Chapter 1: shooting stars

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‼‼This is an alternative universe, so certain events will not happen, and will canonically end with endgame ‼‼

16th March 2012, Roanemouth, United Kingdom

The bell rang, signalling the end of lessons.

"Right. Your homework for next lesson is to go over your notes from today's lesson, and answer the questions on page 47 of your textbooks. Anyone who doesn't hand in the homework on Monday, will have detention with Mr Grimshaw, and God knows his detentions are like torture," My history teacher, Mr Wilson, told us as we put all our stuff in our bags. I rushed out of the room, and ran down the stairs to the PE changing rooms. I was part of the school football (soccer if youre nasty lmao) team, and today we had training. I hung my bag on my usual peg, and took my jumper off.

"Alright, twiggy," The school bully, Thomas Jones, taunted whilst slapping my back. He got away with bullying everyone, because his dad was the head of the PE department.

"You know, Jones, It really wouldn't be that hard for me not to show up on Sunday," He pinned me against the wall.

"You will show up. This game is very important. My father says there'll be scouts there," He said, trying to impress his goons. I pushed him off me, and he smirked at me before going to get changed. Mr Jones walked in.

"Today we'll be practicing free kicks, and penalties," He looked at me. "(L/N) this will be good practice for you,"


The moon was slowly rising, and the sky had a periwinkle hue. I was walking home, along the canal, kicking stones into the water. I looked up to the hill where I lived, and saw a shooting star fly across the sky. It looked like it landed in the field by the abandoned factories, which were just off the canal. I walked over to them, and pulled the fence aside. I walked through the fence, and saw a crater in the floor with a pillar of light smoke coming out of it. There was no-one around, so I went over to it and investigated it. There was nothing in the crater, except a small rock. I went to pick it up, but it sent a shock through my body, causing me to collapse onto my knees. I felt everything around me slow down, then return to its normal speed. My heart rate had increased drastically. I stood up and walked the rest of the distance home. I lived on a steep hill, and normally my legs would be really hurting after walking up it, but now they didn't.

"Mum, I'm home!" I shouted, and headed to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the fridge. As I opened the fridge, my mum's cheesecake fell off the top shelf. I watched as it started to fall to the floor, but it was in slow motion, which confused me. I caught the cake with my free hand, and stood still, extremely confused.

"Are you eating my cheesecake? You know that's for tonight," My mum joked. I slowly turned around to face her.

"No. I actually stopped it from going splat! On the floor," I explained.

"Right, well close the fridge. We don't want to attract any penguins," I put the cheesecake in the fridge, closed it, and went up to my room.

The next morning

I sat at the dinner table, and wrote a note to my mum.

If you wake up before I'm back, I've gone running. I don't know why, but I feel a sudden urge to start running.

I left, and made my way down to the running track at school. I climbed the fence, and set my bag down by the seating area. I took a stopwatch out of my bag, and walked to the starting line. I started the stopwatch, and threw it down as I started running. Much to my surprise, my first lap had been faster than I expected.

"49 seconds, huh? I've never been that fast," I reset the stopwatch, and started my second lap. This time, I felt myself running faster. 46 seconds. I did a third and final lap.

"On your marks. Get set. Go!" I said to myself, before running. I had reached the 150 metre mark when I felt everything slow down. I continued running, and before I knew it, I had completed 2 laps. I looked down at the stopwatch.

"What the fuck. 27 seconds," I reset the stopwatch, and ran another test lap. This time, everything slowed down almost instantly. 3 seconds later, I had completed the lap.

"So I have super reactions, and can run faster than sound?" I picked my bag up, and walked home. I threw my bag on the settee, and left again. I tied my shoes tight and started running around the city. I was running faster than sound, testing my limits. It seemed like the more I ran, it took less time to reach super speed. Does this mean I'll never be able to run normally again? I thought to myself as I dodged some traffic. I ran through a tunnel, and the sound of me zipping through it echoed loudly, bringing me to a halt.

"Woah, that echo was cool," I said to myself. "Echo. I like that,"

A/N: i made a twitter lol, you should follow it for regular(ish) updates

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