Chapter 7: What Decision?

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Your POV

It's a few days later when we are sleeping in the house where Luria and Leaf live. Right now, I'm sleeping with Ena and Leaf because Luria is absent while she is still working on exterminating goblins who are still raiding our village. We woke up as Ena's parents finished cooking breakfast as we all eat. As her parents left, we should decide on taking a trip to the market district to get some food supplies.

My swordsmanship and fighting ability skills have been improved each day since I need the power for the parallel tower. For this, I need the authority from the adventurers' guild and the Macuythie family. But first, I need permission from Ena's family if I need to make them understand. I'm enrolling in the academy where I have to learn everything that Maruytham has including adventuring and the knight ops.

For now, I'm following Ena and Leaf to the food market while we have our baskets ready. Ena's parents told us while one of them hands out a sheet of paper to us. Now we can remember what they both needed for the future as they are working hard on their jobs. I do have a sword with me, but I don't understand why there are thugs in the streets.


Ena: Wow, there's sure a lot of people coming in for marketing.

Leaf: That's because they need food to survive. We can't stay alive without them.

Ena: Even with our current housing and...

Leaf: Well, better money if we have a part-time job.

Y/n: So...what should I be doing if there are no other options?

Leaf: What do you mean?

Ena: About that...Y/n is planning to enroll in the academy to learn about Maruytham, adventures' guild guidelines, and knight ops that are from the authority of the Macuythie family.

Leaf: Are you serious? Have you ever heard that the academy is ever made out of? Brutes, noble thugs, harsh objectives, critical thinking skills, and even sword fighting exams that you can't handle both tasks at once! Can't you even reconsider for just once!?

Y/n: ...Eh...?

Leaf: Oh my god, this is so cruel for you!

Ena: Although, she is suffering from amnesia and she has to know about the parallel tower because her memories must be in there.

Leaf: Are you saying that Y/n came from another world but has no memories about it?

Ena: I'm afraid to say yes about this, but it is true.

Leaf: Great, now can I help you with the academy?

Ena: Aren't you here before?

Leaf: I was, but it's now Spring Break and I'll be returning before you know it.

Y/n: Then, can you tell me how I can resolve this? I need to know-.

Leaf: Y/n, you're just a civilian of the village. You know how you can't get easy life like this.

Y/n: ...

Leaf: Listen, I know that you're happy that you set foot in Maruytham. But once Luria has done the mission, it's time for you to head back. There's no room for villagers who can't pay the bills for a month.

Ena: ...

Leaf: I know. It's hard ever since the years past that society has changed. The nobles are closer to the kingdom of Macuythie and we are just far away without the powerful means of strength and power. Y/n, you're just a villager with a lack of strength and power that cannot overrun the sovereign. You can't win with just a normal life as a civilian. You could end up losing instantly. I'm just an archer with just supportive skills while my main is lacking more power than any swordfighters. That's why I can't keep up with anyone.

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