chapter 30: The Sparky Speedster

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"So, you said you shot a bolt of energy at Tony Stark. Try and shoot one at our dummy," She said, as we walked towards the centre of the training room. It somewhat resembled a dojo, but was designed to be more of a gym.

"Shall I go and get him then?" I asked sarcastically.


"Robinson. The guy I'm sharing a room with. That you didn't tell me about," I held my hand towards the dummy, and a bit of electricity sparked out of it. "Nothing,"

"Jack's alright once you get to know him. Focus on bringing energy to your hand, and channeling it," She gazed at me through her glasses. I breathed in, closed my eyes, and tried again. A bolt of energy came out of my hand and hit the dummy in the chest, leaving a scorch mark. I tried again with my other hand, and another bolt came out.

"This is weird. I'm so used to being able to only run fast. Now I can shoot energy from my hands,"

"Try shooting a beam of energy, now," I looked at her, then did as she said. A black and white beam of energy shot out of my hand.

"Neat," I said before walking over to Mrs Wormwood. "I don't get it. When running, or doing anything else with my powers, electricity starts sparking off me. But my powers are energy, not electricity,"

"I wish I could tell you why," I walked to the lounge area, where Jack was asleep on a couch.

"Robinson!" I shouted, and he woke up.


"Since we're sharing a room, we might as well get to know each other. So, how did you get your powers?"

"I was struck by lightning. I was running 800 metres at school when a bolt of lightning struck me in the heart. Doctors declared me dead for 3 days until my heart started beating extremely fast. Then, Mrs Wormwood met me at school and brought me here,"

"How long have you been here?"

"About 6 years. Since I was 15. What about you?"

"Oh, I touched a rock. I was walking home from school, and a shooting star landed so I went to look at it. Everything around me slowed down for a second before returning to their normal speeds. Then, I became an Avenger. And last year, I started dating Wanda Maximoff. Do you have other powers?" He smirked at me before holding his hand towards the ceiling light, and absorbing all the electricity from it. He played with it for a short while before sending it back to the light.


"I can shoot energy out of my hands,"


2 months later...

I sat at the desk in my room trying to make a design for a new suit. A green and white suit wouldn't look right with black and white powers. The new suit needed to be black and white. Something snazzy.

"Incoming call from Wanda, Sir," I answered.

"Hello, Wanda,"

"Hey, how are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good. This place in Portugal is legit. I also learnt that I have other powers, so that's what I'm spending my time doing. How's Scotland?"

"Scotland's fine. Vis is living with me to keep me safe, because you're away in Portugal,"

"Wanda, you do know Vision likes you, right?"

"What?" She said, shocked, causing me to laugh a little bit. "Well, I don't care, because I love you. And only you. I miss you, (L/N)"

"I miss you too, Wanda. Hopefully it won't be long before we can see each other again. Right, I'd better be going. You never know who could be listening in, trying to find us criminals. Talk to you later," I started sketching.

2 hours had passed and I only had 2 potential suits. Jack came into our room, and jumped on his bed.

"Mrs Wormwood would like to speak to The Sparky Speedster," He said.

"How many times have I told you to not call me that,"

"Why? It's fitting. You shoot sparks of lightning out of your fingers,"

"Alright then, what's your 'nickname'?"

"I was thinking, The Prince of Pace," I liked that. It had a nice ring to it.

"Nah, that's shit. Think of another,"

"Mrs Wormwood, Jack said you wanted to see me,"

"Yes. It's been 2 months since I checked up on you. How are you making progress with your powers?"

"Quite well. I can flick lightning out of my fingers now," I demonstrated by flicking a small bolt of lightning across her office.

"Very good. What about your main powers?"

"Oh, I can control the bolts perfectly, but I can't hold the beam for very long,"

"Then I suggest you work on training that then,"

"Do you have any powers?" She raised her gaze to me.

"It's impolite to ask a lady such personal questions,"

"Good thing it's just us ladies then!" She ignored me, and I walked back to mine and Jack's room.

"Jack. You've been here for 6 years, have you ever left?"

"A few times, but not much. Why?"

"I want to go to and see Wanda,"

"Where is she?"

"I'm not saying,"

"Yeah, you need a really good excuse to leave. Or, for the place to be destroyed," He said, laughing. I looked at him funnily. I wanted to question what he meant, but I feel like I already know.

1 year later

I was walking through the facility when Mrs Wormwood hurried past me.

"Mrs Wormwood, what's wrong?"

"Jack. No-one has seen him for a week,"

"I'm sure he'll turn up, he's like 23," She shook her head at me.

"No, the last time he went missing, he tried to..."

"Tried to what?" Destroy the place?" She nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll find him," 

A/N: sorry if these seem rushed, i just really wanted to get onto the next big part of my story!

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