chapter 26: kitchen nightmares

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"What happened in Vienna?" Wanda asked, as I entered her room.

"Um, Bucky bombed the UN building. Apparently he disagrees with the Accords too," I joked.

"James was spotted in Bucharest. He was engaged by Captain Rogers, Sam, and an unknown third party," Sam said.

"Bucharest. That's Romania," Wanda said.

"Yeah. Damn, I wish I stayed in Europe,"

"You said you'd protect me," Wanda joked.

"Yeah, and I will," I kissed her, and went to the dining room.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"You'll find out," I entered the dining room, and saw Vision cooking.

"Vision, what are you doing?"

"I thought I'd cook something for Wanda. She seemed a bit down, and you didn't know when you'd be back from Europe," He explained. I smiled and walked over to him. He was cooking a chicken paprikash. He examined the cooking instructions, and put a large pinch of paprika into the pan.

"God, have you put enough paprika in?" I asked sarcastically as I tasted the sauce.

"Should we put more in? I thought I put a small pinch in, like the book suggested," He asked, seriously.

"No, there's enough in," Wanda walked into the room.

"Is that paprikash?" She asked, walking over to us.

"I thought it might lift your spirits," Vision answered, causing Wanda to chuckle. She took a spoonful of the sauce and tasted it.

"Spirits lifted,"

"In my defense, I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so..."

"May I?"

"Please," Wanda took over the kitchen, and continued Vision's hard work.

"No-one dislikes you, Wanda," Vision said suddenly, causing me to choke, and spit my water back into my glass. I looked at Vision, then up at Wanda, who matched my look before giving Vision a confused look.


"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's an involuntary response in their amygdala..."

"Their what?" I asked, and Wanda shushed me.

"They can't help but be afraid of you,"

"Are you?" She asked Vision.

"Yeah, you terrify me, Wanda," I said sarcastically, causing Wanda to smile at me, and Vision gave me a serious look.

"My amygdala is synthetic,"

"I used to think of myself one way..." She started playing with some magic in her hand. "But after this, I am something else. I am still me, I think, but that's not what everyone else sees," I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

"I see you for who you really are. My wonderful girlfriend," I kissed her cheek and placed my head on her shoulder. Vision started talking about The Mind Stone, and how he had no idea what it properly was.

"I don't know what is in this, but it is not paprika," Wanda said, and I chuckled. "I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes," I took my head off her shoulder, and she went to leave but Vision stopped her.

"Alternatively, we could order a pizza,"

"Vision, are you not letting me leave?"

"It is a question of safety,"

"I can protect myself,"

"Not yours. Mr Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a more secure foundation,"

"Not to worry, I'll go instead," I said, trying to stop Wanda from sending Vision back to Seoul, but Vision stopped me.

"Vision, I am a US citizen. Let me go,"

"Not until next March you're not," I did some mental maths and sighed. He was right. I'd been in America for only 4 years.

"Okay, why does Tony not want me to leave?"

"For safety, after the Italian restaurant incident," He explained.

"Okay, that was completely out of our control," I said, starting to get annoyed.

"It still happened,"


Vision had kept Wanda and I in the dining room all day. It was dark, and no stars were in the sky. There was a large explosion outside, which captured the attention of all 3 of us.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, as we all stood up and looked out of the window.

"Stay here, please," Vision said as he phased through the wall. Wanda used her magic to grab a knife, and flung it across the room. It stopped right in front of Clint's face. He flicked it away.

"Guess I shoulda knocked,"

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?" Wanda asked, and we walked over to him. I shook his hand.

"Disappointing my kids," He walked past us, and shot two arrows at either end of the room. "I'm supposed to go water skiing. Cap needs our help, come on," We started walking with him, and Vision phased back into the room.

"Clint! You should not be here,"

"Really? I retire for what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit,"

"Please consider the consequences of your actions," Vision started floating towards us.

"Okay, they're considered," Vision crossed the arrow line and was zapped by a wall of electricity. 

"Okay, we gotta go," I continued walking with Clint, but Wanda remained still.

"It's this way," Clint said, pointing at the door.

"I've caused enough problems,"

"You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, you can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass," Vision destroyed the electric barrier using The Mind Stone.

"Shit," Clint took an arrow out of his quiver and shot it through Vision, who pushed Clint back. Clint and Vision brawled until Vision had Clint in a headlock.

"Clint, you can't overpower me,"

"I know I can't. But she can," Wanda created a ball of energy in her hands, and started moving towards Vision.

"Vision, that's enough. Let him go. We're leaving,"

"I can't let you," Wanda took control of Vision, and freed Clint from Vision. Stretching her arms, she forced Vision to the floor.

"If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you," He groaned.

"I can't control their fear, only my own," She pushed Vision down through the compound.

"Wanda..." She stopped, and Clint looked down the hole.

"Oh. Come on. We got one more stop,"

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