Prologue : Rimuru's Real Capabilities

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It has been 10 years since we defeated Yuuki and Velda and now I am currently trying to finnish all of this paper works Shuna gave me. Actually the paper works are just pilling up more and more it was becoming a hassle . These papers are absorbing absolutely all of my time

"Ciel - sensei can you help me finish this paperworks faster?"


And just like that Ciel - sensei approves and helps me in these papers I envy her talent. I let out a huge sigh.

"Ohh, come to think of it Ciel - sensei you haven't refused to me even once right

[Answer: I Exists solely for master's sake therefore no unnecessary concern is needed]

"Well that may be true but.."


"Nevermind I will never win in argument against you anyways"

I am bored It's been a year straight just me trying to answer papers here. I sigh.                              

"Hey I have been wondering about this because it has been 10 years since no enemies are approaching us. Are we truly in peace?"

[Answer: The evil in this world haven't been eradicated]

[ There are evil doers hiding somewhere in this world]

[However It's unlikely anyone in this world will try to provoke you considering the factor of master's fighting capabilities]

"I see , I guess you are right If someone tried to pick a fight with me I guess that someone will be eradicated on the spot with just someone from my retainers"

[Answer: Correct]

[Master's subordinates possesses fearsome capabilities as well]

"How much strong am I actually? Ciel run a statistic analysis of me"


[Answer: Master's statistics are listed here]

Name: Rimuru tempest

Species: True Dragon, Ultimate Slime (Supreme deity)

EP : Uncountable

Disaster Class: Unrankable

Skills: Unlistable

"What the hell is this? what kind of statistic analysis is this?"

[Answer: Master's capabilities can't be measured with the use of numbers]

"And why is that? can you explain in it a practical way so that I can understand"

[Answer: Master and Individual named Milim nava possesses a Magicule breeder reactor this is a skill where the user could produce unlimited dense energy. Therefore master's Energy Points are uncountable]

[Answer: Disaster classes are invented by humans to determine an individual's power to cause disasters based on their Energy points. Master have unlimited EP therefore humans can't comprehend your disaster class.]

"I think I understand now then how about my skills why are they blank?"

[Answer: Master can use any skill you want.]

"Ehhh??! why is that?"

[With the combination of master's

Ultimate skill Wisdom king's raphael core manas: Ciel, 

Ultimate skill Information king Akashic Records,

Ultimate skill Creation Lord Ahura Mazda

you can use , create , copy , enhance, delete and bestow any abilities you can think therefore there are a lot of possibile outcomes and quantity of abilities master posses therefore we can't list all of master's skills]

"You just said it like that like it was normal! am I really that powerful!?"


"If I say hypothetically to want to go back in time can I do it?"

[Answer: Yes]

[With the use of master's Ultimate skill Space - Time god Yog Sothoth Hortz Time travel is possibe]

"Hey isn't that Chloe's ultimate skill"

[Answer: Yes the ability has been analyzed and recreated when master had an encounter with the individual named Chloe O bell]

"More like you stole it!! scary , Ciel - sensei is frightening!!."

As I was getting frightened by Ciel a Question suddenly crossed my mind

"Hey Ciel if Me and Milim fight to death who will win"

[Answer: Master will win]

[In your first encounter there is no doubt that Individual named Milim Nava posses a large gap of power compared to you however master's growth increased exponentially]

Come to think of it I am no longer experiencing any fear in anyone's power right now not Milim, not Veldora, and not even Guy. I guess my Fighting prowess have been improve a little bit. A lot have happened at first a 37 year old salaryman have been stabbed to death and then reincarnated in another world as a slime. Became friends with a dragon, Aid various of races, Founded a country, and save some children. I became a demonlord and won a lot of battlefields.Time sure flies a lot.

"I want to go back in the old days"

[It is possible]

"But I can't, I can't leave this town even though I have the power I can't leave this town alone"

[With the use of mul-]

"No I can't just give it up already" I sighed

[As you wish]

As I was having a conversation with Ciel - sensei our conversation was cut by shuna. Knock Knock

"Come in"

"Rimuru - sama are the documents done?"

" Ah.. It's done here take it shuna"

"Thank you very much rimuru - sama" she said that with a smile

Shuna was left my office with a smile after she collected the papers meanwhile I am just relieve that I was able to pass those documents on time. That ended fast thanks to Ciel - sensei's talent we finished the documents in an instant! that was the best way to use ciel's power

[Notice: That was a waste of my power]

"Shut up!!."


Permanent note: Oh god this is the cringiest fanfic of Tensei Shitara Slime data ken of all time. I am writing this permanent wrote while I am basically have written Rimuru's restart all the way to the tournament arc and the revision all the way to Charybdis arc. I just wanna let newcomers know that I am still improving at this point and I am letting my imagination go wild. Though, I won't delete this because this is my progress as a writer. I am really proud of my development and my abilities now as a writer but this one I think prologue to chapter 30 of this fanfic is just bullcrap that's why I am trying my hardest to revise it as soon as possible. THERE IS A REVISION ON MY PROFILE go check it out. At least that one you won't die out of cringiness. I know there are parts I can improve further even on the revision I know I have a lot to grow as a writer. So I encourage all of you to read the revised version on my profile first before this shit. I actually recommend you to never read this in the first place. But I guess there are some good parts of this book that we can agree that worth reading but newcomers I encourage you to read to revision version first then you can continue the story on this one later. I need to really say this because unfortunately, this one is getting more attention than the cleaner version. So yeah happy reading. :>

At least the revision version is above I think the majority of the fanfics on the site when it comes to its quality. I can at least guarantee that.

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