𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖄𝖚𝖑𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖑𝖑

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Days went by and it was Christmas Eve

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Days went by and it was Christmas Eve. The night of the Yule Ball.

"Ari, your dress is gorgeous!

"Thank you! My uncle said it was my mom's dress when she went to a ball so he said I could wear it.

"Well why don't we go see your man!"

"He's not my man."

"Are you sure? Because he has fancied you for I don't know how long!"

"Really?" Ariana would be lying if she said she hadn't developed feelings for the blonde haired Slytherin over the last few months.

"Isn't it obvious? You two are crazy for each over but are to scared to tell each other."

"Are we going to have to leave without you? Your dates are getting restless." Blaise continuously knocked on Ariana's door as he was getting impatient.

"No, no we're coming." The door opened as the girls walked down the stairs.

"Woah, Ari you look-" Blaise started before Draco finished his sentence.

"Stunning." Ariana blushed bright red from Draco's compliment.

"Thanks Dray. You look stunning too." Ariana didn't know what to say due to her nerves.

Ariana's dress was a stunning off the shoulder ocean blue colour with jewels on the waist and a flowy bottom with mixed shades of blue finishing it off.

"My lady." Draco held his arm out as Ariana hold onto him for dear life it seemed.

"What if I fall over?"

"Then I'll catch you, I have had experience at balls. There's something I need to-"

"Miss Snape and Mr Malfoy are you ready?" McGonagall grabbed their attention, waiting for them to join the other competitors and their dates.

"Doesn't Hermione look beautiful!" Draco simply nodded, as his gaze was still on his date.

"Look how cute Cho and Cedric look as well."

"Okay, we need to focus on the dancing now." Ariana giggled, still partly worried about tripping in front of everyone.

Loud music echoed through the great hall as the five champions danced with their dates. Then others joined in, Hagrid and Madame Maxine, Dumbledore and McGonagall and students began to wonder on.

"Ariana I need to tell you something."


"Excuse me Mr Malfoy, but I would like a dance with my niece."

"Of course professor." Draco sighed and went to get them some drinks, stopping him from spilling out his heart again.

"You know Ariana, I am so proud of you." Ariana's eyes widened, happiness exploding in her.

"You are the strongest young witch and I couldn't be happier for you. But, I may have to hex some boys if they keep staring at you."

"I love you too." Draco had come back with some drinks as Snape took that as his time to leave.

"So Ariana as I was saying I-"

"Woah Ariana! You look stunning." Cedric walked up to the pair with his arm around Cho's torso. Draco rolled his eyes, upset with all these interruptions.

"Aww thank you, you two look amazing." Draco urged the pair to move along and they got the hint.

"Well, we'll be off, have fun."

"Can we go outside for a second?" The two Slytherins walked out to the gardens as Draco placed his jacket on her shoulders.

"There's been something I've been wanting to say for a all night, well for a while now. I like you. More than a friend. And if you don't feel the same way then that's going to be awkward but-" Draco was cut off by Ariana shutting him up with a kiss. He was frozen, unsure of what to do other than awkwardly cough.

"Umm, is that you saying the same?"

"Yes Dray it is. I have as well but I haven't recognised it as a like you until earlier."

"So uh, what happens now? I didn't think it through this far."

"Well, we need to figure out how to stop my uncle from killing you."

Draco scoffed. "He is my godfather and one of his best students."

"But he is my uncle and protective. But does that mean we can go on a date?"

"Of course, but for now let's just stay here in the moment."

Snape was walking with a purpose of trying to find his niece as he had some suspicion of what his godson may be up to as he wasn't stupid. Much to his dismay he couldn't stop the two but decided against dragging Draco away from her and let them be as she seemed happy.

Against his better judgment he decided to work with nature and make it start to snow, making the end of the night perfect for Ariana.

ahhhhh they've finally kissed!! i adore this chapter and their relationship is so awkward and cute! until next time have a good day and peace out

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