CHAPTER ONE - October 2172 - Earth / Moon

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October 2172 

Earth / Moon


"No wait," said a naked double ess hanging limply from his chains. 

"You got something to say," said Frank removing the handgun from double ess's forehead, "Some last words maybe," Frank started chuckling. The other four gangsters in the room joined in - all of them feeling no danger; they were in complete control. 

Double ess coughed and winced as he felt fresh pain from the sealed wound where his manhood had been only minutes before, "Why shoot me? That's too easy. Any fool can pull a trigger. Fight me instead - look at me - I've lost a lot of blood and I'm weak. Surely you could beat me in a straight fight." 

Frank placed the cold steel of the handgun against double ess's temple, "Why should I take the chance? One squeeze of the trigger and these lot can clear up what's left of your head." 

"It'll be less messy," double ess moved his head to look at one of the other men present, "Come on. There'll be less for you to clear away. This big oaf obviously has no intention of doing it." 

"I say lets have some fun with him first - he's got a smart mouth Frank. Lets take it in turns to shut him up." 

"Mr Brellio said to finish him off. I should just shoot him," said Frank. 

"Maybe you're all chicken," sneered double ess. 

Frank punched him on his temple and double ess felt even more dizzy than before, "Okay - unchain him," Frank turned away and holstered his gun. 

Double ess took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he had to do next. He stayed limp as two of them unchained him from the upright metal bed frame. He had no intention of this being a fair fight. As soon as he felt the chains slip away and the two gangsters take his weight he suddenly stood up straight and forced the two surprised gangsters faces together. 

There was a sickening crunch as both men's noses broke upon impact. Double ess sprang towards Frank who had been surprisingly quick to draw his weapon considering his size. The gun fired harmlessly as double ess knocked Franks aim to one side with the edge of his hand before quickly gripping his wrist and twisting his arm behind his back. 

Frank yelled out and dropped the gun as double ess broke his arm. Double ess pushed Frank hard in his back sending him sprawling and, in one swift motion, plucked up the gun and fired two shots at the other two gangsters advancing towards him as they drew their weapons. 

One hole appeared in each man's forehead knocking them both backwards. He moved his aim to the two with the broken noses and blood pouring down their faces. Two shots later double ess was left with the large muscle-bound Frank who was looking defiantly at double ess while holding his broken arm in front of his chest. 

"You bastard," spat out Frank. 

"You should have shot me Frank - now you're in trouble," double ess reversed the gun in his hand and struck Frank on his temple with the butt of his weapon. Frank sank to the floor - unconscious. 

Double ess looked around and saw his stealth suit. He stumbled over to it and struggled to put it on. The adrenaline which he had been running on had drained away. He needed the help that his suit would give. As well as making him invisible when he wanted, it made him twice as strong and had medical aids built in. 

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