CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - February 2173 - Tranchilite

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February 2173


Dowdneer climbed the stairs carefully. He'd already taken out several royal guards on his way up to the throne room level. He peered round a corner and saw the shadows of two guards inching their way down towards him. He waited until he saw the rifle leading the way round the corner. Dowdneer shot the hand that held it then, as the rifle dropped to the floor and the guard squealed out in pain, he grabbed the, now empty, hand and pulled the guard towards him - using him as a shield.

He stepped out and the guard took two shots to his body before Dowdneer fired three shots at his target. The body slid down the stairs past him and Dowdneer let go of his dying shield after checking there were no more hostiles. He advanced upwards once again with two more of his team following close behind.

At the top of the stairs Dowdneer paused before peering around the corner. There were at least ten guards - all with mobile energy shields - and they were ready for him. Damn it, he thought.

Dowdneer looked at the two soldiers behind him, "We'll have to wait for support. Hopefully, they won't be long."

They had to wait five minutes before they heard the sound of laser fire coming from the opposite direction to the throne room. Dowdneer raised his rifle and waited. Three royal guards were backing their way towards Dowdneer's position while firing back down the corridor.

Dowdneer raised one hand to stop his soldiers from firing. Once all the royal guards were in sight he lowered his hand back to his rifle and all three fired one shot. The guards fell to the floor and began to bleed upon the royal yellow soft flooring. Dowdneer saw five of his soldiers advancing towards him. He broke radio silence.

"There are ten or more guards at the throne room doors. They're using energy shields. Advance carefully," Dowdneer released the transmit button on his battle armours chest plate then signalled for the two soldiers next to him to advance.

They ran across the corridor to take cover behind a tree trunk which was used as a pillar. Laser fire opened up from the royal guards and Dowdneer fired blindly towards them while staying behind cover. Dowdneer's re-enforcements were advancing from tree trunk to tree trunk while firing back at the guards.


"NEVER," shouted back one of the royal guards.

The battle continued.

                                                                 * * *

Neil, Rebecca and the Razor's Edge team had borrowed three Troglors from Soofar village. They had left the shuttle there in an attempt to come at Dowdneer's soldiers from behind. Neil slowed his Troglor down when he saw the forest in front of him on fire. Rebecca was grim faced. She'd already seen the terrors awaiting them with her mind. Back at the monastery her shield had saved her from being smashed to a pulp by the wall and Neil had wanted her to rest for a while. But she had seen what was going on in the forest and told him they had no time for rest.

"Stop here Neil," said Rebecca. "The Troglors will just get scared and bolt," she jumped down onto the forest floor and Neil did the same. He tethered the Troglor to a tree then approached Rebecca whose eyes were closed.

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