Chapter 35 - Finale - For Now

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** Timeskip: Months Later**

Summer POV


All I saw was overwhelming darkness...

Cold...unforgiving...enveloping any soul like a black hole...

This is where I was. Alone, perhaps on the brink of death. I could not tell. I was freezing and the clothes I wore did nothing against it.

The ground was hard- perhaps a stone or concrete? Not metal. It was gritty, not smooth. It was as cold as metal though. Might as well be.

I couldn't see anything and I felt so alone. The cold pierced my soul, the darkness made me feel blind. Where was Kylo? Was he not with me moments ago? I don't know where I even am but I know I shouldn't be here without him.

A sudden flash of light made me cry out and fall back. It startled me. A flash of light in the darkness? My eyes were certainly wounded now.

It happened again, and then again after that. I was starting to see a pattern so I did my best to cover my sight when it happened and squint through it.

I saw something when the light flashed, a figure of sorts. Or maybe the rocky surroundings were casting shadows. Maybe it was my own shadow? I had no idea what was going on but I wanted to get out of this pit of hell.

Every time the light flashed, I saw this figure getting closer. This was starting to strike fear, as now it would be a threat. I tried to back away but found it didn't matter. This thing was...inhumane.

I finally found my tongue. My voice was dry and hoarse. "Stay b-back!" I touched my waist. No lightsabers. Great.

The next flash of light left a thundering echo that was deafening loud. It sounded like lightning, though I wasn't sure how it was possible. Where was I that was creating such a storm? I looked up towards what was the sky and saw the crackling lighting, spreading like fingers- no claws- to prey.

I looked back down and shrieked as the figure was now before me. It dangled like a ghost and had glowing white eyes. There was no color because...this thing was not alive.

"Darth Shadow," a gravelly voice rang out. This figure, I assumed. "I have been waiting to see you again."

"I don't know who you are but if you knew me, you'd know I don't use that name anymore," I hissed back. "Leave me alone! Where is Kylo?!"

Untamed Love  // Kylo Ren (Sequel To Kidnapped)Where stories live. Discover now