Chapter 1

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I suddenly feel a jerk throughout my body. 'Oh yeah, I'm on a boat.' I signed up for a reality t.v. show to get away from my family. They're not exactly the best. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But they are annoying(you know how it be). A dock connected to an island comes into view. The dock holds the host, and other people I didn't pay attention to. One person that caught my eye was a cool goth girl. "Y/n! My dude!" I grab my bags and hop down from the boat, "Hey" I say in a monotone voice. "Just to let you know, if you try anything funny, I have full permission to send you back home" Chris says pointing finger guns at me. "No promises" I flash him with a half smile. I walk other to the others and stand next to the cool goth one. "I'm Y/n", "I know, I'm Gwen", "Cool" 

The other contestants start getting introduced, until a certain one grabs my attention. In the distance, we hear rock music playing. A boy with green hair and a skull shirt comes rolling in. His  face contains a pissed off look. "Duncan, dude!" Chris continues with his finger guns. "I don't like surprises" He says, clenching his fist. "Yeah, your parole officer warned me about that man. He also told me give give him a holler anytime and have you return to juvie" Chris smirks. "Alright" he starts walking over, "see you by the campfire cutie~" he send a wink my way. "Watch your step juvie boy" I smirk back at him. 

After that, I spaced out again. Well, unless attention was called out to me. A sarcastic nerd came up and said something about his life threatening allergies. "Is this where we're staying?" "No, we're not staying at this place where we were taken to" I say sarcastically. I guess Duncan wanted to say something too. "It's your mom's house. And we're gonna have a party!" Noah, "Right, nice piercings original. Do them yourself?" Duncan takes out a pin and grabs the dude's lip, "Yeah, you want one?" His voice is intimidating. Noah, "heh, no thanks. Can I have my lip back?" Duncan let's go. Noah, "thanks." I chuckle to myself, 'he's a real piece of work.' I space out again. 

"Everyone gather on the end of the dock for promo pictures!" Everyone walks over to the end of the dock and poses for the picture. A big guy, I think his name was Owen, picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. He does the same to Duncan. "Well, hello again~" he smirks back at me. "Yeah cool, nice to see you" I say in a flat voice but a half smile on my face. Chris goes to take the picture but something is wrong and this goes on for a good minute or two. "C'mon man! My face is starting to freeze!" I hear one of the other campers say. "Okay okay, everyone say 'Wawanakwa!'" Most people say it then suddenly the dock gives out and we all fall. I'm a decent swimmer, so I wasn't too worried. But, with my amazing luck, got my ankle stuck on something. The air in my lungs start to leave and I'm soon out of breath. Suddenly, a pair of arms grab around my torso and pull me up. My head reaches the surface and I take in a deep breath. I gasp for air and turn to look at my savior. "You okay?", "Noah, right?" I look up at his face showing off his strong jawline. "Yeah, you okay?" his voice sounds worried. "Oh yeah I'm good. Thanks" I flash a half smile his way. I couldn't help but feel like we were being stared down by someone. Noah helps me stand up and we walk to the beach together. "Alright, dry off and meet me at the campfire in 10!"

Uhhh, yada yada this is gonna be our home for the next 8 weeks, teammates, friends, blah blah(wow I'm a great writer). "Ya dig?" Chris smirks and raises an eyebrow. "What will the sleeping arrangements be? Cuz I'd like to request a bunk under them~" Duncan points his thumb over in my direction. Some prep basic chick speaks up, "they're not co-ed, are they?" 'Dumb question' I think to myself. "Nooo, girls sleep in one cabin, boys sleep in the other" Chris answers. Some dumb twins go one about how they'll die or something if they aren't together. 

*smol tim skp*

Everyone walks over to their respective team. "Nice to see you again, cutie~" Duncan says in a flirty voice. "I have a name you know" I say flatly. "Oh yeah~ and you don't like being called cutie?" He says with a smirk. "I prefer to be called by my name" I look him dead in the eyes without a hint of emotion on my face. "Then why don't you tell me, doll~" Duncan continues to have a dumb smug look on his face. "Y/n" I say again flatly. "Alright, Y/n~" He emphasizes on my name,  saying it in a sexual voice. My face turns pink as anger rises inside me, "I did say watch yourself, Duncan~" I say his voice in the same way he said mine. A tint of pink runs across his face while I smirk back at him.

We go to explore the cabins and suddenly hear a loud and annoying scream. "Ho man that white girl can scream" Lashawna says while peaking her head through the door. It's literally just a cockroach. I was about to pick it up just to show everyone that there's LITERALLY NOTHING to be afraid of. Then Duncan comes up with an axe and chops the thing in half. Gwen, "Well that's one way tp kill a cockroach." Tyler makes some poor excuse for flirting saying that he could to that too(totally). Duncan, "Pfft, they always go for the jocks" he rolls his eyes. "Maybe you can change that~" I say walking out while tracing his jawline. Duncan smiles while his face goes a bit pink. "Everyone down to the mess hall!" Chris yells.

In the mess hall, I sit at the corner of the table to limit the amount of people I'm around. And to little surprise, Duncan sit down next to me. All he does is smirk at me, I just roll my eyes. Chef starts yelling at us about something but I just tune him out. I sneaked my mp3 player in, so I just plugged my earbuds in and spaced out. I overheard DJ talking about our first challenge and how bad it could possibly be. 

*transition to everyone at the top of the cliff in their swimwear* 

Sorry for the shorter chapter. Or whatever you judge it by your standards.

Wow, never did an outro thing before uhhhh, hope you liked it? Or not, I know I suck. 


Total drama island Duncan x reader(gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now