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(Hey everyone, sorry it's been a while since I've last posted anything. I am officially done typing my story onto google docs and now I'm uploading it to Wattpad! So I hope you enjoy!)

I walked up through the doors on my first day of college. My best friend walks beside me as we walk together through the halls.

"I can't believe it, our first day of college." she smiled.

"I can't either." I sighed. We walked to our first class and she went inside but I stopped. I looked at another student who was staring at me. He smirked and I looked away, entered the room. I sat next to my best friend and the professor came in.

"Good morning, class." he smiled. He slammed his bag on his desk. "I'm Professor Jenkins and welcome to Science. Now, there is going to be work, of course. Not as much work as you think there might be. There is, however, going to be a presentation next week about yourself." he started passing presentation papers out. "I just want to know more about you all."


The first few classes of the day were over and I sat in the library when my best friend came in. 

"How was your first day??" She asked.

"It was okay. The strangest thing happened to me this morning. I stood in front of the classroom and I saw another student staring at me."

"That is strange. Maybe he knew you?" She asked.

"Maybe but if he did, I think he would've walked up to me and said hi."

"That's true." She said. I got up and grabbed a book from the shelf. I looked over to the library entrance and saw the same guy. I quickly grabbed my book and sat down. She looked at me and looked at the guy.

He's 6'2, short black hair, blue and green eyes. He was handsome. He smiled at me. He has such a sweet smile and his eyes sparkled in the light.

"Hello." He said in a deep English accent. At that point, I think I fell in love. The man of my dreams, standing RIGHT next to me. "Sorry to bother you, ladies but I saw you this morning and I thought to myself 'isn't she beautiful?'." He paused. "What's your name?"

"Breanna, call me Bree." I smiled.

"I'm Alex. Nice to meet you." He smiled once more.

"Likewise. Wanna go to lunch with me?" I asked him.

"Sure." He smiled. "I'll see you then." He walked off.


I was waiting for Alex at the campus café. I saw him jogging his way over to me.

"Hello, Bree." He said.

"Hey, Alex." I smiled. He grabbed the door handle and opened it for me. I walked inside and stood at the counter.

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

"I'll have a lunch combo with a black coffee." I said.

"I'll have the same thing but instead of coffee, make it a Chai tea." I paid for lunch and we sat down. We looked at each other.

"What classes are you taking?" He asked.

"I'm taking writing classes." I smiled. "What about you?"

"Regular standard classes."

I nodded and I got up to grab our food but Alex went and grabbed it for us. I smiled, He handed me my coffee and sandwich. I took a bit out of it and it was like heaven. It was a turkey sandwich with tomato, avocado, light mayo, cheese, all on sourdough bread. I drank my coffee to wash it down. Alex bit into his and I could tell that he fell in love with it.

"This is amazing. I can barely taste the avocado."

"Yeah, I agree." I smiled. "So, what was your reason for staring at me earlier?"

"I just felt like I've met you before, but in a different lifetime." He smiled. 

"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

"You do look a bit like her." he smiled.

I looked down at the table, then into his sparkling blue eyes. He checked the time.

"I guess we better get going." I nodded.

I basically went to the rest of my classes. By the end of the day, I went to my dorm and closed the door. I entered my room, and saw Calena unpacking her belongings. I set my bag on the floor and plopped down on my bed.

"It sounds like you had an exhausting first day." she said.

"Not really, it's just.." I paused. "Alex said that I look like someone he's met before."

"That's odd. I wonder why he would say that."

"I agree, it's strange." I added. I heard a knock on the door and I got up to answer. Another student appeared at the door and gave me a flier for a party that's on Saturday night.

"Ladies, I hope you can come to the BIGGEST party of the year." he said.

"We definitely will." Calena smiled.

"Great." he winked at her and walked off.

"Our first party." 

"Yeah, I can't wait." I stayed silent for a few seconds. "I wonder if Alex is gonna be there."

"Maybe. You can always ask him." she walked into the bathroom.


I was laying down on my bed, when I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it. It was Alex.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" he asked.

"No, you're okay. I couldn't sleep anyways. So what's up?" I asked.

"Are you going to this party on Saturday?"

"I might, if you're going."

"I might. I also might be busy too."

"Night, Alex." I smiled. He waved and I closed the door. I sighed.

"Do you like him Bree?" Calena asked.


She's definitely right. I do like Alex. What's a girl to do?

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