures?" Snape asked, trying to cheer her up otherwise he was worried she wouldn't want to join her fellow classmates.

"I guess, but I'm safe here."

"How do you mean?"

"In my last three years, trouble has been everywhere. My father bring involved in two of the three." Even though Severus will always be wary of the Dark Lord, he knew how much he cared for Ariana and her late mother.

"Well, this year, there will be an event called the Triwizard Tournament where two schools will come to Hogwarts. One school is only boys so keep away from them." Snape showing his protective uncle side, not wanting anyone to harm his niece.

"Don't worry I won't, I'll go get ready." Once her belongings were packed, her cassette in her bag along with Stan, the two apparated to the platform and he bid farewell while Ariana went to look for Draco.

nearly 1000 words which is insane! an exciting chapter next with Ariana's first day back and the big announcement of course!

thank you so much for nearly 200 viewers! - 1280 words!!
20 reads for the next one until next time have a good day 😌

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