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The place she was in was unfamiliar to her, A plain white room. Everything was blindingly white - the furniture, the lights, the walls. It all almost seemed to glow. She looked around, and saw a table set for two - on it, two full cups of tea and two glasses of water. Mikasa knew then she was in for a long night, and stood her ground as she examined everything in the room - nothing was too suspicious, or overly interesting.

"Mikasa" spoke a familiar voice, one she had undoubtedly heard before but couldn't quite place a face in her memory to.

Mikasa turned and saw a girl in a white gown. Her blonde hair fell perfectly on her shoulders. And then it hit her. "Ymir?"

The girl gave her a small smile. "Come," She walked towards a chair at the table and she sat down, urging Mikasa to do the same. And she did. She sat down and she looked at the pristine white porcelain cup that was filled with steaming hot tea. Mikasa arched an eyebrow. She wondered whether she could taste it. This was still a dream, right? "Give it a try," Ymir chuckled as she brought her own cup to her lips and she took a sip of the sweet liquid.

Mikasa brought it up to her lips and took a sip, and it almost reminded her of her cousin's tea. Honestly, she never thought anyone else could make such good tea. She shouldn't be surprised though. This was Ymir the Founder.

"Is it good?" Ymir grinned and Mikasa raised an eyebrow.

"You did not bring me here just to have some tea, did you?" Mikasa asked curiously and Ymir let down her cup and she let out a sigh.

"I'm afraid not," Ymir said. "I hear you people are trying to figure out the story behind the Roffs, aren't you?"

"You have something to tell me about Anya?" Mikasa asked curiously.

Ymir's grin dropped and a sorrowful expression spread across her face. "I regret deeply what I've done to that bloodline, and that woman,"

"And what is that?" Mikasa asked

She let out a sigh, "As you know, The Royal Family was assisted to rein for so many years by other families as well. For example, the Burgesses were in charge of all things medical and research. And as you know quite well - the Ackermans were our sword and shield. Well," Ymir took a deep breath and sighed, "The Roffs - their beauty came at a price."

Mikasa took another sip of her tea, and gently placed down the cup. "What price?" she asked, almost terrified of the answer - She knew the Ackermans, while strong, had their own prices to pay for such gifts.

Ymir sighed again, stirring her tea as she looked into the liquid and saw her own sorrowful expression reflected back at her. "All the Roff's were beautiful, and because of that, they caught the eye of many kings and queens. They were beautiful before, but this beauty is because they were..." she paused, "Bred... to be that way. They were bred to the most beautiful women and men in the kingdom, from their ashen hair to those crystal eyes."

"Sounds like you have a bit of a thing for them," Mikasa said as Ymir lifted her gaze, the tears starting to fill Ymir's eyes becoming visible

Ymir chuckled as she wiped away the tears from her eyes, "quite the opposite, actually," she started, "The Roffs, they were made to be so beautiful, so they could produce beautiful heirs for Eldia, that would captivate the world with their looks and charms." she sighed, as Mikasa raised an eyebrow. "But, two thousand years ago, I made a choice that damned them. I let my jealousy lead me..."

"What did you do?" Mikasa asked, no- almost, growled at the Founder Ymir who seemed just as flawed as all mortals.

"Let me tell you a story." Ymir asked, looking towards Mikasa, who nodded in approval. "As I just explained, The Roff's were already beautiful, charming people. And because of that beauty, Kings and Queens alike desired them - not just from Eldia, but from other nations. Our ancestors used those beautiful men and women as bargaining chips - we allow you one of our people, and you swear loyalty to Eldia. Their beauty was a blessing, and a curse. And over time, to retain their beauty, they were bred like the Ackermans." Mikasa groaned in response as Ymir took a sip of her water. "And then, Two Thousand Years ago, I married King Fritz. And after trying to bear a child for what the advisors deemed too long to not produce an heir, we thought it was impossible for me to conceive. So, a young Roff girl who Fritz was infatuated with was chosen to be his concubine, Throughout past generations, it was deemed normal - the queen would fake being pregnant, but the actual child would be born from one of those damned beautiful Roff girls to assure the heir's were stunningly beautiful. But I, in my jealousy, cursed her and all her heirs while in a fit of rage against her, while unbeknownst to me, the girl was planning to run away with the object of her affection - already being pregnant by him, which was not King Fritz. I also, was already pregnant,"

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