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9 Days Before the Wedding of Armin Arlert & Annie Leonhardt

Mikasa whistled as she slunk down the stairs, a sharpened blade in each hand, and a basket full of halved lemons that Niccolo prepared. She found the two men still strapped to the table, with now dried rags over their mouths. She looked them each up and down. How pathetic she thought.

"Child murdering scum," She grumbled as she took the rags off their faces, and unlatched their gags. "You're going to scream for me the way you made her scream," she said coldly as she drew her blade, pressing it to the skin of the redhead first expertly cutting him along nerves and pressure points she knew would increase the pain.

She relished in his screams. She leaned over to look him in the eyes. "That night, you have no idea how much you took from her. How much you took from all of us" she dug the blade deeper, expertly flaying open his skin. "And now, each and every one of us is going to take something from you. A little bit of your life. Slowly. Until you pray to the Gods to let us end your suffering. And you know what's going to happen then?"

The man shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

"We're going to make your suffering last longer. We're going to prolong it as much as we can. Because you took something precious from us. You stole an innocent life, and now we're going to make your lives hell. And then, we'll steal both your lives. It's the least you can do." She smiled, seeing the pain in the man fulfilled something inside her, something she didn't even know was there. A need to watch them suffer like they had undoubtedly made Anya and Levi suffer.

When she was finished, having cut just deep enough into each man, hundreds if not- thousands of times, to hit those sensitive nerves she knew would lay splayed open for days, she placed the halved, fresh and juicy lemons over the areas she knew would hurt the most. She relished in their screams as she made her way back up the stairs, a smile on her lips.

8 Days Before the Wedding of Armin Arlert & Annie Leonhardt

Jean sighed as walked down the stairs, carrying two buckets with steam radiating from them. He walked into the room where the men were, making eye contact with the redhead. "It was you, wasn't it?" He asked with a sigh as he checked the water - still boiling hot. "My mother raised me with respect for women. I wonder if your mother would be proud of you if she could see what you did to Anya, what you did to the Captain?"

Jean lifted one of the buckets, and slowly poured the scalding water over his torso, resulting in muffled screaming from the man. He poured it painfully slow, with the bucket being as close as possible to his skin. The near boiling water turned his body red, as his muffled cries told Jean he was doing a good job.

He repeated the action to the blonde man, and shook his head as he turned and walked out the door.

7 Days Before the Wedding of Armin Arlert & Annie Leonhardt

"I was really hoping to never see your face again, back in Shiganshina." Reiner started as he turned to the two men, slamming the door behind him with a pliers in his hand.

He took a seat in-between them, looking them both over and finding their hands. "You know, back when I was in the warrior unit in Marley, they taught us how to endure psychological stress, emotional labor, and mental torture. But me," he smiled as he showed them the pliers. "I've always been more a fan of the physical side of things."

He held out the hand of the redhead first, finding the tip of his nail with the pliers and slowly peeled back the nail from his thumb using the pliers, until the man's tender flesh underneath was visible.

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