Amid the tournament Tempest held to boost its tourism and economy...
The Eastern Empire began to move.
While other countries from all around the world gathered at Tempest to celebrate the festival with entertainment 1 super country remained unconnected and vigilant.
Multiple agents had been sent to Tempest, some are appointed to test the labyrinth, and some are mixed with the merchant to possibly establish strings to manipulate its economy.
Things did not go well as they have planned. Especially when the culture of Tempest is not focused on capitalism. The large corporate of clothing, agriculture, and weaponry are directly working under the castle; fully under the protection of their king. Their citizens put above the overall wealth of Tempest over individual wealth.
Such a thing was witnessed by the Eastern Empire agents.
Therefore, they have concluded that there is no way to pillage Tempest in an economical war.
Tempest rose up from the ranks of the nations, and... Tempest is the frontline for the western countries.
With Tempest's diplomatic relationship treaty signed by the (New) Western Council, in addition to the Western Saints Church. Tempest, Dwargon, and Ruberios will be the frontlines of the human countries if sudden coercion were to happen. The Eastern Empire live by a single nature "Power" they will achieved greatness as long as they are powerful.
In their tropical geography, the eastern empire's geography is rich with oils and marine resources. Albeit being rich, the Empire still wanted to expand further to the unplucked bountiful Jura Forest.
But why is that?
There is only one reason. The Emperor wants it, and that's it.
They meticulously had planned an invasion outline that would never fail in hundred of years. The Storm Dragon Veldora is the guardian of the forest and his anger left scars on the empire it deeply ingrained fear in their inner workings.
Two years ago, they received the news "The Storm Dragon disappeared."
And thus, immediately took the initiative. The forest lacks a protector and is vulnerable to invasion. Dwargon sensed this from afar and began channeling their own defensive military actions. Disregarding Dwargon, a piece of news spread like a wildfire which even reach the Eastern Empire officers a year ago.
"The Storm Dragon had revived."
But the missive doesn't end there.
"Upon the wrath of the revived Storm Dragon, a new Demon Lord who leads the new monster kingdom tempest had mediated with the storm dragon Veldora and tranquility bloom over the subject nation."
Veldora is known for his turbulent behavior. Tempest having an age of peace is surprising in their eyes.
"The name of the Demon Lord is Rimuru Tempest. An anomalous Demon Lord who achieve incredible feats in just the span of 2 years upon his debut. However, the questioned demon lord is the empire's central antagonist."
Spreading across his influence as a demon lord. Empire strings in the Western Nation dwindled drastically. The Illegal dealings finally come to a closure, especially when it came to the summons they are conducting. On top of it, Rimuru Tempest toppled the Church's doctrine making even the church and the monster nation who should be natural enemies collaborate. With Yuuki Kagurazaka's impending transfer to the Eastern Empire the Free Guild Association, one of the humans' primary forces are in tatters if you think about it; the western nation's forces are no longer a threat. The only threat in the Empire's way is Rimuru Tempest's influence and forces, he vows himself to protect the humans.

Rimuru's Restart [Draft]
Fanfiction[A Draft to Rimuru's Restart: That Time I Traveled back in Time] Rimuru Tempest is the Strongest Fighter in the tensei slime universe at the end of the series! so let's take a look at this world where Rimuru restarted from the start and tried to min...