The Letter

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Present time: Year 857 – 3 years after the Battle of Heaven and Earth

"That's it! that's the last of the boxes ready to go!" Gabi exclaimed, looking proudly around the office. She looked to Levi for approval, but instead found a disapproving grimace. He pointed at the floor, to an open box full of letters they had yet to go through. Gabi sighed "Are you kidding me? We can't go through these after we move? We only have a few days to pack up all your stuff. Ugh. Fine" she whined, being sure not to hide her annoyance. She piled the letters into a neat stack and handed them to Levi. He sorted through them, one by one, opening them and throwing away anything he deemed unnecessary. When his hands reached the final letter, he noticed the date had been from before the battle of heaven of earth. Gabi was standing over his shoulder and peered at the date written on the envelope "854? that was so long ago. Why is this just getting delivered now?" she inquired with annoyance.

"Could you not read over my shoulder?" Levi asked coldly, reviewing every detail of the envelope carefully. The envelope was worn, and dusty, as if it had been sitting at the bottom of the pile for those entire three years. He used care when opening the seal and noted that it was a simple green wax seal – nothing out of the ordinary or official, as most of his mail had been. Inside he gently pulled out a worn page, yellowed at the edges and battered by time.

Captain Levi,

My name is Noel Voman, and I am the owner of The Glass Bottom bar in Stohess. I am also the mother of two beautiful daughters, Sarina and Anya. I am writing in hopes you will come for a visit to the bar, as I believe you are someone who was very dear to Anya in her childhood.

Levi paused – 'Anya?' he thought 'theres no possible way it could be that Anya' he took another moment to re-read the first lines, feeling conflicted on if he should keep reading. What if this was some sick joke, but what if it was true. He couldn't bring himself to not continue reading, on the off chance that this was the same Anya. Who would even play a joke like this? The only two people he ever trusted talking about his past with Anya were Erwin and Hange, and both were dead.

You see, my daughter Anya was adopted in 837, when she was 15 years old. My late husband was a kind man who grew up in the underground city and had a penchant for buying girls being sold as slaves and giving them their freedom, a better life, and a family who cared for them. They work at our bar until they can forge a path for themselves in life. Through the years, we have helped raise 10 girls who came from the under-ground city. Anya was the last we adopted before his passing. Anya, however, was different from the other girls. She grew up in the underground city like most of the other girls we had taken in, but unlike the rest of the girls who would never go down there again, Anya was determined to go back there to find two boys who she grew up with. She would tell us stories about them growing up, and how much they meant to her. When she came to us, she was pregnant with the child of one of them, which she tragically lost.

"Levi? Are you okay?" Gabi looked on at her mentor, seeing something change in the way he looked at the letter... "Levi?" Falco asked from across the room, finishing taping up boxes. "I'm... fine" Levi realized he was choking on his words, and Gabi again started reading over his shoulder.

Ten years ago, in 844, she had earned enough money to buy them their citizenship and went to find them. However, before being able to get there, she was told that these two boys died. A great sadness has hung over her since, and she has grown cold to the world around her. She used to be a lively girl who sang, danced, and loved being around people. However, for the last ten years, since she was made aware that they were killed by the Military Police, she has not been the same. The light has left her eyes, and though she wears a mask of being a perfectly normal woman, a mother knows her child best. I fear I will never see my Anya be truly happy ever again.

The reason I am writing to you captain, is because of confidential information Sarina happened upon. Sarina is in the Military Police, and said that while reviewing files for accuracy, she happened upon information that you grew up in the underground city as well and share a name with one of the boy's Anya spoke of. What's more, someone who came into military service at the same time as you shares a name with one of Anya's friends – Furlan. It seems you two came in together, which led Sarina to believe that you two are the same boys our Anya knew back then. While Sarina is aware she shouldn't have shared this information with anyone, She feared telling her sister in the case that you were not the same person she believes you to be – but also feared the guilt and shame of not making an effort to bring her sister even a fleeting moment of relief and happiness if you happen to be the same boy our Anya grew up with. After discussing the matter, we felt it would be best to reach out to you to confirm your identity and offer you to come to our bar and tell us if you did know our Anya.

"No way! You had a friend!" Gabi shouted in Levi's ear "I can't imagine anyone would have wanted to be friends with you" She laughed, trying desperately to lighten the mood.

"She wasn't just a friend" Levi retorted with the pain he felt seeping through into his voice. Gabi started piecing everything together slowly, as if it was a puzzle she couldn't quite fit the last piece into. "Holy... Levi. Was she...Was it your baby?" Gabi's jaw dropped, and Falco stopped what he was doing to listen in.

"Yes" Levi couldn't quite hold back anymore, tear's forming in his eyes "I thought she was dead..." Levi couldn't hold back his tears anymore, and quietly started sobbing "I thought she was dead. I thought.. God, she probably hates me. Why didn't I ever think to look for her?" He looked up at Gabi, who was still reading over his shoulder. "if you didn't know, it's not your fault" Gabi frowned, and pulled her mentor into a hug, while Falco walked over to join them. Levi elected to read the last part of the letter out loud -

"Captain, If we happened to get this wrong and you are not the same person, please ignore this letter. We have not told Anya anything about this, because we don't want her heart to be broken again. She is a wonderful, beautiful young lady who has already been through so much pain and suffering in her life. But, If we are correct, and you are the same Levi – Please, come and speak with Anya. Let her at least know you are alive. I believe it would take a weight off of her and allow her to smile a genuine smile once more.


Noel Voman, Stohess District"

"So... Are we going to go to Stohess?" Gabi asked after finishing the letter.

"I..I don't know." Levi looked down, re-reading the letter. His thoughts were racing, jumping wildly between Anya being dead and the possibility that she was alive. Levi looked to Gabi, and then to Falco – "What would you do? Do you think they think I ignored it?" for the first time, Gabi and Falco could saw their mentor unsure of what to do, and unsure of himself.

Gabi and Falco exchanged a look and a smile. Almost in perfect sync with each other "Let's go to Stohess!" escaped their lips and tongues. Thus, Gabi and Falco finished their packing and arranged a trip to The Glass Bottom bar.

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