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Alex and I woke up next to each other. I turned to look at him and he opened his eyes.

"Morning beautiful." he smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Should I get us some breakfast?" he asked, sitting up on the bed.

"I can make us breakfast." I said.

"That's even better." he smiled, kissing me then walking to the bathroom.

"Okay." I got up, went to the fridge and grabbed the ingredients I needed. Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Shredded Cheese, and soft tortillas. I started cutting up the bacon and sausage, putting it in the frying pan. Next, I whisked the eggs and added some salt, pepper, garlic powder and parsley flakes. Alex came out from the bathroom and hugged me from behind.

"I remember one morning my biological father and I made these breakfast burritos. They were amazing. I added sour cream on mine and it made it even better." I smiled and sighed. The bacon and sausage were done frying so I scooped all of the contents from the pan into a bowl. I added the whisked eggs into the pan and started scrambling it with a fork. As soon as the eggs were fine, I scooped them out and set them out on a plate. I then turned the stove off and grabbed two plates. I set a tortilla down on both plates, added eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese. "Alex? do you want some sour cream on your burrito?" I asked.

"Sure babe." I added sour cream on his burrito and gave it to him. He bit into my breakfast creation (well, not mine, my dad's) and by the look on his face, he enjoyed it.

"Amazing?" I asked. He nodded. "Told you it's amazing with sour cream." I went to the kitchen to grab my plate and I started eating my burrito.


I went to the store after breakfast. Alex came with me because he's protective. I got whatever food we needed to fill the fridge and I realized I forgot something. I looked at Alex and he looked at me.

"I forgot something at the store." I said.

"I don't want you going outside by yourself." he said.

"It won't take me long, okay? I'll be right back." I hurried to the store and when I bought the item I forgot, Kim was standing outside.

"Bree." she said.

"What do you want, Kim?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna beat you up again, even though it was fun. I just wanted you to know that Alex isn't who you think he is." she said.

"Okay, and what does that mean?"

"You'll find out eventually." she walked away. I shrugged it off and went back to the dorm where Alex was waiting for me.

"Hey, did anyone hurt you?" he asked.

"No, but I ran into Kim on the way there." I sighed


"She really didn't say anything." I lied. I suddenly got a call from the same number from before. I answered it. "Hello?" No response but all I could hear was someone screaming. I heard something crack and Alex grabbed my phone, threw it against the wall. "Alex! My phone!" I walked up to my smashed up phone. I frowned.

"I bet those calls are from Kim." he said.

"Shit, what if she-" I got interrupted by his phone ringing. He answered.

"Hello?" I continued to hear cracking, and screaming. Then, we heard growling. I freaked out and he hung up.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked. He hugged me to calm me down.

"I'm not sure." his voice was shaken. I looked at him.

"It sounded like a female screaming." I sat down.

"It did, you're right."

"What if you're right? What if it is Kim?" I asked.

"I'll block her if she tries calling again. I'll also get you a new phone, I promise." he kissed my forehead.

"What was the cracking coming from?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about that either." I shrugged it off and so did he. I looked out of the window and saw someone running. I got closer and something was chasing them down. I squinted and saw a large beast. Was I hallucinating or was that real?

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