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The following day, she decided to visit Remus to see what he had to give her

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The following day, she decided to visit Remus to see what he had to give her. A tiny part of her mind had the question of, is it a trap? Though, there's no way they would be cruel enough to do this she thought.

Walking up to the door of 12 Grimmauld Palace got the second time was nerving. The last visit she had a long chat with her newly discovered godfather, this time they were discussing his will. Rain started to pour, resembling her mood.

"Good afternoon Ariana." Remus greeted her as he ushered her inside.

"Good afternoon." She solemnly said.

"Yes, I suppose this house is gloomy and not a great place of memory for you."

"No, that's okay. I can't stay long, I have to um, pack."

"Follow me." Remus ordered as the two went up the creaky stairs.

After what had felt like forever but was in reality a couple of minutes the two had reached the attic. Ariana coughed as she inhaled the mass amount of dust.

"Yeah, all this time here and he didn't clean up." Remus joked about his old friend.

"Were you there?" Silence. Remus turned around to girl who already had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yes. Yes I was."

"Was he in pain?"

"I don't think so. Before you say anything, it was not your fault."

"Yeah right." She replied, refusing to believe him.

"I know I won't be able to change your mind right now, but believe me. He would not blame you kid." Remus walked up to, making sure she looked into his eyes.



"Right! Where was I? Oh yes." Remus started to throw boxes around once he had checked them and made the floor a mess. "Here it is!" Remus said excitedly.

In his hands was a red leather photo book, tattered but also looked as if it was cared for.

"I can have this?"

"Your godfather wanted you to have it."


"Written and signed in his will." He opened the book to show the first page. "Ah, this photo was taken in our fifth year I believe, much like you. There's myself at the left, then Sirius, then James, then Lily and at the end is your mother."

"She was beautiful."

"Even better in person, I'm sorry you couldn't grow up with her."

"Not your fault, my dad was there at the beginning and without Snape I don't think I'd cope."

"Ah yes your father."

"I'm sorry, I do that sometimes. Talk about my dad and forget who he is."

"I can't stop you from talking about your dad, I knew Sarah loved him and he her."

"Even though people say he couldn't?"

"Even though people say he couldn't."

"Thank you for the book Mr Lupin."

"Call me Remus, I'd think we're no strangers now." The pair smiled as he offered to escort her back to Hogwarts.

it was a meh chapter in my opinion but i wanted to get something up. anyways order of the phoenix is close to the end! then the half blood prince and some trouble for our favourite couple...

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