Chapter 3

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A loud Chris alarm wakes me up, and everyone else for that matter. I yawn while stretching my back and limbs. I think I hear Lashawna yell something, but I can't make out what she was saying exactly. Anyways, I get up, get dressed, and head out. "Morning darling~" Duncan comes up walking behind me. "Are you ever going to actually use my name?" I say  with my arms crossed. "I did. You didn't seem to like it too much though" he says smirking at me. Memories from yesterday start coming in. My face heats up and a pissed off look creeps up on my face. "No, I didn't" I turn my head away from him with sass. Apparently, we're running(but you know that watched the show..cuz you're reading a fanfic about it...Imma shut up). 

Chris signals for us to start and almost everyone starts running, not including me. Me and Gwen start walking together. Gwen, "How'd you sleep?" "Small talk? Really?" I half smile and laugh a bit. "Ha, right. But really, how have you been doing so far? Anything you're taking out of this?" Gwen smiles back at me. "Eh, prison food, flirty punk, cute sarcastic nerd. Can't complain really" we make eye contact and laugh cuz we both know I'm wrong. "Wait, flirty punk? Sarcastic nerd? Are you talking about Duncan and Noah?" Gwen smirks at me. "Someone say my name?" Duncan comes running up behind us. "Yeah, Y/n was just telling me how cute they think you- ow!" Gwen starts talking and before she can finish, I punched her in the shoulder. Playfully of course. Duncan gets closer to me, "So you were talking about me?" his face gets a bit too close for comfort. I didn't mind all that much actually. "You wish" I look away while pushing his face away from mine. Little did he know, my face was a bit pink. "What about you, miss social outcast?" I say with some sass in my voice. "Like I'm going to tell you" she jokes and smiles at me. I smirk back at her and push her gently. "Okay, are you two gossip girls gonna stop? I'm not done winning over Y/n yet" Duncan puts his hands behind his back like he's just chillin'. "Gwen~" I say pulling up a little skit out of my ass. "Yes Y/n~" she replies, immediately catching on. "Would you do the honor of going out with me~" I send a joking wink her way. "Of course, how ever could I refuse" she gets closer to me and we link arms. We giggle with each other and walk away. We wait till we're out of ear shot from Duncan. 

Gwen and I burst out in laughter. "Dude that was hilarious!" Gwen, "Did you see the look on his face?" We just couldn't stop laughing, until we unhooked arms. "Seriously, I wanna know!" Gwen, "What?" "C'mon, I've seen the way you look at the guy with the guitar" as soon as I said that, her face goes pink-ish.  She looks away in embarrassment. "Oh, you totally like him!" I say teasing. Gwen shoots back up with confidence, "shut up or else I'll run back to Duncan and tell him you  think he's sexy!" We both burst out laughing again. "Fine fine! What's his name?" I say wiping a tear from my eye. "Okay, his name's Trent" I can hear the slight nervousness in her voice. "Oooooo, sounds like a cutie~" I tease. (I got way to into this side story. I'm sorry *nervous laughter* maybe I'll do a Gwen x reader later. Sorry for this rant AAAHHHHH-)

Everyone finishes their run and reach the main hall. Courtney, "Where were you? We just lost the challenge!" she was yelling at Harold. Gwen, "wait, if they lost, that means we won the challenge!" "That wasn't the challenge!" Chris interrupts everyone. Suddenly, a huge buffet is revealed and everyone goes nuts.  

*smol tim skp*

Transition to everyone sitting on stumps, trying to stay awake. I sat with my back propped up against the stump. I can already feel the tiredness start to creep in. We're about 12 hours in and I'm still awake I guess. Owen just knocked out, which was hilarious. And I see Gwen and Trent flirting with each other(uwu). Heather is being sneaky. Like normal. Okay we're about 24 hours into this and chef comes out in a pink sheep costume?? I of course had to laugh at this. And in return, he shot me a dirty look. But I didn't care. Then he came with in with some fairy dust that made people yawn. I laughed again. Owen was naked and was sleep walking. I do the big yawn and see Duncan walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. "Hey there cutie~ how are you taking Chris's torture?" He comes over and sits down next to me. "Eh, used to pull all-nighters a bunch back at home. Video games, anime, and mountain dew will do that to a person" I smirk at him, basking in my unhealthy lifestyle(I'm calling myself out just as much as I'm calling yall out). "Ha, ever stay up late and sneak out?" Duncan asks. "Sometimes, why do you want to know?" I say a bit flirty way. "Maybe you could sneak out with me sometime~" Duncan looks me dead in the eyes as our faces get closer. I smirk at his comment, "Maybe later, if you can bring some spray paint~" He smirks back at me and skootches closer to me, "you're bad~" I giggle, "and you're worse~" Our faces inch closer and closer to each other, until... Chris starts reading the history of Canada, a pop up book. Everyone who is still awake groans loudly. "Could this get any worse" I groan out. "You could be here without me" we're now sitting right next to each other, our shoulders touching. "You're right" I lay my head on his shoulder. Duncan's face gets a tint of pink, "not that I'm complaining, but you better not fall asleep" I take in a deep breath, "no promises" I smirk and close my eyes for just one second. And in that one second, I felt calm and at peace. Aaaannnndddd, I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning, my head still leaning on Duncan, who also fell asleep. Not so long story short, we lost the challenge and voted Eva out. Hah, she almost hit Courtney on her way out. But, sadly, she missed. Anyways, we all took showers, ate some food, and finally got some actual sleep. (lol not really)

Uhhhh, sorry again for the short chapter. Or however you rate it by your standards. 

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