Chapter 9

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Summer POV

The following morning, Kylo got me up early, making sure I was ready to join Hux in the hangar. I reluctantly got myself done in time but made sure I pleaded to Kylo once more to spare me of this torture.

"Think of it like a test," Kylo said, handing me a blaster and packed backpack. "And use this weapon in place of your lightsaber. Remember: emergencies only."

I sighed. "Of course."

He kissed me deeply then I was off to the hangar where Hux was awaiting me.

The general glared as I approached. "Oh great. You decided to show up."

"Don't get too excited now," I sneered, not in the mood for him this early in the day. "I don't want this any more than you do."

"Glad we're on the same page." I caught him rolling his eyes.

"Let's just get this done and over with." I trudged up the ramp into the awaiting shuttle, taking a seat on the benches that lined the wall.

Hux entered next, not even glancing once in my direction as he gave the pilot the coordinates. Stormtroopers followed suit, lining up on the benches across from me. I guess it's true: Kylo is the only human in this galaxy that cares about me.

I felt my eyes watering as the Finalizer shrunk outside my window then completely disappeared once we lurched into hyperspace. I fought off crying, feeling like a part of me was ripped away since I was away from Kylo.

I managed to hold the tears in and hidden from Hux, instead diverting my free time to digging through the backpack Kylo gave me. Snacks, water, some first aid, and a comlink. I was so tempted to make a call to him but I resisted.

At the bottom of the bag I found...a piece of cloth? I picked up the black silk, wondering why Kylo would leave this in here. Or maybe it wasn't intentional.

I felt the material in my fingers. It's definitely familiar...

A light aroma caught my nose and I sniffed the fabric, inhaling Kylo's cologne. I smiled, once again wanting to cry. He is the sweetest man ever...I can't believe that this side actually exists of his.

Hux stayed in the cockpit for the majority of the flight, leaving me alone with stormtroopers who didn't bother conversing with me. Some chatted briefly; most sat and stared in silence. Awkward. At least their helmets were on.

Hux finally did come back to the cabin but it wasn't for my benefit, just to relay orders for the stormtroopers.

"Your objective is for the strict protection of your superior," Hux began. "Do not initiate any form of attack on the civilians unless I instruct you to do so. This visit to Arogota is strictly political only. No war shall be made, unless a deal cannot be issued between the First Order and them. Is that clear?"

They nodded in unison. "Yes, sir!"

Satisfied, Hux disappeared back into the cockpit, leaving me even more disgusted. What a jerk! He didn't even include me on the protection list. Time to take matters into my own hands.

I stood up and approached the stormtroopers, who were watching me curiously. "Alright, now I may not be the general of the First Order, but I am the apprentice to Kylo Ren, and that makes me important. If any of you fail to protect me, I will hereby let each of you personally explain to the Supreme Leader yourself why you were so incompetent to do so. Now will there be any problems?"

They shook their head, clearly jolted by my speech. "No, ma'am!"

I smirked, liking the power. "Good." I sat back down on my bench, proud of myself. Too bad Hux didn't see that speech. If only I could crack the same whip on him. Life would be so much easier up here.

Untamed Love  // Kylo Ren (Sequel To Kidnapped)Where stories live. Discover now