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Ananya noticed that the stale odor of the Station was not bothering her anymore. Her mind had jumped from anxiety and nervousness to now simple irritation and weariness. She had had 2 cups of tea and despite that, she had yawned 8 times, glared at Mandal and at the constable sitting outside the DCP's office, taken a walk around the station and had even looked at the lavatory (which was too dirty to be used) out of sheer boredom. In short, she had been sitting in that dirty chair for the last 20 minutes, contemplating the reason behind finding herself sitting in this Police station.

It was when she was preparing herself for a quick nap by sliding on her chair and tilting her neck that the DCP's constable finally walked upto Mandal's table and said that the DCP was calling Mandal inside. Mandal jumped off his chair and made his walk to the DCP's office while Ananya simply closed her eyes.

Soon, she felt a hand shaking her. "Madam."

"Huh?!" Ananya murmured as she roused herself from her nap. She looked at her wristwatch; Ananya had been napping for a good 25 minutes. As she straightened her neck and back, she noticed that the DCP's Constable was standing next to her. She gave him a 'what do you want?' look.

"Madam, the DCP is calling you in his office."

Ananya nodded just as her stomach rumbled with hunger. It was almost lunchtime and she was famished. She walked over to the DCP's office and peeped inside. It was the biggest room in the Police Station with freshly whitewashed walls and shiny trophies in the cabinet. The board hanging on the wall behind the DCP listed the names and tenure period of the previous DCPs and portrait photographs of Mahatma Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India and the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh each hung on the adjacent wall. Ananya looked at the DCP, a man in his late 50s who exuded authority and power. He gave a slight nod when she entered the room and gestured her to take one of the unoccupied chairs.

As she stepped inside, she noticed that three men were sitting before the DCP and they had all turned to look at her as she entered. One was Mandal who glanced at her nonchalantly, the second was a man she didn't know, who was regarding her with curiosity; however, she was gobsmacked to see the third man, it was Mr. Bhushan, who gave her a small smile.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" She asked as she quickly recovered from her shock.


"Do come inside, Ananya." Mr. Bhushan said calmly. Ananya walked in and sat in the chair that the DCP had offered. "How are you?" Mr. Bhushan asked her.

"I am well. . ." Ananya replied. "...though I don't know why I am here." Ananya let her vexation creep into her tone. Mr. Bhushan gave a small laugh, "that's why I am here today. Let me introduce everyone here and then we'll tell you why we all are here today." Mr. Bhushan nodded at Ananya. Ananya already knew three out of the four men present but she merely nodded at Mr. Bhushan.

"So, you are in Mr. Ashok Verma's office, the current Deputy Commissioner of Police, Solan District. On my right is Mr. Pratap Singh Thakur, who is the current SP Solan District and of course you have met Mr. Sunil Mandal who is the current DSP Solan (HQ)."

Ananya nodded a greeting at each of the officers and since the nameplate of Mr. Ashok Verma had the initials 'IPS' behind them and the brass badge on Mr. Pratap Singh Thakur's shoulder read 'IPS', she understood that they were both Indian Police Services officers. At that point, she understood that she was in the middle of some very thick soup, if senior police officials were getting involved then something grave was afoot.

Mr. Ashok Verma cleared his throat and broke Ananya's reverie.

"Madam, let me come straight to the point, do you know a Sahil Rolta?" He asked her in his thick authoritarian voice.

"Yes." Ananya said, looking at Mr. Bhushan for support because even he knew Sahil Rolta. "How do you know him?" the DCP asked next.

"Well, our law firm represented the prosecution in the hit and run case in which he was the prime accused. His case is still sub judice, though all the evidence points towards him. He is in prison for about two years now." She looked at Mr. Bhushan for a second before continuing, "But why are you asking about him?"

"Well, looks like he is out on bail." Mr. Bhushan said. "Oh." Ananya said, unable to comprehend why she should be bothered about a criminal like Sahil Rolta.

"Did he have a personal reason to harbor any ill intention towards you?" the DCP asked next.

"I don't know him personally. Why would he harbor ill intention towards me?" Ananya replied as she tried to recall his face. She had represented the opposite party in a vehicle hit and run case in which Sahil Rolta had been the accused. It had been a rather gruesome case wherein in he had killed 3 boys who were walking on the pavement when he had lost control of his Audi. Later, he had run away and the Delhi Police had issued a 'proclaimed offender' warrant against him. Ananya knew that the case had gathered a lot of press especially in Punjab because he was apparently the only son of an alleged very rich man in Punjab.

"Though..." Ananya said as she recalled one incident that had occurred outside the Trial Court one afternoon. She had been quite brilliant at cross questioning the witnesses and the witnesses had identified Sahil Rolta as the driver of the vehicle, later while being taken away, Sahil Rolta had given her a very menacing and a cold smile. "I will sort you out, baby." He had said in her ear as the Police pushed him out of the courtroom. How he had managed to come so close to her, she didn't know but for a few seconds, Sahil Rolta had managed to scare her before her practical sense had prevailed and she walked away with her head held high.

"... once after the trial, he tried to threaten me and although nothing happened for a few weeks, which greatly calmed me down, after about three weeks, I found that my car had been smashed from one side and a note stating 'watch out baby' was kept under the wiper. I was so angry that I pulled the note out and tore it. I suspected that it had been Sahil Rolta, although I haven't heard any more threats or any other form of communication from him anymore."

"Hmm..." was the response from the DCP while both Thakur and Mandal just listened to her story quite intently.

"Why are you asking about him?" Ananya asked the DCP, her curiosity spilling over. Thakur looked at her and then looked at the DCP before saying, "Sir, I think it's pertinent that madam attend today's briefing at 3 pm. Unknowingly she has become an integral part of this investigation and it would be better for her if she knows what she's doing."

"What do you say, Mandal?" the DCP asked Mandal.

"Thakur Sir is right. She'll be more prepared if she knows." Mandal said.

"Well then madam, you will be attending my officer's briefing at 3 PM today. Though civilians are rarely part of such briefings but now I believe that you would be quite an advantage for us, so it's pertinent that you and Mr. Bhushan attend."

Ananya nodded. "I have been patient enough. I hope you'll answer my questions at this briefing." She said boldly as she looked at the DCP square in the eyes. She knew she was challenging him but instinctively, she knew that at this point, the HP Police needed her more than she needed them.

"Sure madam. You will get all the answers that you want." Mandal answered coldly for the DCP as he stood up and walked to the door, clearly indicating that she should leave the DCP's office now. She acknowledged it and stood up. Thanking the DCP as graciously as she could because she knew that this case was important to her boss Mr. Bhushan, she walked out.

As she walked towards the exit, Thakur came out of the office and approached her. He was a tall man with a lean athletic body. He was fair with angular cheekbones and dark eyes. His brown hair was cut short and quite frankly; he looked quite distinguished in his uniform. He gave Ananya a brilliant pearly white smile.

"Would you like to grab lunch with me?" He asked her sweetly.

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