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Early summer, 835

Levi lay in bed, arms crossed above his head as he waited for Anya to return from the bathroom. It seemed like every day for the last two weeks she had been getting unreasonably sick every morning, even though she had lost her appetite. Furlan warned him that Esther believed her to be pregnant, and Levi wouldn't be surprised if she was - they weren't exactly careful. Levi didn't know anything about children, or babies, or even pregnancy. It was all a forgein concept to him, but he knew he would do anything possible to help her, to protect her, and to protect the little one that he knew was likely growing inside her. He knew that if she was, he already loved the little bean, and it brought a smile to his face when he thought about how he could escape this shitty place with his love, his Anya, and have a family with her.

Anya stepped into the bedroom, and laid next to him. Her eyes showed how drained she was, how the physical exhaustion had gotten to her. "I'm sorry" she mumbled as she moved to lay on his chest.

"What's been going on?" he asked, moving his arms to wrap around her.

"I don't know. I've just been really sick. Everything tastes gross, everything smells gross, and everything is making me sick." she responded as she nuzzled her face into him. "Thank you for taking care of me"

Levi smiled. "Oi, you don't have to thank me. I love you. I'll always take care of you."

Anya looked at him, eyes bright. Her skin had a glow to it, and had almost seemed softer as she caressed his face. "I love you too" She planted a kiss on his cheek and sighed. "What would you do if I was pregnant?" she asked hesitantly.

Levi looked down at her, seeing how insecure and small she looked. He hummed. "Hmm. Well, I think I'd go out and find a way to get us citizenship, so our family doesn't have to live in this shithole."

"But do you want to be a father?" Anya asked, tears in her eyes "If I am.. And you don't... I could..."

Levi frowned at her, and pulled her up until she was sitting on him. Her legs fell to either side of him, and he pulled her down close to him. "Enough of that you brat!" he exclaimed as he tickled her sides until she laughed. "Of course I want to be a father, but only if it's with you. Having a family with you is my dream." he cooed into her ear as she smiled at him.

Anya was apprehensive, and tried to be cautious, despite always having her guard down with him. "Are you sure?" she asked, caressing his face as she placed her forehead to his

Levi's lips met hers before she could protest, his tongue begging for entrance to her mouth. He took her breath away with a kiss. "Positive" He responded as he ran his fingers through her hair, planting soft kisses on her face. "I never had a dad, so I want to be a dad"

"How badly do you want to be a dad?" Anya asked, looking into the eyes she loved as he placed a soft hand on her belly.

"Honestly? So much. The two things I want most out of life are to be with you and to have a family with you"

Present Day, 857

Anya stood up from where she was sitting and, knowing she would need the comfort of his touch if she was to tell him of her affliction, straddled him - sitting in his lap so she could face him, wrapping her arms around him. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, and he could feel her face, wet with warm tears. How do I tell him? I just told the girls, why is it so hard to tell him? She thought to herself, letting out a heavy sigh as she pressed a kiss to his skin.

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