chapter 21: ring of fire

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A/N: sorry for not poting last night and the night before. I have been struggling writing, and was caught up with myself, so I had nothing to post whilst I continued writing. Anywayyy, enjoy! 

3 months later

I ducked and weaved through Wanda's attacks. We were training, and I was helping Wanda get a stronger hold over her powers.

"Come on Wanda, focus," I dodged another bolt. "You wanna try and predict where I'm going to move," She used her magic to hold me still.

"Well move like a normal person would," She said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay. No superspeed. Let's go again," This time it was harder for me because I couldn't dodge all of her attacks. We finished training, and walked back to Wanda's room.

"You got any plans for tonight?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"Oh, you know, I was thinking we could go out to that Italian place,"

"Like a date?" She asked, smirking at me.

"No, no, no. It'd be like just us two eating pizza or summat... Yeah, sorta like a date," I laughed to myself.

"How are we getting there?"

"I can run us over,"

"Pick me up at 8:30," She went into her room, and I smiled to myself.

"Oh, don't worry. I will,"


I knocked on Wanda's door, and she appeared at the door in some of her black casual clothes.

"M'lady, your carriage awaits," We walked to the entrance of the compound. I picked her up, and ran into New York. I stopped outside an Italian restaurant called Roberto's. We walked inside and booked a table for two. We had ordered when a shady looking guy came in and booked a table for one. I'd ordered a standard lasagne with a side of garlic bread, and Wanda ordered spaghetti bolognese. The guy traced his finger along our table as he walked past.

"Who comes to a restaurant to eat alone?"

"Maybe someone's meeting him here," Wanda suggested.

"No, I heard him say it was just him,"

I was halfway through my lasagne, when I looked over to the shady guy and saw him playing with a ball of fire under the table. I choked on some mince.

"What's wrong?" Wanda asked with a panicky tone, using her magic to remove the mince from my throat.

"Nothing, I'm fine. But, don't make it obvious, the shady guy's kinda playing with a ball of fire under his table," She gave me a funny look, then turned around.

"What do we do?" She asked.

"What can we do? Without making a scene," I had an idea. The waiter came over with our second round of drinks.

"Do you have a pen, mate?" He looked at me confused, but handed me a pen. I grabbed a tissue and scribbled on it.

Set fire alarm off. Evacuate. The waiter gave me a dirty look.

"Do it," He went back to the kitchen, and shortly after, a high pitched alarm rang through the restaurant.

"We need everyone to get out of the restaurant. There's a fire!" One of the waiters shouted, causing everyone to go into a mass panic. Everyone except Wanda, myself, and the fire guy hurriedly rushed out of the restaurant. I activated my suit as he stood up, and ran in front of him.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Wanda asked from behind him.

"This," He clenched his fist. His fist was engulfed in flames, and the restaurant burst into flames.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"Magic," He formed a ring of fire around himself, and Wanda started coughing whilst pushing some fire away. I ran Wanda out of the restaurant and stood on the edge of this guy's fire ring.

"Johnny Cash would be proud," I said sarcastically.


"He was a singer who sang 'ring of fire'. Great song," The guy shot a ball of fire at me, but I dodged it.

"What's your name?" He ignored me and fired a fire beam at me. He fired it directly in the centre of my chest, but it didn't hurt. It just felt mildly warm. I started running around the ring of fire, and the walls of the ring started rising. There was a loud eruption, and all the windows shattered. Sirens could be heard coming from a few blocks away. I ran inside the ring of fire, grabbed the shady guy, and left the restaurant. Wanda took hold of him, and I collapsed onto the floor, coughing my guts up. The police arrested the shady guy, and I walked over to them.

"Send him to The Raft. He's too dangerous to be in a regular prison," The police occifer nodded at me, and drove away. The same waiter I told to evacuate came over to me, and poked my chest aggressively.

"This is your fault! This was my dad's restaurant, and his dad's before him," He said aggressively.

"No. It wasn't," I squared up to him. "I told you to evacuate the restaurant. If I hadn't people would've died,"

"Oh yeah, as long as no-one dies it's fine to destroy the public isn't it? Typical Avenger thinking," He stormed off, kicking the pavement. A fire truck came skidding around the corner as I walked over to Wanda.

"Well, some first date that was," I said as I deactivated my suit, and started walking down the street.

"First? Who says you're getting a second?" Wanda joked. I sighed and laughed.

"Wanda, I'm gonna be honest with you. When we first met, in Strucker's castle, I thought you were stunning. And then as time progressed, we became friends and I realised that I didn't just find you extremely attractive. At the compound, during training, and just spending time with you. Wanda, what I'm really trying to say, but am talking my way around is that I really, really like you. And what I want to ask is, will you..." She tiptoed and cupped my cheek.

"Yes," She said softly, placing a kiss upon my lips. "Now, take me home,"


"Fire at Italian restaurant. This your doing?" Nat asked, sitting across from me at breakfast.

"No. There was some shady guy who set the place alight. Wanda and I stopped the guy from setting fire to all of New York," Nat walked away, and Wanda came and sat next to me.

"So, how are we playing this? Are we public or private?" I whispered to Wanda.

"Let's stay private for now..." I looked at her, and she kissed me. "We'll see what the future brings," We smiled at each other like dorks for a solid minute before I finished my breakfast.

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