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I went to my mythology class and I saw Alex conversing with his friend. I sat on the other side of the class and took my stuff out. I caught Alex staring a couple of times. The professor entered the room.

"Hello, everyone. Today, we're going back in time to the old and classic legend: The Werewolf. Now, we will discuss the origin later but for now, we'll talk about how to spot one and how to become one." he paused. "Let's discuss how to become one. We've seen werewolf horror movies. One has to be bitten or scratched. Let's name some more." he looked at me. "Ms. Pierce? Care to share one?" he asked.

"I've seen at least two movies that has the concept of having sex with a werewolf will make you become one."

"Really? I've never heard of this before." he scribbled it down on the board. "Anyone else or does Ms. Pierce have to take all the credit?" Alex raised his hand. "Mr. Martin?"

"Genetics. Someone in your family could be one."

"Very good." Alex's friend raised his hand. "Shay?"

"Eating an unborn fetus or tasting human flesh."

"Okay, keep them coming." he said.

"Drinking rainwater from a wolf's paw print." I added.

Alex and Shay looked at me, I looked at them.

"Black magic." Alex said.

"Selling your soul to the devil."

"Now that we have some ideas on how to turn into one, let's move onto some symptoms or signs. Ms. Pierce?"

"They crave raw meat all the time." I said.

"Good! Mr. Martin?"

"They get angry easily or they get mad at almost everything."


"They're very territorial." Shay said. I started to overthink in my mind.

"Ms. Pierce, are you still with us?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"One more symptom or sign."

"They never get cold, they could wear summer clothing in winter and they'd never get cold."

"Good! Let's move onto how-." the bell rang. "I'll see you all tomorrow." I got up and packed up my stuff. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw Alex. 

"Are you ignoring me?" he asked.

"Hm, maybe I am."

"I'm sorry I left, Bree. Shay's my new roommate and he wanted me to help him move in."

"At three in the morning? Are you kidding me? You didn't bother to leave a note NOR did you even bother to text me or wake me up."

"I'm sorry, Bree, but it's the truth." he said.

"K." I walked off.


I was walking through the woods and I stopped because I heard some screaming. It sounded close so I tiptoed my way towards the screaming. I saw someone hunched over in pain. Sharp claws grew and blood dripped off of his fingers. I squinted and... it was Alex... His body was starting to be covered in black fur. He turned around and his eyes were a dark green. I gasped and I decided to leave before he could see me. I heard leaves crunching underneath my feet and I heard a twig snap. Shit! I thought. I heard large footsteps and I turned around. He was charging for me. I ran as fast as I could until he pushed me down. His claws were digging into my arm. He was growling and snarling at me.

"Alex?" He didn't listen and his mouth was drooling. He raised his hand and slashed my neck with his claws. I held my neck with my hands and he growled softly. Then, he chomped down on my neck.

I jolted up in bed. I was sweaty and it was hot in here. I looked at Calena who was fast asleep. I looked at my phone. Alex texted. I looked at the message that read:

'Hey, I'm outside. Meet me?'

I responded:


'I wanna talk to you.'


I threw my phone down on the bed and slipped on my slippers. I went outside and saw him on the bench. He looked up at me.



"Why weren't you answering my text?"

"I was asleep." he looked at me as I sat down. He looked at the ground which was wet from the sprinklers. He looked at me again and smiled. I noticed something different about him. His teeth were sharper than normal. My heart was racing. He attacked me and left me to bleed to death.

I jolted up in bed again. Calena was fast asleep. What was that? 

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