Chapter 7

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Hi, author~kun here. Yes hi I'm back to writing I am so sorry to yall for being like not here for so long. I found someone who is really beneficial to my mental health and I've been hanging out with him a lot. Again, I'm so sorry for the super long break and I will try to write more, please be patient with me. Now on to the story!

I woke up very groggy due to Sadie crying and whining all night because Katie was voted out last night. After a good while, like two or three hours, Sadie stopped crying, but at that point, I couldn't sleep anyways. Everyone gathered at the mess hall for food and Chris's annoying voice. Chris, "I like to call this game phobia factor." I tuned him out for the rest of whatever he was talking about. I snap back when I hear Lindsey say, "How did they know our worst fears?"

*flashback to where we were all talking about our worst fears*

We all sat around the campfire and watched Bridgette basically drag Sadie away from the deck, "It was a long good bye" The gophers came by saying that they had extra dessert. But Courtney had to open her big mouth. "Okay Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out" Gwen says and half smiles when she hears me lightly chuckle a bit. Beth offers Courtney some green jelly with a gummy worm inside it. Courtney, "Eek! I mean, no thanks" 'What's up with her?' Duncan, "Why, you on a diet or something?" Courtney, "No, I just don't like green jelly okay?" I scoff and roll my eyes 'cause it is just kinda funny. Beth walks over to DJ and he slaps it out of her hands screaming snake. Cody explains that it's just a gummy worm and DJ just says that snakes freak him out. Everyone else continues to tell off their fears. I find out that Anthony is scared of chickens. Chickens! That's fucking great. Duncan, "Wow, that's, that's really lame man" he looks my way then smiles. I shrug it off. Beth is scared of being covered with bugs, Harold's afraid of ninjas, Heather is scared of sumo wrestlers, Gwen's is being buried alive, Owen and Izzy's is flying, Geoff is scared of hail, Bridgette is being left alone in the woods. Sadie and Lindsey are scared of a bad hair day or something like that. I really didn't care. Cody's fear is defusing a timed bomb, and Lashawna is scared of spiders. Courtney claims she isn't scared of anything. "Cough, bullshit, cough" I look her way. Her eyes narrow at me with anger but I just stick out my tongue. "Really? Then what's your fear, Sir cold and mean?" I roll my eyes, "Never getting to taste the sweet relief of death" I say with the flattest voice I could manage. Everyone looks dead shocked, instead of Duncan. He just kinda snickers. I made eye contact with him and then started busting out laughing. "Haahh, I'm just kidding. Being alone with a stranger, that shit's awkward" Everyone just kinda looks around and nods. "So, Duncan, What's your fear~" I say with mischief behind my voice. "C-celine Dion music store standees.." I start laughing again, "Now that's something you don't hear often" I smirk. We figure out that Trent hates mimes. I sigh annoyed at watching Duncan and Courtney bicker back and forth. 

*End of flashback*

Anthony is handed a fried chicken, but when he takes a bite out of it, a real live chicken pops it's head out and he freaks. Which was hilarious to watch. Beth went into a kitty pool filled with worms and was fine. Sadie and Lindsey got mullet wigs. Owen and Izzy go on a plane, Harold is attacked by ninjas, Chef chases Lashawna while in a spider costume, which was great to watch too. Boo, Heather scored a point for the Gophers. I was looking forward to seeing her terrified. Bridgette goes into the woods alone and Gwen gets berried alive. I gave her a thumbs up and a good luck before she was fully covered. Courtney gives me a dirty look, "why are you rooting for the other team?" I sighed, annoyed, "Oh I'm sorry for being there for my friends. I would think you would understand but I don't think you have any friends to be there for" I say with sass then walk away. I can basically see the steam coming from her ears. Next Dj is put with a little snake and earns a point for our team. Trent and Cody face their fears, and I watch as Courtney tries to encourage Duncan to hug the Celine Dion music store standee. I'll give him one thing, she does look a bit creepy. But he does go for a hug and earns a point for our team. I stand up and go to congratulate him but Courtney interferes. I feel a small twinge in the pit of my stomach. 'You better back off bitch..' I caught myself thinking. 'Wait, why am I thinking that? It's not like we're dating or anything. So why am I feeling this way...' After that, Trent beat his fear of mimes and now it was time for Geoff to face his fear of hail. Chris followed him with a "hail" machine. Which was pretty great to watch. Gwen's timer ends and Trent and I start to dig her up. Thanks to Cody, the killer bass weren't able to get a point from Bridgette. And things aren't looking to great for us, 'cause it's 7-3, and Anthony is up next. Anthony is put into a pin with a few chickens and is terrified. Courtney starts scolding him and telling him to stop being a girl. "Enough with your shit Court, I know he sucks but you do too" I practically spat, her face just screams offended. 'My job here is done.' "Yyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnn" Chris says. "What" I turn my head to face him. "One, how many times do we have to tell you to watch your language" "*swears in a different language*" I smirk, I knew he was going to say more but I thought it was funny. It got Duncan to laugh. Chris sighs, "Two, it's your turn to Face. Your. Fear!" He says with a dramatic voice. "Goddamn it" I mutter under my breath. Chris, "We have chosen one of our totally not under-paid interns to spend an hour with you in the woods. You'll find them waiting there for you. Now go!" I roll my eyes and start making my way to the woods when I hear Courtney say, "I hope you have fun!" in a mean tone that you'd expect from Heather. I quickly took a big rock off the ground and throw it at her, and then flipped her off while continuing my way. I heard Courtney starting to complain and curse my name while Duncan trying to calm her down. I roll my eyes and continue. I finally get to the spot Chris told me to go to and I see the person, 'Oh no..' My heart falls to the pit of my stomach. 'This can't be right..' I make eye contact with the "stranger". He was tall, dirty blond hair slicked back, a muscle tank top, basket ball shorts, and he stood there with his arms crossed. The fair skin and light freckles were recognizable. He stepped forward and spoke in a calm voice, "Hey Y/n" I immediately started being mad, "What are you doing here!?" It was Ben, my ex.

Howdy there readers. Holy shit you guys are awesome! First, I am so sorry for the super long and unintentional break. I promise to try to make more time to write. Second, seriously thank you guys so fucking much for all the support and love you give me. I didn't realize how much people actually enjoyed my stories so I will make an effort to please yall! thank you all, you guys are awesome, and I appreciate your existence <3


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