CHAPTER ELEVEN - November 2172 - Earth

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November 2172 


The hospital room was dark. The only source of light came from several tiny night-lights embedded in the ceiling. The only sound came from the light breathing of the rooms patient. The only movement; the slow, rhythmic, rising and falling of the sleeping female's chest. 

The door opened and closed silently and a second person's breath could be heard in the silence of the room. In the bed Lisa turned over and mumbled something that sounded like 'John'. The second person closed in on Lisa's bed. The medical chart that hung on the end of her bed rose into the air and the pages appeared to turn on their own. 

The chart lowered back to the end of the bed and a bottle appeared, hovering in the air. The label read 'Tetrodotoxin'. Triple ess used his info-pad and entered Lisa's details from the chart. The required dosage appeared on his screen and he pulled out a secure container from an attachment pocket on his suit. Triple ess took out a syringe and pushed the needle through the bottle lid, carefully drawing the required amount. Triple ess materialised as he stood over Lisa's sleeping form. 

He pulled back the covers and revealed her wearing a baggy, oversized, tee-shirt and knickers. The tee-shirt had ridden up as far as the base of her breasts. Triple ess tore a small amount of tape off the roll he'd brought with him and quickly attached it to her mouth. 

Triple ess leapt upon Lisa, pinning her down, as she reacted to the sudden disturbance. Lisa's strength surprised him but he knew all about her and she remained pinned. She couldn't reach him with her one free arm and she couldn't manage to wrap a leg around him or knee him effectively. His suit took what little force she managed to muster. 

Triple ess pulled her tee-shirt over her breasts and she raised surprised eyebrows then struggled even more furiously. He needed to keep the puncture wound from the needle as invisible as possible and so he gently lifted her right breast up with one hand and mouthed sorry to Lisa's, now terrified, face. 

The needle punctured the skin where breast met body and triple ess slowly depressed the plunger. Two seconds later Lisa's body stiffened and a look of surprise appeared frozen on her face. Her eyes remained open and triple ess removed the needle then let her breast flop back. He replaced the needle in it's secure container and concealed it in his suit's attachment pocket. He thrust the bottle of Tetrodotoxin in the pocket as well then pulled Lisa's tee-shirt back over her breasts and replaced the covers before removing the tape. 

He heard a noise outside the room and quickly turned invisible again. He moved over to the door and waited. The door opened and a nurse entered. Triple ess slipped out before the door closed again and heard a yell come from Lisa's room as he got to the lift at the other end of the corridor. 

He waited by the lift as alarms started ringing and saw the nurse rush out of the room. The lift doors opened seconds later letting out a doctor and two orderlies. Triple ess slipped inside and rode it back to ground level. Once out he followed the signs to the morgue and found a quiet spot where no one would discover him. There he waited patiently. 

                                                         * * * 

Tressel and Turner were sitting at Tressel's desk drinking an early coffee. Eric Taylor had called them late the night before and asked them to meet him an hour before work. 

"What did he say to you?" asked Turner. 

David shrugged, "Pretty much the same as you told me. 'Could you please come in an hour earlier than usual. I have an expansion proposition for you'." 

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