Chapter 39: Retribution

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After the battle of Hinata and Rimuru the church knights' already turned off the barrier and after that, silent rustles on the grass could be heard.

<<What the hell is that I didn't give you my blessings so that you can be killed the next day! more importantly, we are inside you during that, that was dangerous!>>

Ranga get out of my shadow

"That was too risky!" I said to myself

Ranga came to my side "My master are you alright?" he asked

"Yeah somehow..."

<<Hey answer me that knight is strong but it was clear that you are holding back!!>>

Well she is right just to increase the credibility of my acting I purposely shut down all of my passive skills and that's not the end even after I made my perception close to a civilian she is just outmatched in my current abilities I can clearly saw all of Hinata's attacks I just forcibly accepted it I completely dominated that battle just with my pure battle instincts my ascension even upgraded all of my physical prowess it feels like I am stronger than full power Milim without using any physical enhancement.

<<hey! answer me>>

"Yeah I tried my new core" I answered

I used Hinata to test out my new reformed spiritual body. Since Hinata is capable of attacking directly the soul I used her to confirm my hypothesis and based on my observation I can conclude that I lost the ability to die. Even after my soul was left and even if it was heavily damaged my consciousness remained intact and even in just my spiritual body I can freely regenerate myself and use skills it was too risky but it's worth a try in the worst-case scenario my existence here will perish and I would be thrown back to my original timeline. My new abilities are kinda scary but more importantly, I need to go back now

Now let's return to Tempest.

Retribution Plan

"So what is your reason for going against us? Miss Myulan?" I asked

"I am one of demon lord Clayman's finger the Ring Finger Majin Myulan, Lord Clayman ordered me to use Youm as a way to infiltrate this country and to cast an Anti-Magic barrier" She said

I sigh

"We are happy for your cooperation but we are not that naive. Normally stating this information without even resisting means execution what are your motives?" I asked

I definitely saw her face got shocked by my statement perhaps there is something behind this action.

"T-that's-" She said but immediately a new presence entered the room

"To save Youm right?" The being who entered said, and it was the familiar silver-blue hair and golden eyes however his presence got a little different.

I am happy to see him again but I need to assure it first. Great Sage run an analysis

[Understood: That person is indeed Rimuru Tempest however further assessment has been blocked by an unknown entity.]

It must be Ciel - san but although we are glad that he finally returned we got back immediately to the business.

"What are you saying, Boss?!" Youm asked

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