Chapter 8

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Hi, author~kun here, sorry for the cliff hanger. Anyways, to the story!

"Hi Y/n" Ben spoke in a calm voice. "What are you doing here? I thought I was gonna be with a stranger! This is so much worse!" Anger and rage filled my body as I just stand there and watch him take in the view. "Nice place, or, as nice a place could be for a summer camp with a bunch of 16 year old teens" He says while swatting a bug flying around him. "You're not much older than we are! Also, why are YOU here! I was supposed to meet up with a stranger" I just start getting annoyed at this point. "Yeah, about that, Chris had a hunch that you weren't telling the full truth. So he found your social media and contacted your friends and asked them what your worst fear is" My hands ball up into fists while I keep my eyes on the ground. "Am I really your worst fear, Y/n?" Ben said only half sarcastic. "Well, you were a dick to me. You always made me feel bad for everything" I said as I brought my arms close to my body, almost hugging myself. My eyes took a worried look as my head turned up to meet Ben's gaze. The anxiety already started to bubble up inside me. "I never meant to make you feel that way.. I know I messed up. I'm just terrible" Ben said in a fake sad voice. 'Damnit he's doing it again.' "N-no, you're not a terrible person. I know you had a tough life and it's not your fault.." I try to reassure him. I just can't see people sad when I know I could help. "I'm so glad I have you... I don't know what I would do without you" Ben looks at me like a lost puppy. 

'Don't fall for this again..' "I-I'm here..." my voice is shaking at this point. "I depend on you so much, please don't ever leave me" he is basically crying at this point. 'I can't let him play with me this time...' Ben goes in for a hug and just kind of buries his face in my neck. A bad but sadly familiar feeling overcomes me. 'I know I shouldn't...' I reluctantly hug him back just because I know he feels bad and I just want to comfort him. He's messed with me so much. He tells me he needs me then says that I can't hang out with my friends and tells me I need his permission to do anything at all. He would ask where I was 24 7 and then say it's because he cares about me. 'I can't let him do this to me again..' My eyes begin to tear up remembering all of what he put me through. We hold each other for a bit, and then once a tear falls down my cheek, I snap back to reality. "No!" I suddenly push Ben off me and look at him in almost terror. "I'm not letting you do this to me again" I almost shout at him. Ben looks at me like a puppy who just figured out that his owner didn't really throw the ball and just tricked him(sorry for the lowkey mean comparison). My eyes begin to water again but I just turn my attention away from him. "D-do hate me? Are you mad at me?" Ben's voice is sad but you can tell it was fake. "No! I'm leaving!" I turn towards the camp and start running.

I can hear him shouting, trying to make me feel bad, but I just keep running. Part of me wanted to turn around and comfort him, but I know that I needed to stay away. A light peers through an opening in the trees and I finally make it out. However, an object in motion stays in motion. So I ran into someone. Surprise, it was Duncan. I basically face-plant into his chest, it hurt my nose a bit. I almost knock us both to the ground, but luckily he caught me. "Y/n, what are you doing here I thought you were doing your challenge" He gently lifts up my face and sees that my eyes are close to crying. "Woah wait, what happened?" Duncan gently cups my face and brings it up to his to examine it. "Who did this to you, are you okay?" My eyes only begin to get worse and I don't want anyone seeing me like this. Especially Duncan. My arms push him back almost instinctively, and I run off.  The tears begin to pour as I continue running away. I finally make it away to the edge of the island and finally just sit down and my tears start to pour. 'I never wanted to see him again. And on this dumb show too. Why did I ever sign up for this?' I curled up into a ball and hid my face into my arms. I've never wanted to just be in my room so badly.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming my way, but I just try to ignore it. The footsteps got slower as they get closer. A gentle hand is placed on my shoulder. I just flinch and move myself away. "Y/n, please, tell me what's wrong. What happened?" Because of my need for physical comfort, I suddenly hide myself in Duncan's chest and wrap my arms around his wait. At this point, I start bursting out in tears. Duncan hesitantly wraps his arms around me, in a way that he didn't know what to do. As soon as he figured out that I was okay with him physically comforting me, he gently started petting my head. I sniffed before I said anything, "This dumbass show brought my ex into this" my voice cracked between my words. I feel Duncan suddenly stiffen. "Chris did what.." his voice is dead serious, and honestly a little scary. I explained the situation that just happened with me and Ben. Duncan froze out of pure want to kill someone. Then, he started shaking, "Duncan?" I asked a little concerned about how he was taking it. "Do you know where he is?" He asked in a surprisingly calm voice. I just looked at him and shook my head. He sighed and it seemed like he calmed himself down, "It's okay, I'm here for you" Duncan spoke in a kind voice as he pulled me close and tightened his arms around me for a tighter hug(don't worry guys I can totally write well[sarcasm]). I could feel the heat radiating from the punk's body. I hold him tighter and slowly start feeling better. 'Wow, does he really care about me this much? To be so upset to see me cry?' Deep down, even if it didn't seem like it, Duncan really does care. 

We sit like this for a while, or, at least I'm okay enough to go back to camp. Duncan and I walk back as I hold onto his arm. The campfire comes into view and we see the killer bass and Chris standing there. Chris looked annoyed, "Finally! I thought you guys would never come back. Oh, Y/n, you lose! It's voting someone out of your team for you kitties!(I enjoy writing form Chris's pov.. anyways..)" Me and Duncan walk over to the seats and sit next to each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Courtney glaring at me. We vote and the one who goes home is Anthony! "Fucking yes!" I accidentally shout. Chris sighs, "Y/n, L A N G U A G E!" 'Yeah, he's really getting annoyed with my bull shit(ha, just like in res AYO[no one is going to get that]).' I smiled slightly as I watched Anthony slowly make his exit to the dock of shame. He turned around and shouted, "I blame this on you Y/n!" I roll my eyes and hear Duncan say, "seriously?" I clear my voice, "I blame it on you being a big ass hole! And a little bitch! Chicken!" And flipped him off. Chris sighs, "Is warning you about your language going to do anything?" I just look at him and shake my head with a half smile on my face. I'll be honest, seeing Anthony go made me feel better a bit. Also, it turns out, that Chris wanted to be mean to Anthony and put him on a boat filled with chickens! I'll say, Chris is a absolute dick for bringing Ben here, but I like to watch the other campers suffer. After voting him off, I went behind the girls cabin, 'cause that's usually where Gwen chills before going to sleep. "Hey," I say walking towards her a bit shyly. "Hey N/n(nickname), what's with the sad look?" I sat down and told Gwen everything, including some of the things that Ben has done in the past. "Holy shit, Chris is heartless!" Gwen says with full sincerity. "Yeah, thanks for letting me talk about this," I shrug with a half smile. Gwen half hugs me, "of course Y/n, I'll punch Chris in the face later for you" We both giggle a bit, "thanks." We back off of each other a bit, "Actually, Duncan made me feel better a bit too" Gwen looked surprised, "You, and Duncan? I can totally see it" she smiles. I nervously laugh a bit, "I- uh, I-It's not like we're dating or anything" We both laugh a bit, "Oh you totally like him" We continue to laugh a bit. After I feel a bit better, we both go to our cabins and finally this day can get to an end.

Ahhhhhhh! I'm so sorry for this terrible chapter. It was a bit rushed because I knew I was major slacking and this chapter was a bit hard for me to write because of personal experience but I wanted to make something different. I am so sorry everyone, this is why I ask to have low standards for me lol. Anyways, thanks for reading, I'm so sorry for this being so late, and I appreciate your existence. 


Edit~san here, I'm so sorry yall this came out way later than I wanted and I'm just asking please be patient with me and please do not have high standards for me because I would hate to disappoint yall...anyways..thanks and I'm sorry
Also I promise I'm seeing yall comment you want more so I really am trying

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