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Ananya knew she was sulking and was coming across as difficult and grumpy but at this moment, she was beyond caring. Well, she was cooperating albeit with a very disapproving scowl. Ananya sat in the back seat of Vikram's Police jeep while Mandal drove the jeep towards the new safe home assigned to her, or so she had been told.

Vikram had clearly put her in a spot by asking her if she wanted to help the Police in their investigation. Jesus! Like she could say no, because honestly, she wouldn't put it past Vikram to arrest her for not complying with the lawful authority in the interest of justice.

As she rested her head against the window and closed her eyes, she couldn't believe the magnitude of hurt that betrayal caused. Vikram was in the Indian Police Services and she hadn't a clue. She was surprised that nobody from college ever mentioned it to her. To be fair, she did block all communication related to Vikrma, but this was huge. Vikram was a damn Police officer and a damn sexy one as well. She didn't want to think about it but her mind jumped to the glaring fact that his uniform clung to his body fittingly. His biceps and abs completely contoured his uniform completely and his confidence and authority was evident in his countenance.

Honestly, the fact that he looked gorgeous and almost good enough to eat accelerated her anger towards him. No one should look this hot. She thought grumpily. Why couldn't Vikram look like Mandal here? Though Mandal looked good enough for a police officer. Maybe 'power' does that, Ananya thought with resignation.

Then her thoughts shifted to this man Sahil Rolta. She almost signed louder in exhaustion. Why was this man so interested in her? Ananya didn't even know she was a target of vengeance. What the bloody hell? Lots of lawyers handled criminal cases, trust her luck to land an idiot like Sahil Rolta. She almost rolled her eyes at this thought.

Mandal and Vikram were chatting to each other in soft murmurs while the low buzzing of the jeep engine filled the air. Suddenly, exhaustion took over her and sleep began to claim her.


Ananya opened her eyes slowly. Almost surprised to find herself in a jeep. As her eyes adjusted to the dim lights, she realised that dusk had given way to early night and as she caned her neck outside, she could see the bats flying to tree tops. The jeep had stopped before a two story building and it seemed like when Mandal had shut the jeep door, the bang had woken her because Mandal was standing outside and was talking on the phone. Ananya turned sleepy eyes towards Vikram who sat in his seat but with his face turned towards her.

"Hi Ananya!" Vikram said softly.

"Humm." Ananya acknowledged. With her irk towards his betrayal, she didn't want to talk to him.

"I couldn't give you confidential information." Vikram said softly. Vikram's eyes reflected sincerity but Ananya was beyond caring.

"Telling me that you are the damned Police wasn't confidential information. It would have saved a lot of stress." Anany snapped.

"Look, I am sorry." Vikram said.

"Why place yourself in situations that you have to apologise for?" Ananya said and tucked the hair falling on her forehead behind her ear.

"What do you mean?" Vikram asked, his tone a little crisp.

"Nothing." Ananya said sulkingly. "Do we get off here?" She asked him and tried to move towards the door, desperate for a little distance between them. Before she could make another move, she felt Vikram's warm hand on her arm. She turned towards his, the heat from his hand imprinting her jacket clad arms.

"What do you mean?" Vikram asked in a low tone.

"Please leave me alone, Vikram." Ananya said, angry at the small tears that filled her eyes. She tried to pull her arm away but his grip was tight. She stopped struggling. She was emotionally high strung now. She was exhausted and angry, she didn't want to deal with Vikram right now.

"Ananya, I..." Vikram said and before he could say the next word, Mandal opened the jeep door. For a brief second, Mandal looked from Vikram's face to Ananya's and noted the way Vikram was holding her, yet he didn't say anything.

"All good." He addressed Vikram. "Let's go." He said to Ananya.


Vikram could feel the waves of anger radiating off Ananya as she followed Mandal up the stairs of the new safe home assigned to her. It was apparent that she had been shocked to see him in the conference hall but he couldn't help it. Vikram had tried to find a way to tell Ananya privately but hadn't been able to get to her in time. However, because of the nature of his job, Vikram didn't want to show an overt interest in her either. He didn't want people to talk about her and he didn't want to put her in a vulnerable position. He had this irrational urge to protect her. He found Ananya to be sacred and he wanted their talks to be private. Privacy was a luxury he didn't have currently, so he grinded his teeth and leased his concerns and quietly walked behind Ananya, his eyes noting the gentle sway of her lips.

He had been about to say 'Ananya, I care. I care deeply about you. My body goes numb with fear when I think that you might be in danger.' but those words had died on his lips. When he had been given the Sahil Rolta file right after the threat to his brother-in- law and sister. He had been excited to get going but when he read the other file by the Delhi Police which stated that Sahil Rolta had been spied on, stalking a lawyer named Ananya Brar, his body had broken into a cold sweat.

Sahil Rolta was a menacing violent cut throat and if he was stalking Ananya, he was going to hurt her.

Vikram had wasted no time in ensuring that Ananya must be kept safe but it was getting difficult to justify to the senior officials why two police officers, on grounds of mere suspicion, must guard her when she hadn't even filed a police complaint herself. But Vikram's instinct was right. Rolta was after Ananya and after convincing his brother-in-law of moving into a safe house and with his help, he had been able to ensure Ananya's safe arrival here in Solan, right before his eyes where he could protect her.

"Vikram?" Mandal's tone implied that he had been trying to catch Vikram's attention for sometime now.

"Yea." Vikram replied.

"Ananya is all settled here. Shall we leave?" Mandal asked Vikram, who looked at Ananya.

"In a moment." Vikram dismissed Mandal. "You will be okay here." He told Ananya. "Gulshan below will bring you your food and there will be Police officials all around." Ananya simply nodded.

"I am just a phone call away." Vikram told her. Again, Ananya just nodded.

"We will see you in the morning."

"Sure." Ananya replied.

"You know what to do." Mandal said.

"You wouldn't let me forget." Ananya said impertinently and finally closed the door on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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