Chapter 2

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We stand at the top of a cliff in our swimwear. "Hey doll~ nice swimsuit" Duncan smirks at me. "Yeah thanks, you too" I say  while rolling my eyes. 'Why is this guy always around me?' I didn't mind it too much, he was cute. But could he lay off a bit? Chris explains what we need to do to win and the challenge starts. 

I go and stand next to Noah, I don't know he just seems chill. Plus he's kinda cute. "Hey nerd" Noah turns around and smiles, "Hi Y/n" I smile back at him. "How many people ton you think are actually gonna jump?" I ask. "Only people dumb enough would jump" he says in a flat yet joking tone. "So everyone here?" we both giggle a bit until Duncan comes up. He pushes Noah away from me, "Go jump nerd" Noah turns around and shoots Duncan a look, then walks away. "Why did you do that?" I ask Duncan, giving him the stink eye. "Why do you hang out  with him?" Duncan shoots back. "Cuz I wanted to. Why do you care?" I shoot right back at him. "Because by the end of this game, you'll be mine, doll~" Duncan bends down to my level and lifts my face slightly, with my chin in between his pointer finger and thumb. I try to slap his hand away, but his grip just gets tighter. A look of pissed off comes on my face. Duncan swiftly grabs my wrist and pulls me towards himself. "I know you want me to, Y-/-n~" He moans that last part in my ear. Causing my face to go completely red. He suddenly let's go of me and starts laughing. "You're too cute" Duncan just continues to smirk at me. I still contain a pissed of look on my face while I'm still completely red, "You should really watch yourself, bad boy" My face finally starts to calm down, still pissed though. "Thanks for the warning sweetheart" all he does is continue to smirk at me. 

Soon enough, it's our turn to jump. "You too scared to jump babe?" Duncan takes a step closer to me. I put my finger on his lips to shush him(silence wentch, I wish to be horny no longer), "the opposite actually" I walk  over to the edge and do a swan dive into the safe zone. I climb up on the boat and watch Duncan jump right after me. He crawls up on the boat, "a little help here?" he shoots me a look. "I thought the big bad wolf Duncan doesn't need help" I smile back at him. "You are such a tease~" he smirks at me again. I roll my eyes and help him up. Once we are both up on the boat, he wraps one arm around my waist. "Thanks doll~" his face gets closer to mine, now only inches apart. "My name is Y/n" I flick his forehead to make him back off. He gives me an irritated look while I just smirk back. 

We lost the jumping round so we had to push/pull our crates. Everyone was pushing their own crates until the two tweedle twins pissed over poison ivy. 'Great, more work to do for us'. We make it to the cabins and try our 'best' to build the dumb hot tub. Not so long story short, we lost, Owen was naked? And we're back to the mess hall. The food chef feeds us is honestly not too terrible. Wait, right, voting someone off. "If I had to choose, I'd go with princess or the brick house" Courtney, "What why us?" Duncan, "If I'm not mistaken, you two are the only one's wearing those chicken hats. And if we had to lift a truck, I'd like our chances with the big guy." Then dumb ass Ezekiel decides to speak up, "I just dont understand why we lost, ay? They're the one with more girls" All the females start getting pissed off. "Enlighten us" Eva slams her fist on the table. "Well boys are stronger than girls, ay?" Eva picks him up by the neck. "Woah, calm down guys. At least he doesn't think boys are smarter than girls" Geoff tries to calm everyone down. "But, they are" at this point, I just walk over to him and punch him so he falls over. "That was a bit harsh" Courtney says. "I'm outta here" I simply walk out. 

Fast forward to the campfire ceremony thing. Ezekiel gets voted out for, ahem, obvious reasons. The ceremony ends and everyone heads back to their cabins. I walked a little slower tan everyone else, so they were all in front of me. Duncan stops for a second to let me catch up to him. He wraps his arm around my waist, "How 'bout you sleep in my bunk tonight~" Duncan pulls me closer to him. "How about you lay off. Your charm is too much for me" I say sarcastically. He laughs to himself, "Is there anyway I can get you to sleep with me~" My facial expression turns sour, "Didn't know you only wanted me for my body" I roll my eyes. This actually ticks me off so I speed walk away from him, "Wait, no- UGH!" I hear Duncan say as I walk away


Duncan: God, why did I have to word it like that? *sigh* Y'know, I hate to see them go, but I love to watch them walk away. 


I go to my cabin, get changed into comfortable clothes, get in bed, plug my mp3 player in, and drift off to sleep. Not being sure if I'm looking forward to or dreading the next day. 

Wow, these chapters are short. I'm so sorry yall. If anyone even reads this. Probably not, So I'm doing this for my own self-assurance. Ahhhh, depression spiral. ANYWAYS, hope yall enjoy this if anyone reads this. Uhhh, till next time!(silently cries)


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