Chapter 6

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A griffin flies in, carrying Edmund while Edmund is holding onto Verity in fox form. They land on top of a tower, out of sight of a soldier who stands guard. He looks up and sees nothing. Then, the griffin grabs him and pulls him up. Edmund and Verity jumps down. Edmund uses his flashlight to signal the others. Peter, Susan, and Caspian, carried by griffins, fly in and land. Caspian flies low and kills a soldier on the way. Another soldier notices Edmund's signals and aims his crossbow. Susan shoots him. They land and Peter kills a Telmarine soldier.

Outside, Asterius sneaks along. A soldier sees him and draws his sword. Asterius puts a finger to his lips to quiet the others.

Nikabrik comes up behind him and hits the soldier in the head.

Led by Reepicheep, the mice climb out from underground, and scurry through the gate, easily fitting through the bars. They crawl across a rope and enter the castle. Reepicheep notices a cat around the corner. He draws his sword and smiles.

Peter, Susan, and Caspian climb down a wall. Caspian knocks on a window.

"Professor?" Caspian whispers. Caspian opens the window and steps into Cornelius' study. Peter   and Susan follow. Caspian finds a pair of glasses on the table.

"I have to find him." He speaks.

"You don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse." Peter interjects.

"You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I." Caspian argues.

"We can take care of Miraz." Susan reasons.

"And I can still make it to the gatehouse in time."

Caspian runs off in search of the professor.

A Telmarine soldier walks around the castle interior. He notices that the cat is tied up. He looks around suspiciously. Reepicheep drops into frame, hanging upside down, and draws his rapier. The soldier turns and sees him.

"Yes, I'm a mouse."

Reepicheep hits the soldier. He jumps down and signals the other mice. They all jump onto another soldier and knock him over. Then they climb onto each other's backs and open the door. Trumpkin enters and shoots another soldier.

"Ah we were expecting someone, you know, taller." Reepicheep says.

"You're one to talk."

"Is that supposed to be irony?"

Trumpkin shuts the door.

Caspian steps into Cornelius' cell, where his professor lies chained to the floor. Caspian wakes him up.

"Five more minutes?"

"What are you doing here? ... I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."

"He'll learn soon enough. We are giving him your cell."

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry."

Caspian runs off as Cornelius watches. Caspian runs all the way to Miraz' sleeping chambers. He puts a sword to Miraz' throat as he sleeps. He opens his eyes, looks up, and chuckles.

"Thank goodness... you're safe."

"Get up."

Miraz climbs out of bed and hits Prunaprismia to wake up.

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