Ahh sorry(update)

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Hey guys, I am so sorry for my lack of activity on my stories. I've been really busy with school and shit. I am so sorry dudes. I promise I am still working on my stories however the updates will be very slow and I apologize again because of the lack of time I have and the recent lack of motivation. Not even recent lack of motivation just in general. Again I am so sorry and all I ask of you guys to please be understanding and patient. I am still dealing with depression, anxiety, over load of homework for missing so many days due to break downs, and now I might actually have ADD and ADHD. I am not using my mental illnesses as an excuse, I'm simply asking for you guys to be understanding and patient with me. Anyways, enough being formal and shit, thanks for reading my shit and being patient with me. I seriously appreciate you guys and you guys give me another reason to keep on trying. It really does help me a lot that you guys actually enjoy my stuff. Again, seriously thank yall so much you horny gays. I only say that out of love. Anyways, sorry for the sappy shit, I hope yall are doing okay and I appreciate your existence.


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