Chapter 27: Dynasty

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"ehh?! you're leaving?" I said

"Yes I have work to do," She said

"So you are meeting with other demon lords" I said

"Yes, that is my job don't worry I'm gonna convince others for your seat!" She declared

"Do not let them trick you" I warned

"You worry so much your best friend is too smart they can't trick me wahahahahaha" She said

"Okay please be careful" I said 

"Hmf" Milim nodded and she flew away

After Milim left our country the developments are seemingly well we already achieved technology higher than my original world. We now had electricity in our country although unlike the other world our electricity's source of energy was the magicules in the air that's much better than the old world's fossil fuels it was much easier to obtain and it was environmentally friendly.  We turn magicules in the air into electricity that way the magicule concentration of the town was safe for all of the species that wanted to visit our city it was killing two birds with one stone.

Should I put a barrier in the City?

[Answer: It will change the time plane significantly]

I see, I know what Ciel means on the other time plane we do not strengthen our defense in the capital making our reputation good on other countries but when if I put a great barrier surrounding the city then we may become a powerhouse feared country like Dwargon. I do not wish to make Ciel mad again so I'm not gonna question her anymore let's just think that Ciel's Wisdom is always absolute.

The Crater that Milim and I created on the Charybdis' battlefield was immediately restored as I said I have already a plan in mind and I instructed Geld to build a big lodging house there in the middle of the road they constructed. It was like a hotel that way the Orcs have a place to sleep when they are away constructing it was completely useless since I gave them legion teleportation skill so that Geld can instantly teleport his men to the area they already visited but I guess I just wanted to reward the Orcs for their hard work.

Achieving technology that surpasses the old world huh? now there is no way the angel won't attack us

Hey Ciel is it possible that the Tenma war will happen sooner than later?

[Answer: It is possible however there may become 2 Tenma war since last time the Individual Velda forcefully summoned the angel using {Justice King Michael} this time the angel may attack Tempest and later they may be summoned again]

[Answer: Because of Tempest's rise in technology the Tenma war may happen during Walpungris]

Walpungris?! how the hell do I win there I need to fight Milim in Walpungris then my subordinates will be fighting Clayman's subordinates and the revolutionary in Farmus kingdom I don't think Rigur and the others can hold the angels especially the Seraphims.

[Report: Master should not worry there will be no Seraphims in the first Tenma war]

Why is that?

[The top 14 Angels served the Ultimate Skill {Justice King Michael} Natural Tenma war will only consist of low to middle tier angel] 

Ah I see that will lessen the load but that doesn't fix the problem all of my fighters are all occupied. I'm gonna think about it another time more importantly King Gazelle invited us to the Dwargon. He requested the audience of Me and Shizu - san and speaking of Shizu - san she was acting weird lately she was following me and since this 5 days she was acting weird she was too attached to me. But going back to the important things Fuze already left our country a day ago but the trio wants to stay here for a week and since Fuze was still had skepticism towards us so he allowed Ellen and the others to stay here.

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