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"Ananya!" The voice on the other side of the door said.

"Ananya?! Did you lock the door?" Vikram's voice came through the locked door. Ananya sagged in relief for a moment before she remembered that she had seen the man dressed in all black and that he could still be outside and could target Vikram who seemed to be shouting for her at the top of his voice.

Once again, with shaking hands, she opened the open and was relieved beyond belief to see Vikram standing before her.

"Why did you lock the door?" asked Vikram casually as he entered the house and locked the door behind him. Much to her shame, Ananya burst into tears of relief. She tried to hide her tears with her hands but Vikram pulled her to his warm chest and hugged her.


"What happened, Ananya?" He asked softly as he rested his chin on her head and slowly rubbed her back with his hand. Vikram could feel her heart beating fanatically and could feel the ripples of shiver travel down her body. He tried to suppress the waves of worry that washed over him.

"Is everything okay? Are the kids okay?" He urgently glanced up the stairs and put a little distance between him and Ananya so that he could look at her face. Ananya breathed in air replied with a shaky breath, "The ...the kids are fine...but..." He voice was still shaking. Vikram could see that Ananya looked a little terrified and shaken.

"'But' what, Ananya?" Vikram asked again, trying to muster all his patience to wait for an answer he really wanted from her.

"I... I saw a man behind our kitchen." Ananya said softly but with such veracity in her eyes and voice that Vikram found it difficult to question her claim. For a moment after Ananya's statement, a cold shiver ran down Vikram's spine.

"Are you sure?" He asked her in an urgent whisper, gripping her shoulders tightly.

"YES!" Ananya said with confidence and clarity in her eyes. "He... he was a big man... about 6 feet and he was dressed in all black clothes."

"Black clothes?" Vikram asked.

"Yes, all black clothes. With a black coat and a black cap and black gloves. He even tried opening the French windows. Thankfully, they were locked."

"Is he still here?" He asked Ananya and slowly made his way towards the kitchen door so that he may take a peep towards the French windows.

"No, he left soon after. I saw that the main door was open and thought that he might try to come through the main door." Ananya said. Vikram could hear Ananya's breath hitch behind him when his hand went to his pistol, which he had worn on his holster. Vikram slowly peeped his head to look at the windows and to sweep the general area with his eyes. He saw nothing out of the ordinary. He turned back towards Ananya and looked at her. Ananya was looking back at him with wide eyes with an incredulous expression. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that Ananya was telling the truth. A gut feeling told him to investigate further.

"Did he see you?"

"No..." Ananya stammered.

"How old did he look? Face description?" Vikram asked her next.

"He looked about 35 to 42 years. Had a huge nose other than that, he looked normal . . . ummm... wheatish and of course, Indian." Ananaya told him.

Vikram retrieved the small mobile phone he had kept in his jeans pocket. He dialed a number and it was answered on the first ring, "Sunil..." He said with urgency in his voice. "... there's a man checking out this house. Could you get it checked out?"

"A man? Did you see him yourself?" Sunil asked with disbelief but with equal urgency.

"Yes, a man. And no, I didn't see him but Ananya did. Description- middle aged, wheatish and has a big nose. Dressed in all black."

"Last seen location?" Sunil asked.

"Back of our kitchen door."

"Okay. Got it. Will see what I can find. Will get back you as soon as possible." Sunil replied and cut the call. Vikram pocketed the phone and looked at Ananya. She looked extremely pale and had started breathing heavily. Vikram could see the panic, confusion and disbelief in her eyes.

"Ananya..." He moved his hand to touch her arm. "... are you alright?" He asked her. She swatted her hand away and dragged in deep breaths. Vikram could see that Ananya was about to have a panic attack. "Ananya, look at me... look in my eyes!" Vikram told her softly but firmly. "Everything is fine. Take deep breaths and relax." He told her softly.

Ananya started shaking and Vikram couldn't bear to look at her in such a state, he pulled her to him and realized that she was cold. He also noticed that she was just wearing her heavy cotton nightdress but was not wearing a jacket or a sweater and not even socks.

"Why the hell are you not wearing a jacket?" he rebuked genteelly and pulled her in his warm embrace. He rubbed her arms and back for a few seconds but when her shivering didn't subside, he picked her up and took her in the t.v room he used as his office.

Vikram sat down on the sofa and put her down on his lap. He pulled her towards his chest and wrapped her hands around himself and used his big jacket to wrap it around her shoulders. He touched her feet and they were ice cold. He rubbed her feet and shoved them behind his back so that they warmed as well. He put his arms around her and took a deep breath. He hoped that she'd get warm and her shivering would subside.

They sat together in their warm cocoon for close to a quarter of an hour till Vikram noticed that Ananya's breathing returned to normal and hopefully, she'd be warm and toasty now. He slowly pulled back and placed his hands on her shins. She smelt so lovely- of lavender and desire. Despite himself, he took in lung full of her fragrance. Her head was nested between his left shoulder and neck. Unconsciously, he started moving his hands on her shins. Caressing her ankles, her calf muscles right up till her soft knees. Vikram slowly became aware that not only were they embraced in a warm warp but also they were actually entwined together on the sofa.

He started to move her on to the space beside him on the sofa when he realized that she was sitting in his lap in just her cotton nightdress. His hands could caress her back with just the cotton of the nightdress between them. His mind brought up the memory of her beautiful breast he had seen the other morning when he had accidentally barged in the bathroom. It had been creamy white and he had taken a full look before Ananya had panicked and hidden it with her shirt. No sooner, did the revelation take root in his mind, did he turn hard. His aroused brain also noted that her petite little bum was placed directly over his jean-clad hard crotch.

Despite his involuntary reaction to her, Vikram knew he had to move her away from him. Though her warm soft bum was sweet torture on his hardened cock, his brain knew that Ananya was not interested in him. The last fight had made that abjectly clear to him. He didn't want to fight with her. She had meant the whole world to him in college and he truly couldn't insult her by forcing his unwanted salacious attentions on her. He needed to respectfully move away from her before she noticed how hard he was for her and how much he wanted her right now.

He tried to suppressed his ardent ardor for her and do the honorable act of lifting her off his lap when . . .


Now what happens next?

Does Sunil call back? Does the man dressed in black attack them? or do the kids wake up??

What's it gonna be?? ;)

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Till my next update, stay safe and wear N95 masks!!

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