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It was time for the OWLs and Ariana was feeling prepared, a few hours before she was revising despite her friends that seemed to not care

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It was time for the OWLs and Ariana was feeling prepared, a few hours before she was revising despite her friends that seemed to not care. However when she got to the hall and saw the giant clock behind Umbridge, her nerves appeared.

Ariana looked behind to Draco who gave her a nod of insurance and she continued on her paper but her focus wouldn't last long as all students heard some bangs from behind the grand hall doors. Umbridge looked furious and quickly walked to find out what was going on but she was surprised when the Weasley twins appeared.

Fred and George, flying around the hall with fireworks in their hands, looked down at all the fifth years smiling and cheering. Umbridge trying to move the students out of her way to somehow stop the chaos. Filch came in, knowing this would be a pain to clear up. Papers spread everywhere. Firework sparks lighting up the room.

One firework followed Draco, backing him up to the wall and causing his face to be burnt into the wall for a moment which caused Ariana to burst into laughter.

"Ready when you are!" She heard as one twin threw a firework in the air to make a dragon that chased out Umbridge and all her stupid rules being knocked off.

The twins, not before leaving, flew down to Ariana. "Sorry for ruining your exam, no doubt you'd revised so much."

"It's okay! This is so much better!" She shouted and watched as the twins flew away, leaving the students in excitement and to run outside.

Ariana pulled Draco to the courtyard as they saw all students and some professors looking in amazement. She even saw Filtwick celebrating. To top it off, the twins left off an explosion of a W and flying away into the sky.

That night, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Ariana were in the common room joking about the earlier events.

"Thank goodness they did that, I was not prepared at all." Blaise said as Draco laughed. "Mate, that was a one of a kind luck." The two girls laughed until a letter appeared in front of Ariana as it burst into flames on arrival.

"Who's that from?"

"I don't know." Ariana opened it and her breathe hitched.

Dear Ariana,

Tonight, Sirius has passed at Bellatrix's hands in the Ministry of Magic. I was told recently about your relationship with Sirius and wanted to give you the news.

When Sirius realised who you were, and left, he sent me a letter to meet him immediately. He was full of excitement, happy to have met you again, and how he thought you resemble your mother so much.

I know you were worried he would resent you as you are the daughter of the dark lord, but that could not be far from the truth. Despite only meeting you twice, he did love you and would want me to remind you of that.

To my surprise, when the dark lord arrived and found out what Bellatrix had done he was infuriated. I am guessing he knew what Sirius was to you as he tortured Bellatrix before even dealing with Harry. He cares for you.

I would like to meet you soon, as there is something he wanted you to have.

My deepest condolences,
Remus Lupin.

"Ari?" Pansy asked. Ariana realised she had been crying.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, concerned at what the letter could have said to upset her. Before he could even hear a response she had sprinted to her dorm and locked it. Sliding down against the door. Sobbing.

It had been ten minutes until Draco convinced her to let him in. He brought her up to give her a hug but she pushed him away.

"What happened?"

"Sirius is dead." Ariana said while continuing to sob.

"Sirius Black, so?"

"I found out he was my godfather. And now he's dead." She croaked out.

"He's dead and it's Bellatrixs fault, hell it's my dad's fault. He was there fighting Harry and the order, if he wasn't there, Sirius would still be alive!" She breathed in. Brushing her hair back.

"I'm so sorry Ari, I had no idea." Ariana this time welcomed his hug as she cried on his shoulder.

It had been an hour before Ariana spoke up. "He gave me a letter when I first met him, properly and not as a baby. I hadn't read it, could I read it to you?"

"Of course." He whispered as she jumped up to get it.

Dear Sirius,

Even though we have not spoken in a while cousin, due to being on the opposite sides of the war, this overpowers it.

I know how close you were with Sarah and it is imperative we meet. She had her child. A beautiful baby girl and you deserve to meet her. There is something important to tell you as well.

Meet me in the park we used to go to as children at 11am. I trust you not to tell anyone.

Yours sincerely,

Ariana finished reading as Draco kissed the top of her head, showing how much he cares for her. Before either of them could speak Ariana was brought into a memory by holding the letter.

"Sirius? What is that you have?" Remus asked his good friend.

"Nothing, some article that's pointless. I was just going to throw it out." Though, Sirius out it in his pocket and rushed to his room, desperate to find something.

After searching and searching, tearing apart his room he found what he was looking for. A small toy cat to give to the newborn.

"What was that?" Draco asked. "I lost you for a moment."

"I don't know, I think the letter pulled me to a memory, that was connected to this letter. It showed me Sirius trying to find the cat he gave me that I kept all these years." The pair smiled and after some time they fell asleep in each other's arms.

i'm going to miss sirius, though we don't see him as much in the book unlike other characters, i loved his reunion with ariana. until next time peace out

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