chapter 6: the other guy

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I was walking around the helicarrier when my phone started vibrating.

"Hi, Mum!" I said.

"(Y/N), where are you?" I ran my hand through my hair, and sighed.

"Well, I suppose I'd better be honest. 2 weeks ago, I found a rock that gave me the ability to run super fast. And now, I am 30,000 feet in the sky, on a mission to stop the world from alien invasion," I explained.

"What the hell, you'd better be telling the truth,"

"Yes, I am. I'll explain everything when I come home. Bye mum, I love you," I hung up. I noticed Natasha, and Thor heading to the lab, so I followed them. There was commotion. Tony and Steve had discovered that S.H.I.E.L.D were planning on using the tesseract to use weapons. Everyone was arguing, but I was staying quiet.

"Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?" Steve said, as things were getting heated between him and Tony.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," Tony listed.

"I know guys with none of that, worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play," Steve said.

"You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came from a bottle," I felt something strange in the atmosphere, like something bad was about to happen. I left the lab, and looked around. Nothing. I went back to the lab.

"In case you needed to kill me. But you can't, I know, I tried. I got low. Didn't see an end. So I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out." The computer behind us started beeping. We all turned around.

"Sorry kids, you don't get to see my party trick after all,"

"You located the tesseract?"

"I could get there fastest," Tony said.

"I can run at 120mph," Tony and Steve started bickering again, and Bruce took his glasses off. There was a loud explosion, and the vent underneath us exploded. I fell down the vent with Natasha and Bruce.

"We're okay," She said. Bruce started panting and breathing heavily. "We're okay, right?"

"Nat!" I lifted the metal sheets of her leg, and she stood up.

"Bruce, you've gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants," She said.

"I'll go and see what's happening," Natasha nodded at me, and I climbed out of the hole. I ran across the helicarrier, into the bridge.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Maria.

"External combustion. Engine 3," I ran up to the deck, and to engine 3. It wasn't hard to miss, as it was engulfed in a mountain of flames. I turned around, and saw some people breaking into the helicarrier. I pressed my earpiece.

"Guys, I think I've found Robin Hood,"

"You mean Agent Barton," Steve corrected.

"Yeah, him. I'm gonna follow him," I followed them through their hole, but ended up taking a wrong turn. I fell down another vent, into the hangar. I felt the floor shaking. I stood up, and saw a green monster running across the hangar. I also saw Thor on the opposite side of the hangar. I ran across and jumped on The Hulk, and he started swinging me about.

"Woah, so this is The Incredible Hulk. Hi, Thor," Hulk threw me off his back, and I slammed into a wall. "That was fun,"

Thor held his hand out, and Mjolnir flew into his hand. Hulk ran towards him, but Thor uppercut him with Mjolnir, and he flew into a jet.

"Mind if I have a swing?" I asked, and Thor smiled at me whilst handing me the hammer. I grabbed it, and fell to the floor. I tried picking it up, but was wasting my time.

"It's a heavy hammer you've got there," I said, breathing heavily. Hulk started running towards Thor and I. Thor threw his hammer towards Hulk, and Hulk attempted to catch it, but was knocked backwards onto the floor. He tried getting up, and picking the hammer up, but was unsuccessful. Thor ran over to him, and kicked him in the head. He grabbed the hammer, and jumped on Hulk's back, using Mjolnir to choke him. I noticed some cable on a desk, so I grabbed it, and ran around Hulk's legs. Once I had wrapped enough cable around his legs, Thor made Hulk move forward, and because I had wrapped the cable around his legs, he fell over. Thor got off him, and stood next to me.

"Nice thinking, little one. Not bad,"

"Thanks, but it won't hold," And right on cue, he broke out of the bonds and growled at us.

 "Well, that was sooner than I expected," Thor jumped on Hulk's back, and I grabbed Hulk's arm. He jumped up through the ceiling. A jet appeared in the window, and started shooting Hulk, who growled loudly before jumping through the window, and onto the jet. The jet started nosediving, and after a short while, exploded.

"So that's Banner's party trick. He becomes a big, green, rage induced monster," I said.

"It would appear so," Thor said as he picked up Mjolnir. "Loki," He said, before rushing out of the room.

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