Part.. 10? 9? 9.

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The day started by waking up to another Chris alarm. I groaned, got out of bed, changed clothes, and headed out to where Chris wanted the teams to line up. "Today's challenge is a true summer camp experience! A canoe trip!" Chris continues to explain the challenge to us. Basically, we row the canoes over the lake to an island and then carry it across the island until we get to the other side. Once there, we'll build a fire that'll be judged by Chris than we paddle back. He mentioned something about if you take something off the island, it's bad luck. I mostly just ignored it. We all made our way to the canoes. "Hey babe~" Duncan suddenly walks up behind me. Wanna go canoeing together?" I cross my arms and roll my eyes playfully, "Is this just an excuse to get close to me again?"  I raise one eyebrow at him. He holds his hands behind his back innocently, "Mmm, maybe, would that be bad?" he continues to smirk. "Mmm, maybe" I just half smile back at him. Then, I get an idea. I search the crowd quickly, "Hey Harold!" The ginger turns around, "huh?" Duncan quickly grabs my shoulder, "What are you doing?" I just smile even wider, "Harold! Wanna join our canoe!?" I raise my head and wave at him. He gains a dumb smile, "Sure Y/n, but I have to warn you, my rowing skills are beyond this worlds comprehension" Harold comes into view, away from everyone else. "Why is he here?" Harold narrows his eyes at Duncan. "I could be asking the same thing about you nerd" Duncan crosses his arms in defense. "What? I can't get two of my favorite guys to hang out with me?" I say obviously joking, but Harold buys it. And it just makes Duncan more pissed. 'Oh this is going to be fun :3' 

The three of us got inside the canoe and start rowing. I made Harold sit in the middle of the canoe just to tick off Duncan. After the rough day I had yesterday, I needed to have some fun. We were all rowing, and honestly nothing much happened. Just Duncan complaining and grumbling, and of course occasionally "accidentally" splashing Harold. And the ginger nerd went on a bit of a rant saying how his skill in almost everything is awesome and you know whatever. We finally reached the island, "Finally, this is almost over" Duncan complains. Harold folds his arms like he was about to drop some fax(machine) or some shit(I'm funny I swear), "Sorry to ruin the mood but I have this rare condition that stops me from holding anything too heavy about my head" Duncan just rolls his eyes, "Listen nerd, the only reason I'm letting you live, is because Y/n said so. So you better suck, it, up." Duncan death glared Harold causing him to flinch. I just rolled my eyes and we continued the challenge. We were making our way through the island, and Geoff got "injured". Everyone seemed so worried and whatever. Courtney thought this was blown way out of proportion. And I agree with her. Harold and DJ carry Geoff on top of one of the canoes. Anyways, we reached the other side of the island and we started the fire. Luckily, Duncan and I had lighters on us. But, Harold was panicking and threw all of our ores in the fire! I just walk up to him and smack him up side the head, "Way to go, genius" Everyone just gets angry at him. Duncan is just beyond pissed and has know gone silent. the gophers won the fire-building challenge, thanks to Izzy(we love her). "Great, now how are we supposed to get back!" Bridgette shouts. I just groan, "You just had to fuck this up" I cross my arms with sass(and with ass, I'll stop..). Bridge then gets the idea of DJ bringing us across the lake. Geoff, "You can't make him do that! Dude can't swim!" Courtney, "Well, it's not like Harold's skinny arms can do anything" I look at Courtney, "You're right, we need to do something about this. And Geoff can't do it because of his 'injury'." (At that moment, you felt a connection with the short haired brunette, and then you both suddenly got close to each other and then... flpslfpslpslffsplfps. Okay, now I'll stop.) DJ finally maned up and swam all of us back to shore. We actually ended up winning! After the 'voting out of the loser' thing, me and Gwen met up behind the cabins, as we always do. 

"So who did you guys vote out?" I asked. Gwen had a weird look on her face, "Izzy kinda got caught by the government or something.. It was weird" I just kinda gain a dumb smile on my face , 'cause, like, it's kinda funny. "Congrats on winning" she smiled at me. "Thanks, anything interesting happen to you guys? I saw that you got to take the ride back with Trent" I smirked and raised one eyebrow at her. She laughed a bit pink, "Well, we kinda got attacked by these bear, beaver, things. Oh and Cody made a dumb bet with Owen about getting my bra" Gwen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Seriously? You know, I can beat him up for you" Gwen laughed, "Thanks, but you know I can do that for myself" I laughed a bit, "Yeah, I know. What happened?" Gwen took a deep breath and told me that she would do it only if Cody could do something for her. And he did. Which was cool, and hilarious. "Hah, that's great. Look at you, getting all the mens" I joked. She laughed along, "Yeah right, saw you with Duncan and... Harold?" I laughed a bit nervously, "Yeah, I did that as a joke to tick of Duncan. Just made me feel a bit better, you know, after yesterday" Gwen gently put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry about that Y/n. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better though" I laughed a bit, "Thanks dude. Better go to sleep, getting a bit late" Gwen, "heh, since when did you care about that?" she joked. "Hah, since I started seeing shit because of how tired I am. Anyways, cya later" I wave bye and walk off. I take a deep breath of relief and look forward to laying down and sleeping. Suddenly, fast footsteps approached. Then a sudden grab on my face. "There you are" It was Duncan. "What were you thinking earlier?" he seemed mad. I smacked his hand off me, "Listen, I was just messing around. I had a stressful day yesterday. Out of everyone, you should know that" I looked up at him, feeling a little vulnerable. Duncan took a deep sigh, "Listen, I... I'm sorry. You were just frustrating today!" His voice got more violent. There was a moment where everything was still. I slowly just, hugged him. The last few days have been way too tiring for this, And I think we just both needed a hug. After a moment, Duncan hugged back. We stood like this, just for a bit. I could feel the body heat from him contrasting to the cold summer air in the night. There was a certain safely I felt when I was in his arms. My breath evened out and my heart calmed down. I felt okay. And I think he did too. We let go of each other for a second. Duncan sighed again, "thanks" he gently leaned down a bit and placed a kiss on my forehead. My heart skipped a beat for only a second, my eyes looked up at him and saw his dumb little smirk. "Night, Y/n~" he said my name so sweetly, it made my face turn a bit pink. "Goodnight," I playfully punched him, "punk" We smiled sweetly at each other and walk to our cabins. And finally, after what seemed like a tiring day, I got to lay down, and go to sleep. 

Howdy guys, sorry it took quite a bit to get this chapter out. And I'm also sorry it was kinda short but I'm trying. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading, and I appreciate your existence.


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