chapter 18: the rise of Sokovia

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I ran into a large office building, and stopped in the reception area.

"The city's under attack. We need to evacuate,"

"Piss off Avenger,"

"Any minute now, Ultron could come to the city with his large army and wipe this city right off the map," They were all hesitant.

"Come on sheeple, let's move!" The Sokovians slowly started leaving the building, muttering to themselves in Sokovian.

"I'm having difficulties shifting the Sokovians. They don't take lightly to us Avengers,"

"Maybe you should leave it to us, then," Pietro said.

"Nah, it's fine,"

We had spent a few hours clearing the city, making sure that no-one would get killed during the fight with Ultron. We thought we were doing a good job, but Ultron's soldiers started slowly flooding into the city. I ran through the city, punching my way through the soldiers. My knuckles had started bleeding a while ago, but now I was numb to the pain. I put my hand through the chest of an Ultron Bot, and tied the wires around my fist. Now, instead of breaking my hands punching the bots, I could fight the bots with a bot flail.

My genius plan had failed me at the first hurdle. I had swung at a bot and the wires had snapped.

"Welp, guess I don't really need my knuckles for anything," I slid under the bot, grabbed him by the leg and threw it at another one. There was a rumble, and the ground started cracking beneath us. I looked up to see the city starting to rise into the air. I ran backwards, took a pause, and ran as fast as I could. I jumped off a taxi, and felt someone grab my arm.

"Good to see you, Cap," He lifted me up into the city. The city was still rising. Ultron was standing in the sky, looking down on his 'masterpiece'.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal,"

Pietro and I ran past each other through a ginnel, and there was another painful shock. I ran and punched an Ultron bot, but this time my fist had a sort of black and white aura surrounding it.

"What the-" The black and white aura disappeared.

"Kid, there's a building that's not clear on your left. Seventeenth floor," Tony said.

"On it," I ran up the building, kicked through the window, and rolled across the floor. There was a group of 5 people huddled together in a corner. "You need to go down to the bottom floor, and hide there," An Ultron bot flew through the building, causing it to start shaking.

"Scratch that. You need to get out of the building," I ran towards them, grabbed one, and ran down the building. I transported them all to the bottom of the building, when it started collapsing on itself.

"Go. Find safety,"

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off,"

I bumped into Pietro, who was leaning against a wall, breathing heavily. I took one of Stark's high calorie protein bars out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"High calorie protein bar. Increased metabolism means we need more blood glucose,"

"And where did you get this from?" He asked.

"I always keep a few on hand," I ran away, and saw a family being hunted by an Ultron bot, so I ran over. The Hulk jumped on the bot, and growled at me.

"Bruce! Good to see you," He growled again, even louder.

"RIght! No Banner talk," He jumped away. I ran across the city. Wanda looked like she needed some help, so I ran over to her. There were too many bots for us to take on. I pushed her into the nearest building, and she started panicking.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

"This is all our fault,"

"Wanda, look at me. Right into these baby blues" She looked me in the eyes. Her bottom lip was quivering and she was breathing heavily. "This isn't your fault, it's all our fault. Tony programmed Ultron. Bruce put Jarvis into the cradle. And we pissed Ultron off. We need you for this fight, are you up for it?" She didn't reply.

"The city's flying. We're fighting an army of homicidal robots. And I can run fast. None of this makes sense. Now, I'm going back out there. Not because I want to, but because it's my job. And I can't do my job on my own. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight to kill. If you come outside, and fight with me, you are an Avenger," I stood up, and held my hand to her. She waited for a second before finally taking my hand and stood up. I ran outside, and around the block to fight some bots. I watched as Wanda left the building and shot her magic towards a lot of Ultron bots, and even ripped a few in half.

"We're all clear over here,"

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve grunted.

"Alright, I'll come over to you," I turned to face wanda.

"I name thee, Wanda Maximoff, Avenger," I 'knighted' Wanda, and started running to Steve. I ran back to Wanda.

"I don't think I actually have the power to do that," I said, laughing. Wanda laughed back at me.


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