Chapter Five

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Tonight's the night for the play to commence, but I have to work at Tech Town before I even get to get ready for the play. Scott wouldn't let me take the night off just because I am in a play; he told me earlier today that I am not that special and I don't deserve special treatment. Apparently, Chase and Bree already tried to take the night off to go to the play as well, but he wouldn't give it to them, either. 

I stand next to Bree as Scott and Chase rush around near us. Bree and I are currently working on trying to tidy everything up at the front desk after a very unruly customer came by a few minutes ago. We aren't saying a word to each other. For some reason, I'm completely out of words to say to someone like her. Usually, I will talk about anything to get a conversation going, but I don't know how to act around a bionic human. Are they any different than humans? I'm not sure.

"So, how are you liking Tech Town?" I ask her awkwardly. I need to try to get information out of her, but I can't do that if we know nothing about each other. 

"Oh, I just love working with my brother when I specifically wanted to get away from him and the other one," she says brightly. I glance at her, wondering if she was being sarcastic with me. There's a grimace on her face, which I take as her being sarcastic. "It feels like a little part of me is dying every time I come to work."

"You hate it here, too?" I lower my voice slightly so Scott won't hear me. The last time he heard me complaining about this place, he threatened to fire me on the spot if I didn't apologize to him and the store. "I thought I was the only one who hated this place with every fiber of my being."

"Ugh, I'm so glad you feel the same way," Bree whispers to me. She leans against the counter with a sigh. "But I want to feel a little bit normal since -" She suddenly goes very quiet and very still. Her eyes are a little wide as she looks at me. "I want to feel like a normal girl since I have three brothers."

I ignore how she slightly changed her sentence. There's no use in me trying to get information out of her when she realized she was going to spill something to me. She'll probably be on her guard right now. "You have three brothers? I thought you only have two."

"Well, I have two biological brothers and one step-brother, but they're my brothers all the same."

So far, Bree is acting like a normal girl. There's nothing strange about her in the slightest, which makes me a little mad. I need to start getting evidence to compile for the press to show the world that bionic humans are living among us. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Speaking about one of your brothers -"

"Oh, please don't tell me you have a crush on any of them," Bree says, rolling her eyes. She pushes off the counter before heading over to the display counter. There aren't any customers in here right now, but she is still tidying up from the last few we had earlier. "Girls always pretend to be nice to me just so they can get closer to Adam. That hasn't happened yet for Chase, especially since he got a girlfriend last year."

"No, I was going to say that Adam and I are in the play together," I say to her. I join her at the display counter and wipe the glass case down with the rag in my hand. "He's very excited about this role even though he only has one line."

"I know." Bree shakes her head slightly, but there is a smile on her face. "It's all he's talking about right now at home. I just wish I could go see him during the entirety of the play."

"You have to work longer than when the play starts?"

"Yeah. Scott -"

"What are you two ladies talking about?" Chase asks as he glides over to us. There's a grin on his face as he looks at the both of us. He hasn't done a single thing today, which makes me so angry. The only thing he's been doing is kissing up to Scott by spouting out knowledge about computers and such. "If you're talking, you're not being productive."

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