Chapter 13 - Slowly Remembering

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Today was another day where the Dragon Explorers were coming for another visit and Hiccup and Fishlegs were waiting outside the stables with Toothless, Dusk and Meatlug.

In the distance, they could see a big dragon flying towards them. "Who's coming again?" Dusk asked for the third time. Meatlug sighed before explaining for the third time again. "The Dragon Explorers are coming, which are a bunch of kids that come to learn about dragons from Fishlegs. Grump is bringing them, his rider is Gobber." Dusk nodded while Meatlug hoped she didn't ask again. "Is that them in the sky then?" She pointed her head in the direction of the sky.

Toothless and Meatlug squinted to see Gobber and the Dragon Explorers riding on Grump. Grump then landed a little roughly while panting. "Perfect landing, what'd I tell ya?" Gobber said and the kids jumped off of Grump. "Welcome-" Hiccup tried to introduce them, but they ran past him and towards Fishlegs. They all ran to hug him and look towards the dragons.

That's when they saw Dusk.

"Hey, Uncle Fishlegs. Who's that?" The little girl pointed at Dusk. He turned to look at where she pointed at and smiled. "This is our new dragon we saved. Her name is Dusk." The kids ran up to Dusk who seemed to panic when she sensed something coming towards her.

Dusk knew they weren't a threat, but she wasn't one for attention. She leaned down and felt multiple hands touch her head gently. "Is she Toothless's girlfriend?" The little girl asked again and Hiccup and Fishlegs both laughed when they saw Toothless and Dusk freeze in embarrassment. "At least she's not wrong." Meatlug said smugly, looking at the two mates.

"Alright guys, who wants to learn more about dragons?" The little kids all yelled, except the quiet one, simultaneously and followed Fishlegs. Dusk then began to walk off while Toothless decided to trail after her.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Dusk didn't respond until Toothless nudged her head. "Hmmm? Oh, nothing." She then flew off to who knows where. Toothless tried to run after her, but he knew it was useless. 'Maybe I shouldn't have destroyed that automatic tail...' He ran all the way back to Hiccup's hut and burst through the door.

"Whoa, easy bud. What is it?" Toothless held up his tail showing the closed fin. "You want a new tail? But you already have so much." He pointed to the spare tail fins hanging on the wall. Toothless grunted and shook the tail fin while he flapped his wings.

Hiccup seemed confused until he caught on. "Oh, you want an automatic tail again?" Toothless nodded, smiling. "I told you not to destroy the other one. Now you want one." Toothless looked down, now feeling guilty that he destroyed it. "Alright, but it might take some time." Hiccup was suddenly tackled and covered with dragon slobber. Hiccup groaned and stood up, shaking some of the slobber off. "You know that doesn't wash out. Now, why don't you run off and find your girlfriend so I can get started on your new tail."

Toothless immediately ran out of the hut to find Dusk. He soon found her near a pond just taking a nap. He didn't want to wake her up, so he curled up beside her and fell asleep, dreaming about being with her. Though it was different for Dusk.

~Dusk's Dream~

Dusk stood in the middle of a meadow in a some sort of canyon. It was weird since she was able to see. She got so used to seeing nothing but a mental image in her head. She looked around to see that she was alone but she soon saw some black blobs in the distance.

She walked towards them and was shocked to see them. She saw a female Night Fury and some sort of male white Night Fury. 'Hmmm, Light Fury sounds nice.' She saw that a black egg with white spots huddled in the Night Fury's tail. The Light Fury came over with a fish in his mouth and handed it to the Night Fury. 'I guess their mates.' She then saw the egg shake.

"Ah! It's hatching!" The mother squealed. Both of the Fury's watched as their hatchling broke through the shell. The thing is that it looked exactly like Dusk, but Dusk didn't know that. Until everything suddenly disappeared and Dusk was surrounded by nothing. She found it weird and started to look around until she saw the hatchling in front of her.

"Uh, who are you?"



"Yes, I am you. Well, more like you when you were a hatchling."

"So those dragons I saw were-"

"Your parents. You're a Night-Light Fury, a mix of a Night Fury and a Light Fury."

"Huh, but where are they?"

"I don't know. That's something you have to find out for yourself."

"Wow, how helpful. Question."


"Was I born blind or...?"

"You lost your eyesight."

"Do you, or we, remember how?"

"Yup. It happened when we wandered off while our parents slept, we were just born. A Typhoomerang attacked us and ended up blinding us. Our parents eventually came and father was able to chase the Typhoomerang off the island."

"....What happened after that?"

"Dragon hunters came after us, but they weren't your regular dragon hunters."

"What do you mean?"

"These dragon hunters specialized themselves in killing and hunting down the Fury species."

"The Fury species? You mean like Night Fury's Light Fury's?"



"I don't know for sure. Though they were the reason they left us. Our parents hoped we would be able to survive on our own, so they left us at Dragon Island, where the Red Death was."

"But why there? They should have known that once she took control of us that we would lose our past memories."

"I guess they thought it wouldn't work on you since you were still young, but with your Night Fury blood, your senses developed a lot earlier."

"Hatching does develop their senses later."

"Night Fury hatchlings develop their senses earlier than regular dragons since they are a rare species."

"Who raised us though? I can't remember them clearly, but I remember calling someone father."

"We were raised by a Skirll who was enslaved at the time. He was a good father and raised us well. Since Skrill's were a part of the Striker Class, it was almost easy to teach us."

"I guess that makes sense. Is he still alive?"

"No. Sadly, he died of old age."


"Death is inevitable though. We all die at some point."

It was silent for a moment before Dusk thought of something.

"What did our parents smell like?"

"Hmmm. Our mother smelled like Pine wood since she used it to hide our cave and use it as a burning substance. Our father smelled like Magnolias. Kinda weird, but he used to bring us to play in a small forest of Magnolias when we were younger, apparently he used to do that when he was younger."

Suddenly, Dusk started to get dizzy and swayed a little.

"What's happening?" She said quietly.

"We're, or more you're, waking up. Try to remember this. It will help you in the future."

That was the last thing Dusk heard before she was brought back to the real world.

~End of Dusk's dream~


Slow updates, yeah sorry

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