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I'm very excited for the outcome of the book! This story takes place near the end of the quests in Liyue.

This is not solely love interactions of Xiaother. (Viewer discretion is advised.)

In a land where mankind did not stay, two Adepti talked of the past and present day.


Cloud retainer stood near Xiao. Xiao sat on the stone chair labeled,
Cloud retainer.

"Cloud retainer I am not fond of alcohol."
Xiao commented, crossing his arms.

"Nonsense, one thinks you are more than old enough to have a drink."
She replied, hinting for Xiao to down another cup of wine.

"This taste does not please me."
Xiao said, pushing the cup away from him.

Cloud retainer sighed, "One does not understand your dilemma vigilant Yaksha."

Cloud retainer ruffled her feathers a bit. Xiao stayed silent.

"Wine is an accumulated taste Xiao, one must drink it refine one's tastes."
She continued.

"Thank you for the suggestion but I would rather I get what I came here for."
Cloud retainer sighed, her eyes softening.

"I talked to mountain shaper and moon carver. It seems fellow Adepti are avoiding me."
Xiao's tone grew more suspicious.

Cloud retainer stayed quiet. Looking out from her peak. Observing the vast territory of the Adepti. The time was near to night, the sunset's colors lit up the sky.

Xiao pressed his lips together in a thin line.
"I see, you too will not provide me with any information."
Xiao summoned his pole-arm. Using his pole-arm to lift him up.

"Bear in mind vigilant Yaksha, going down the path of doubt is not healthy."
Cloud retainer commented, still turned away from Xiao.

Xiao hissed under his breath, "If the path turns dark it is my punishment."

Xiao left the mountain in frustration, disappearing into the wind.

Cloud retainer turned back to the table.
"Tell me Rex Lapis, what is your goal for not telling the adeptus you are alive?"
Cloud retainer said, Zhongli sipped some of the wine left on the table.

"Just like Liyue, he will have to live on without me. If the time comes, I will tell him the truth. Although, I believe he may not welcome the idea with welcome arms."

Cloud retainer simply looked away from Zhongli in response.

"I have sent someone his way. The contract I had made will stay valid throughout time."

Cloud retainer faced Zhongli,
"One is interested in what person you are talking about."

"You have already met them."
Zhongli took another sip of wine.

"You don't mean him do you?"
Cloud retainer questioned.
"One knows Xiao, one is aware Xiao is repulsed by mortals."

"I have a feeling he's not as normal as we believe."
A slight smile tugged at Zhongli's lips. Taking another sip on wine.

Cloud retainer could see how the once god of contracts, had set one into play.

(Aether POV)

"Aether where are we going?"
Paimon asks, swaying in the air.

"We are heading towards Wangshu inn. Smiley Yanxiao has a commission for us."
I replied.

"I hope he makes us some yummy food, Paimon is STARVING!"
Paimon emphasized the last bit by throwing her hands into the air.

I laughed lightly, "Paimon if we get him what he wants maybe he'll make us food, and-"

Paimon asked impatiently.

"And if he doesn't get us food. You'll be emergency food, for real this time."
I grinned.

Paimon fussed, complaining and roasting me our whole walk to Wangshu inn.


I walked down the stairs to Smiley Yanxiao's kitchen.

"Hello?" I asked, looking around the somewhat empty kitchen.
"Hello traveler."
The chef popped out behind me.

"AAH- Ah-ahem hey long time no see!"
I stuttered. "Are you here to help me?"
Smiley Yanxiao asked, walking to the kitchen stove.

I followed after him, "Yes I'm here to help." The chef shuffled around his vegetables.

"Ok I need one Jueyun Chili and lettuce." I quickly got out my notepad and jot down the order.

"Two potatoes, one onion, almonds, tofu, two crab roe, five sugars and six milk."
The chef stopped and asked, "Did you get all of that?"

I nodded my head hazily.
"Okay, I need those all by 14:00."
My eyes widened. But it's only 11, how will I get all those ingredients?

Smiley Yanxiao smiled at me, "Thanks kid, now off you go."
Smiley Yanxiao escorted me and Paimon out of his kitchen.

A few seconds passed, "ALL THAT STUFF AND IN 3 HOURS?!"

Paimon complained, kicking her feet in the air. I sighed, looking back at the long list.
"We got some work to do."
I said before making my way to Liyue Harbor.


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