chapter 22: jingle all the way

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⚠️ This chapter contains a little bit of language that may be inappropriate for younger readers. Read at your own discretion. ⚠️ (Do i even have young readers?)

December 25 2015

I slept with Wanda more than I slept in my room. Our plan to stay private had gone fantastically. Nat had found out about us within 2 days, and after that the news had spread like wildfire. I cuddled closer to Wanda, but S.A.M had to ruin the moment by waking me up.

"Wake up (Y/N), it's 2:30 am," I opened my eyes and groaned into Wanda's shoulder. I got out of bed, and Wanda woke up too.

"What time is it?"

"Half 2. I need to get ready to go back to England. How long will it take, Sam?"

"If you run at your average speed, 410mph, it should take you about 8 hours, but if you run faster, you should be able to do it in less than 7,"

"How fast to do it in less than 6?"

"667mph. You've never ran that fast, sir,"

"I've also never ran for 8 hours straight, I might not make it," Wanda looked at me seriously, and I winked at her.

"You'll need a lot of energy. I estimate that you'll need to eat 30 of Mr Stark's high calorie, low fat protein bars in order to have enough energy to get to Roanemouth,"

"I'll eat 35. Wanda, your present is under your tree. Don't open it till I'm on land. I'll call you when I'm there," I kissed Wanda, and ran to the kitchen. I put 35 protein bars in a bag, and started my marathon across the Atlantic Ocean.


It was 10 am when I ran into Liverpool docks. Breathing heavily, I fell against a wall.

"Sam... call Wanda," I panted heavily.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Wanda said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Open your present," I said, eating a protein bar. I heard her tearing the wrapping paper.

"I love it!" She said happily, and I heard her putting it on. I got her a red leather jacket, since she loved her small, red jacket of Nat's.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll open mine when I get back. Also, I'll have another present for you when I get back. And I know you'll love it, you always do,"

"I can't wait," She said, understanding what I was on about.

"Right, I'm gonna go now, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you, bye," I ran from Liverpool to Roanemouth, which only took about 8 minutes. I arrived at my old house, and knocked at the door. It took a while, but my mum came to the door and threw herself around me.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too," I said hoarsely.

"Please, come in," She said, crying.

"Mum, it's not like I've come back from the dead. I have kept in touch,"

"I know, but you've not been in Roanemouth for 4 years," She said, putting the kettle on.

"How've you been for the last 4 years?" I asked, sitting down in front of the Christmas tree. The house hadn't changed at all since I was last here. The wallpaper was still beige, and the interior layout was still the same.

"Oh, I've been fine, except for all the worrying I've been doing about you. What happened with that Italian restaurant?" She asked, handing me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Just some maniac who could control fire. Wanda and I saved the day tho,"

"Who's Wanda?"

"Have I not told you?" She shook her head. "Oh. Well, Wanda's my girlfriend," My mum looked at me shocked.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I do, and she's amazing. How's dating going for you?"

"I gave up. I don't see the point anymore,"

"That's understandable. You already have a child, whom you have the utmost amount of love for," I joked, and finished my hot chocolate. "I don't have much time to spend here, because I need to get back to New York. So, what can we do in like 3 hours?"


I was kicking up a water storm behind me. The sun was starting to set, and snow was falling. I'd be lying if I said that this Christmas hadn't been the best, despite the fact that it had been cut short by about 18 hours. My mum and I had gone out for Christmas dinner at 'The Hairy Moose', which was the best restaurant in Roanemouth, and you could tell by how packed it was.

"Sam, how fast am I going?"


"How far out from the US of A am I?"

"If you stay at 380 mph, then you'll reach New York in 2 hours,"

"Tell Wanda I'll be back in 1 hour 30,"

I ran through the compound, straight to Wanda's room. Stopping outside her door, I sorted my hair out before going in. She was sitting on her bed, wearing her black dressing gown.

"Come and unwrap your present," She said seductively, indicating to me to go over to her. I walked over to her, and she met me halfway. I brought her into a kiss, and pushed her onto the bed. Deepening the kiss, I untied the knot of her dressing gown and opened it, revealing her bare chest. I broke the kiss, and kissed down to her breasts, taking one into my mouth and playing with the other.

"Merry Christmas, Wanda,"

A/N: sorry it's a short one, and nothing really happens but hey, everything good comes with a negative? anyway, enjoy!

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