The Wedding Part I 🔥

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The Day of the Wedding of Armin Artlert & Annie Leonhardt

Levi couldn't sleep. He was so used to her being there, right next to him, and he missed everything about her. He missed her sweet kisses before falling asleep, he missed the sound of her breaths as she fell asleep there on his chest. This bed felt so empty without her, like they were a world apart. He could even smell her on the pillows, the sheets, even the blankets.

He sighed and looked at his watch - 6:00, and they were expected to be awake at 8. Not seeing the point in trying to sleep, insomnia ever the bitch that it is, he pulled himself out of bed and threw on a robe before grabbing his cane and going down to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he noticed Armin sitting there with two cups of tea prepared, both still steaming hot. "I figure you wouldn't be able to sleep either" Armin said with a smile. "Come join me?"

"Sure," Levi said as he took the seat next to Armin. "What's got you up? Tomorrow is your big day."

Armin sighed, and looked into his cup of tea, swirling his spoon gently."I know it sounds weak, but I just miss Annie."

"That's not weak," Levi shook his head, taking a sip of the tea that Armin had learned to brew to absolute perfection. "If you ask me, it shows how much we really do love them,"

"You can't sleep cause she's not here?" Armin asked, a small smile forming at his lips as Levi nodded in agreement. "I wonder if they're sleeping?" He looked at Levi with a devious grin.

Levi shook his head, "Don't even think about it brat! Our lot doesn't need any more bad luck"

Armin frowned at the statement, his hopes of seeing Annie dashed. "I bet they can't sleep either." he began before letting out a chuckle, "I can't wait to see her tomorrow, I bet she's going to look so angelic"

Levi nodded, "yeah, she is," he sighed, thinking of Anya in that slightly too tight for her dress. "I bet they both are," his Anya was going to be. . . Breathtaking.

Armin raised an eyebrow, "So, you feeling better about asking her?"

Levi scoffed, "tch. I feel fine about it, I'm just scared of rejection" he admitted. "I'm also scared something will happen and it will all go up in flames."

"Then we keep Sarina away from fire" Armin suggested with a laugh, "in fact, we can just go lock her up downstairs"

"As tempting as that is, Anya would have my head" Levi laughed as he put an arm around Armin, "You're going to do great up there, you know that, right?" he reassured him, Armin smiling and nodding in response.

As soon as the carriages full of the bride's party arrived back at the Palace, Annie and the others were rushed into a bridal suite. Anya couldn't wait to see Levi, and foolishly hoped she might bump into him while getting everyone ready. Alas, her hopes were in vain as she was called by Historia's personal stylist to get ready for the wedding. After nearly three hours of poking, prodding, brushing, and primping - finally, she and the others were ready. She made her way out of the bridal suite to the groom's suite, where she bumped into Connie.

"Connie! Hey!" Anya smiled as she walked up to him, "Any chance Levi is in there with Armin?"

Connie frowned as he hurried back to the room, "actually no, sorry. Him and Armin went on a walk - I think they're in the gardens though"

Anya was disheartened, but made her way to the gardens anyway. After walking around and enjoying the decorations, she was beginning to get frustrated that he was nowhere in sight and no one seemed to know exactly where he had slipped off to. She frowned as she walked back to the bridal suite, not paying attention as she bumped into a familiar body. She cast her eyes up, and smiled at the sight. "Levi!" she exclaimed as she slipped her arms around him.

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