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That Night

Anya's eyes fluttered open slowly, and she looked up at the ceiling of the dark room she was in. Her head was on very uncomfortable pillows, and she knew this hard bed she was on was not the one she and Levi shared. She felt the familiarity of Levi's hand holding hers, but that was the only familiarity she had. She felt a pinching in her arm, and could swear there was something inside of it. Her mouth felt like sandpaper and tasted like a mixture of salt and blood. She was cold, despite the weight of what felt like a mountain of blankets on top of her. She was hungry, she was thirsty, and everything hurt. She had the worst headache she had ever had, and could swear there was a bruise on the back of her skull. Where the hell am I? She thought to herself, pulling her right arm up and investigating the clear tubing that was now coming out of her arm. The only logical conclusion she could come up with, is that she was in a hospital. But how? Why? What happened? Her mind was spinning, and she couldn't find answers for any of her questions.

The last thing she remembered was telling Mikasa, Annie, and Nat that she felt like a bride in the dress she was wearing - the dress she seemed to still be wearing - at least from the waist down, because the top half of her body was over being covered by some paper thin material that was scratchy and unfamiliar.

She let out a soft groan as she moved to sit, and felt shifting next to her on both sides. She looked to the right first, and there was Nat - slumped over and asleep with her hair in her face, her mouth agape, in a white coat. Anya couldn't help but think she looked precious there - she could see the innocence and sweetness Nat kept buried deep inside of her, written on her face. She more closely resembled a sleeping child, than the hardened Doctor Nathalie Burgess.

She looked to her left, and found Levi laying there - one arm underneath him while the other was holding her hand. His hair messy and sticking up in places, his bangs barely brushing his eyes. His mouth pursed shut, his jacket slung behind him and his shirt wrinkled and clinging to his body. She smiled as she looked at him, and thought back to the days they would fall asleep in just as interesting of positions in her backyard while looking up at the stars. She sighed as leaned back, knowing that if the two of them were there - she was safe.

As she took another glance around the room, she saw Mikasa asleep and slumped on Jean's shoulder sitting on a nearby bench, a blanket wrapped around them. Her eyes found Annie, across the room from Mikasa, asleep with a blanket around her as she laid in Armin's lap. Armin was the only other person awake, and their eyes met as he smiled at her,

Armin smiled as he looked at her, eyes finally open, "Hey,"

"Hey," Anya responded, "so this is what a hospital in Marley is like?" she asked, letting out a small laugh as she gestured with her free hand to the multitude of machines she was hooked up to

Armin shrugged, "Yeah," he let out a long sigh, "how are you feeling?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice

Anya smiled, "well, I feel like I've been hit by one of those 'cars' you all have here. I'm thirsty and my mouth tastes like shit, and I'm famished," she shrugged, "why am I here?"

"Anya, a lot... happened," Armin started before he let out a deep sigh and shifted so he could stand up without waking Annie up. He walked over to Levi, "I think Levi should probably explain, and I'll wake Doctor Burgess too..."

"No!" Anya exclaimed in a hushed voice, "they're so peaceful! We shouldn't wake them," she shook her head, but it was too late - Armin had already placed his hand on Levi's shoulder, and was gently shaking

Levi grunted as his eyes opened, first looking towards Armin - who had a soft smile on his face, before turning to look at Anya as his expression of annoyance faded into one of relief. Before Anya could even open her mouth to speak another word, he was sitting up straight and holding both of her hands with his. He leaned over and kissed the back of both her hands before releasing one, and cupping her face gently, as if she was made of glass

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