Chapter 25: Drago Nova

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The battle against Charybdis was slowly reaching the conclusion.

Shizu - san defeated the 10 summoned Charybdis with ease it was expected because she was an awakened hero and Diablo and Ifrit already intercepted the attacking knights. Now it was a joint action of Shizu - san and the Executives to take down a Catastrophe Class Charybdis.

Milim tried her best to keep her promise but her patience was already in limits

"Let me Please!!!" She said

"I told you you can't right?" I said

"Hmmm" She pouted

She resisted for a while but after a while, she gave up used my slime form as a pillow to sleep under a tree I am not against it since I can see the battle even from this point.

Coming back to the battle the Executives tried to attack the Charybdis 1 by 1 but the Catastrophe Class Charybdis attacked them first. The Charybdis fired a laser from its eye and every Executive got hit by that laser.

"Impossible" Souka who is beside me said, Only the Executives are fighting the Charybdis maybe because the soldiers knew that the level of the battlefield was way out of their league.

Souei Immediately used his strings to pull the executives who don't have the ability to fly like Geld and Hakurou.

Souka seems happy to see Souei quickly going back in action well if you asked me he was cool when he was fighting. Geld propelled Charybdis' exterior but it was too tough Ciel's adjustments are too insane. Souei tried to bind the Charybdis body but the Threads Immediately break off as soon as they made contact with the Charybdis skin.

"No!" Souka shouted which grabbed the attention of other Shadow Group

Souka Immediately sensed what she did and Immediately tried to get out of the situation.

"Please defeat the Charybdis" Souka said, it was a bad excuse but they did not pursue it any further.

Going back to the battle Shion tried to use {Cook} to slice the Charybdis but it didn't work this Charybdis' defensive skills rivals Ultimate Skills and Unique Skills can't defeat Ultimate Skills. Shion's sword broke which made her miserable after seeing Shion's sword broke Hakurou knew that sword skill can't defeat this monster. Benimaru fired multiple {Hell flare} to the Charybdis but it disappeared when it made contact with the Charybdis' skin. I could conclude that it was {Magic Jamming} but Ciel made it stronger. The scene was hopeless Shuna used Mystic arts but it's either it didn't work or it disappeared. Shuna's Mystic arts rivals an awakened demon lord Adalman but it was not enough to defeat Charybdis. For the first time in this Timeline I could see the hopelessness of my executives they are usually confident in their skills and they relied more on Shizu than me in this timeline.

Speaking of Shizu - san she was the only one who could really damage the Charybdis though she only made 7% progress in 5 minutes. Ciel gave the Charybdis {Limitless Regeneration} which was a skill you will gain when you awaken as a demon lord.

The battle was not that long but Charybdis was looking to be victorious here. All of them focused their one final attack on one spot which was ordered by Benimaru. but even all of them combined they only made 12% of the Charybdis damage.

"Milim wake up" I said

"What is it - noda?" Milim said in somber she just woke up from her sleep

"The battle was hopeless, can you help me take that guy down?" I asked

"Really??!" She asked while her eyes were sparkling

"Well... yes if you want to I'm not gonna force you," I said

"Let me!! Let me!!" She said, I nodded and we flew towards the Executives who were fighting the Charybdis.

"Good work everyone that's enough let us take this part from now on," I said, well Ciel was the one who got excessive though. The gap between a S class and Special S class was immense even a 10 of S class Beings couldn't match a single Special S. I guess Ciel made an error.


Well if you messed up you can rely on me Ciel


She rejected it twice.

I averted my attention to Milim and I gave her permission to start the attack. The Charybdis sensing me and Milim tried to flew maybe because of its Instincts telling itself that we are dangerous. But I can't let a Catastrophe monster run around as he pleases especially when I am the one who made it through.

I nodded to Milim and we both released the same attack to the Charybdis.

We both fired full power {Drago Nova} to the Charybdis it Immediately penetrated through its body and even destroyed the entire land. It feels like the Earth trembled because of the two powerful Drago Nova who soaring through the land. Although we damaged the land quite a bit it wasn't a big deal since Geld and the others will build a highway here in the future.


"Amazing" I said, that's all I can describe it Demon Lord Milim and Rimuru - san although I already see their power I just can't help myself but to repeat these words they are just out of this world although all of us are strong we couldn't even take down a single monster. Special S class are amazing. The Charybdis life dispersed there is a hole in its body that caused it to die instantly.

After their attacks finished we could already see the destroyed area caused by their attacks. As they finished their attack the two of them defeat the Charybdis they flew down to us where we are standing

"That ended instantly" Rimuru - san said

"Fufu.. That was my special technique after all!" Milim said

Demon lord Milim gloated but as expected Rimuru - san doesn't seem to mind it he was used on Milim's child-like demeanor.

"Everyone are you alright?" Rimuru - san asked and the Executives answered with a low voice "Yes" well after witnessing a battle like that they started to doubt their abilities but I do not think they will get discouraged they will train harder to achieve that level they are his subordinates after all.

"Now that the battle is concluded let's go home" Rimuru - san concluded

"Yes" Everyone answered, it seems the executives are feeling down but they didn't let it show to Rimuru - san.

We went home with Rimuru - san leading the Tempest's army thankfully there is no casualty to the army I guess we are lucky or I guess a battle without a casualty was a norm in Rimuru - san's country.

And after a lot of happening in the battle like Black getting summoned by Rimuru - san, The Executives and I taking down Charybdis 1 by 1 and Rimuru - san and Demon Lord Milim's display of unimaginable attack the fight against Charybdis short but long has finally ended.

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