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Ariana walked into her potions lesson, tired and confused

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Ariana walked into her potions lesson, tired and confused. Her mind was just not on brewing potions. What if Umbridge remembers? What if Hermione says anything? Snape gave her questioning look.

"Turn to page 20 and gather your ingredients. Miss Snape with me." Snape walked out and she timidly followed.

"What is wrong?"


"Nothing? So why can you not focus on class?" He asked as he was confused, Ariana never acted like this in his class.

"I just couldn't sleep well last night."

Ariana walked back in to see Hermione grabbing her potions agreements. "Did you tell anyone?"

"No, and I won't. I just want you to be careful."

"Why? You hate me."

"I don't hate you. I can't say the same for Ron and Harry as they can judge everyone and anyone but you are the best person in Slytherin and one of the best in our year, they just ignore that."

"Only because I'm smart."

"No, because you're a good person."

"Really?" This meant a lot of Ariana, a third of the 'golden trio' said she was a good person and didn't discriminate her just for being the daughter of someone they've fought against for five years.

As it was lunch time, Ariana saw something that nearly shook her to the core. On Draco's cloak was a badge that he seemed happy to flaunt around.

"What the heck?" She whispered. Ariana stormed up to him

"What is this?" She asked, pointing to his badge.

"Some of us Slytherins have joined Umbridge's inquisitorial squad. To catch Pottah's secret group."

"Why would you? Don't you remember what she made me do in detention? What she said about Ced?" Draco's smirk faltered.

"I'm sorry Ariana, but my father-"

"Oh I bet your father told you to!" She loudly exclaimed.

"No, in fact I decided all on my own!" He shouted. Luckily they had moved towards a secluded area.

"Oh I see." She raised her head in an understanding way it seemed and walked away. From attacking Umbridge to the potions questioning and now Draco's new 'extra curriculum activity' she was stressed beyond belief. Luckily all she had left was Care of Magical Creatures so that would hopefully clear her head.

Today they were dealing with thestrals and of course since Cedric's death she could see them. Only a few could and to some they would say it's unlucky due to their appearance but Ariana thought they were beautiful.

"Ah Ariana! You can see them, tell the class what you see." It felt as her world was crumbling down. That may be dramatic but at that moment that's how she felt.

"Umm, they're like horses but with wings and a skeleton body." She saw the shocked faces of her fellow classmates. "They seem to be very friendly though." As she said that one was nuzzling his nose into her hand. Ariana didn't realise that some of her classmates had started to walk back to the castle grounds as lesson had ended.

"Ari?" Draco whispered, she had forgotten for a moment she was in Slytherin and they all had this class." He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry about our fight."

"It's okay, I'm sorry for imploding on you. I guess I'm still upset over how she claimed Cedric's death was an accident."

"You don't really talk about him much anymore."

"I don't know what to say. He's dead. I can't bring him back no matter how much I wish I could." She continued to pet the thestral as Draco played with her hair. Hand in hand they walked back to the castle in a comfortable silence.

couldn't sleep so decided to update :)
i'm excited for next chapter because it stays on the fixed timeline, not that i don't enjoy creating my own it does make the plot really develop and cause some chaos!
have a good day/night and peace out ✌️

authors note:
as of writing it's been a year since naya rivera's passing and i hope anyone who watched glee or just followed liked her generally then i hope you're all okay

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