CHAPTER NINE - November 2172 - Earth / Moon

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November 2172 

Earth / Moon


Everything looked quiet as triple ess turned into Gowrie Close. He stopped not far in and slowly swept his Heartrac monitor over every house in the close. Only three of the houses, not including his target, had anyone home so he attached the monitor to his laser and turned invisible. He got out of the car and ran silently over to the first of the occupied houses. 

Triple ess raised the weapon and located the person. He adjusted the scope until the full outline of the body became visible. She was upstairs, moving between rooms. It was very unlikely that she was a threat but he believed in being thorough. Triple ess activated his info-pad and isolated the houses alarm system. It wasn't a very sophisticated one; probably because most civilians didn't need to stop people like him getting in. 

The alarm itself was switched off so triple ess overrode the locking codes and the front door clicked open. He slipped inside and straight up the stairs. After checking where she was he quickly surveyed the house. There was no surveillance equipment anywhere. He moved back out onto the landing and made it to the top of the stairs, having decided that this house was above board, when the woman walked out of her bedroom. 

He stood still, not wanting to make a sound, waiting for her to enter her bathroom. He saw that she was naked as she walked right past him to a door on the right. The door closed behind her and he moved on as he heard the sound of running water. He slipped back out and moved on to the next house. 

There was no one inside this one. The owner was out the back tending to his garden. It took triple ess seconds to move on from this house. The man was easily into his seventies. No one used agents of that age. The last occupied house was the closest one to number fourteen - his target. 

This person - a man - was in the room that looked directly upon number fourteen. As such this was the perfect place from which to observe his target house. Once again he checked the security. This time it was top of the line which made him suspicious. There was no way he was getting in here without warning the person inside. 

He moved around the front and ducked down below the window of the occupied room. Although he was invisible; the person inside could have similar equipment to his. He believed in being careful as well as thorough. Triple ess activated his info-pad and set it ready for a diversion. Next he pointed his weapon at the wall, just below the window, and found the person inside was looking in the opposite direction. 

Triple ess stood and looked in through the window. There was surveillance equipment in there but it was old. Whoever was in there wasn't government associated. He ducked back down and gave himself a moment to decide. A focused EMP strike would knock out all the equipment in that room. Decision made; triple ess moved round to the front door and triggered the EMP. Everything electrical that was being used would now be inoperable for thirty seconds. 

Triple ess entered through the now unlocked door and moved with lethal efficiency and speed towards the room in which his target was now moving about in panic. The door to the room burst open and a very large man in a suit emerged. Triple ess had already set his laser to stun and he pulled the trigger. 

The large man dropped to the floor with a look of surprise on his face. Triple ess stepped over him and entered the room. While looking around he saw some notes and photos taken about number fourteen. He gathered them all together and recognised the pale face of double ess looking out of his window. His targets whereabouts confirmed, triple ess burnt all the notes and photos in a metal bin that he had found under a desk. 

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